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Concealed weapons permit

Guest Anonymous

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Guest Anonymous

Just took a 4 hour class to get my concealed weapons permit today. Got this card and now all i gotta do is show it to my sheriff and pay 65 bucks. Anyways the guy that taught the class was a little creepy, seemed really right wing conservative. Only reason I took the class was because my buddy wanted to get his permit but didnt want to go at it alone (but carrying a gun does sound pretty bad ass). Are all gun guys like this? The guy seemed to try to make it really clear that you can shoot anyone you want basicaly as long as you can convince a jury that you had a good reason. After 2 hours of this is when he finaly mentioned that if its possible to walk away then by all means walk away...then it was back to telling us you gotta convince a jury and how its our right to protect ourself. Anyone take a class like this and get that kinda lesson? He never said a gun was to be used as a last resort but thats sorta the idea i had going into it.

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Not all guys that are into guns are like that. Guns are your last resort period! You just never tell anyone you have it and hope you never have to show it. You don't carry a hand gun because you think the idea is pretty badass, you carry it for protection against people that carry a gun because it's badass, they are the ones that cause the problems IMO.


You're on the right track, but please don't go waving the thing around as if to say, "look what I got, don't mess with me!".



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We`re not allowed to conceal and carry in Ohio. I probably wouldn`t even if I could though. with two small kids in the house I would prefer to keep loaded weapons as far away as possible.


I`m not a big gun fan myself but I do believe it is important to protect our rights to own and carry weapons.

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Guest Your Car is Slow

concealed weapons classes are also large NRA recruiting classes as well :)


I doubt he meant to come off trying to tell you how to kill someone and get away with it....merely making sure that if you were to draw your weapon and fire....that you for damn sure better be in fear for your life...or the life of your family...and that you could convince a jury that you were within your rights to use deadly force.


If a guy is coming at you with a spatula...and you put 9 warning shots into his head.....yer probably going to jail regardless of how you "come off" to the jury :)

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A lot of police officers that I have worked with over the years are or become gun freaks. I knew a guy once that kept a loaded fully automatic M-16 with laser sights in the trunk of his personal car at all times! You know, just in case. This guy always had a couple of concealed weapons on him wherever he went including at work. He was a pretty scary guy not because of the firepower that he had on him but because he was a little crazy with all that firepower on him :shock:


I never carry a weapon when I am off duty. Some do some don't. I just prefer not to.

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Not all gun people are nuts, but a few certainly are. All it takes is a few very visible wackos to make everyone look bad. I think the stats are that less than 1/10 of 1% of handguns are ever used in the commission of a felony, so believe it or not the overwhelming majority of gun owners are good, stable people.


Guns are so political that all reason seems to go out the window once one is used. Did the guy tell you to make certain you only carry factory ammo in your gun and not hand loads? People have gone to jail for using hand loads because someone convinced a jury that "special" hand loads were proof the shooter's was looking forward to the day he could shoot someone.


Yeah, God help you if you ever really have to shoot someone in self defense. Your troubles could quickly go from bad to worse.


BTW, Georgia Flash, you are lucky you don't have to carry when off duty. Some cities actually require their off duty cops to carry. Personaly choice, but I know it makes me feel good to know there are more good guys packing than bad.

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I've carried a concealed weapon for over 15 years, either through work or personal reasons. Do yourself a favor and bone up on the laws in your state. Carrying a weapon, particularly a hand gun may sound pretty "BAD ASS" but the legal implications can put your ASS in a BAD situation if you don't know what is expected of you at all times. Also, do a check on the good samaritan laws in your state as well.


Carrying a loaded handgun puts you at much more risk to litigation than anything you have done in your life to this point. By making the right or wrong decision to pull a weapon, not even using it, you could lose everything you own, and possibly be charged with breaking the law yourself. Don't take the above advice lightly and I hope you never have a need to pull your weapon.



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If you're going to carry a handgun do yourself a HUGE favor and the right type of training. You should pratice with the weapon you plan to carry with the ammo you'll be carring in the weapon. Training should be "stress induced" , if you have to use a weapon the adrenalin will flow and cause "attenuation" and the whole ball game changes. If you've trained this way you'll be able to keep your head. There are all types of advanced carry courses available. The important thing to understand is that if you ever need to use it you'll probably have to change your shorts also. With the proper courses and training you'll be able to minimize the need to use it. These courses will also cover the LEGAL implications of carrying. Like Mike said, you've just put the whole farm on the line the second you draw, let alone fire.


I find it interesting that in the states that have relaxed concealed carry laws the violent crime rate has dropped, could it be the bad guys are worried ???? :D


Sorry for the rant, but I can't stress enough about training.


- Joe

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Well said Mike.


I have been in a couple of situations in my life (when I was younger) that I probably could have used a gun on someone if I had been packing. I'm glad that I wasn't because I would probably be dead right now or in prison.


They give us training on carrying our weapons off duty and show us real life senerios where off duty cops got themselves in way over their heads. Here are a couple.


This one off duty officer goes to a grocery store late at night with his 7 year old daughter. As they are getting out of the car he sees several subjects running from the exit of the store wearing dark ski masks and carrying guns.


He places his daughter behind the driver's side front tire and says "now stay right here honey" and pulls out his .38 revolver. He yells "police officer stop!" The perpetrators do stop. However, they open fire on him. The officer fires back. No one appears to be injured as the perps jump into their car and speed away.


The officer goes to get his daughter and finds that a bullet has somehow ricocheted off the pavement and struck and killed her.


One more example:


An officer is in a bank when a robber pulls out a pistol and begins to yell for all the money. The officer pulls out his concealed weapon and places at the back of the guys head. "I'm an off duty officer put the gun down" the man says. The robber complies and drops the gun and raises his arms.


However, the robber had an accomplice in the bank who pulled his weapon and shot the officer in the head, killing him instantly.


If you are going to carry and think that it will be cool or bad ass, go ahead. Just remember it is dangerous to carry as well. Think about what happens when and if you get into a shoot out on a crowded public street in a residential nieghborhood and one of your bullets misses the intended target. What if it strays into a house and kills an innocent child? Are you ready for that kind of trauma?


Like I said carry if you want too it makes no difference to me what you folks do. But be very careful with a concealed weapon and how you plan on using it.

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Guest Anonymous

Hey sorry if i gave the impression that the only reason i got the permit is because i thought it was bad ass. I just think its bad as in the same respect as guys who ride harleys dudes with super model girl friends. I know i wont be carrying a gun 99.9% of the time and I do live in a pretty bad neighborhood. I think i have a good sence when a situation is really really bad and when the situation gets hairy ive always been able to run away or whatever. but there is that .1% chance where i wouldnt want to be caught in a corner with a junkie with a knife which isnt all that far fetched (It was actually a story that another member in class told). So when i know im going to be going into a really strange place at the middle of the night alone and i dont feel quite "right" about it i might consider bringing a gun along.

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A considerable amount of good information. Carrying a side arm, is a privledge and carries with it a great deal of responsability. Most of the individuals who carry CCW's are issued them (outside of LEO's) because they have a definate need and not just self defense. Carrying and pulling are two different concepts. The legal term is "Imminent Danger" i.e. life threatening to the point that it is directed specifically at you, and that you are in fear of your life! Knowledge of the mere fact that the individual possess a weapon that might be used to hurt you is not sufficient to warrant you using deadly force. There are a whole passle of laws that meander in and out of different situations. The best thing is to understand the laws and how they are interperted and used, don't place yourself in a situation that could develop into a potential problem and don't rush into anything. Lots of possibilities, and thats where those of us who are fortunate to have had AOT (Advanced Officers Tng) can react and respond to unfortunate situations. Don't be the Hero...they usually become casualities. Don't boast or display your weapon...just keep it "under wraps" and you will be just fine.



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ALthough I don't own a gun and considering my temper when I was much younger its a good thing I didnt. I have considered several times on the fact that I really don't know how to handle a handgun and thought about taking some classes and perhaps buying one for target only. Just so I would feel comfortable if a suitation came about and I ended up with one in my hand!


On the other hand I have spent many years studing a combat style martial arts and feel quite comfortable that for most suitations I would not ever need to handle a gun.

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Having gone through a lot of private weapons training with a lot a of peace officers and military, the "gun nut" types are few and mostly shunned by the professionals. One thing to be aware of in this day and age; if you shoot someone in self-defense and the cops, DA, and courts all say it was completely justified and your in the clear, you can almost guaranntee you'll be the defendent in a civil wrongful death lawsuit.


There are lawyers that specialize in this type of litigation and they solicit relatives of the criminal you killed to save you or your family's life. The intent is to get your homeowner or renter's insurance company to settle. It will cost you a minimum of $20,000 in legal expenses, lost work time, increased insurance premiums (your homeowners insurance company will cancel you in a second and very few others will want to pick you up), and other expenses.


This information was explained to me by a number of local cops, a county District Attorney, and a criminal defense attorney.

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