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Video of my 12.88@105.98 last week


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Thanks guys. Not really "bad ass' yet, but geting there! Cody, i do go through the first 3 gears REAL fast, that's another reason i think the stock '82ZXT rear, which should be 3.54 i'm running, is not really 3.54. I really have to drop that rear and read the ring. Doing the "spin the tire and count DS revolutions" tells me it is a 3.54 but reaching the end of the strip at about 6200rpm in 4th, only doing about 106mph tells me different. We'll see. Thanks. Drax - that ACT clutch/PP really grabs! Thanks again.

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Great looking run there Jersey. I can wait to see that thing in action live. I will be working on the Z the next few weekends trying to get it closer to running condition. I am hoping we can run this year. :-D

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Guest bastaad525

Jersey, forgive me if I'm stating something you already know here...... are you taking into account that the speed on your timeslip is actually not the speed at which you cross the finish line? Trap speed is an average of your speed during the last section of the 1/4, I forget how much of a section, the last 30 or 60 feet I think (or maybe it was the last 1/3 of the run?? i forget) but I'm most likely wrong on that. So you're actually crossing the finish line a bit faster than the 106 on your timeslip, probably at LEAST 110 mph, I would think even faster than that, I have no idea how fast your car still accelerates at that point. I dont remember exactly, but when I dragged my ZX the one time, this was like 4 years ago, my timeslip read like 93mph, but I remember my car was doing just about 100 when I actually crossed the finish line... I thought they were cheating me til someone explained how it worked :) Hope this helps

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Guest bastaad525

hot damn but you do go thru the gears fast.... if you do indeed have a 3.54 I'm gonna be in trouble running my 3.9! And chirping 4th sounding as easy as chirping 2nd...... niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice.


Got a silly question for you, if you do a rolling start, say rolling at like 5mph, and then floor it, will the tires break loose when the boost comes on?

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Jersey, Either you are getting really good traction or I'm getting really poor traction. On my last trip to the strip I ran almost an identical MPH, but at a 13.7. What was your 60ft time?


Nice run by the way!!!

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Pete - Thanks. Maybe we can get a few Z's at the track in a few weeks. I need to do a few things also before i go back. We'll hook up.


Bastaad - thanks. Yeah, i believe it's calculated from actually the last 66' of the track. I wouldn't think i'd be picking up that much more speed than what my trap speed is at that high of an rpm but, who knows. That's what i'm saying....i go through 1st, 2nd and 3rd so fast that it just doesn't seem like 3.54's. I'll know for sure when i pull the rear.


jg - Thanks. My 60ft on that run actually sucked! ummm..i think it was a 1.97 or something close to that. I have pulled a 1.8 which was my best so far. Doing a little clutch slip...just enough to keeo the wheels planted. I would love to try drag radials or slicks but i think that would be like cheating or something. I like to run it the way i drive it everyday :) Then again...if i can get like a mid 12......hmmmm..... :D

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Guest the_dj

If I met you at the track, it'd be a darn close race. You can tell from just the trap speed with that time that you have pretty good traction. What kind of tires are you running?


I have ET'd 0.1 faster than you and 4mph faster. That's not much of a margin. Based on that, I can really say I know that it's fast!! :shock::lol:

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Jersey, from your descriptions, I'd bet you have a 3.90 gear. That was what I was running, along with a similar tire size and a T5. Now with a 3.54, the 1-2 shift comes later, and I'm still strong in the power band in 4th at the traps.

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dj - Wish you lived closer. would love to run side by side. Fun stuff. Running Dunlop's 215-50-15's. Sliding the ACT clutch without sliding the tires. A 12.7 is awesome. I only wish i was there.


Sleeper - I'm kind of betting on it being a 3.90 too. Actually, i'm hoping i am running a 3.90! I'll pull the diff and check the ring by the weekend to be 100%. If it is a 3.90, i'll swap it out with a 3.70lsd or a 3.54 and i think that will help my times a little more. I don't think it has enough time right now to fully spool in the first two gears and i'm running too far past the powerband in 4th at the end of the traps. 62-6300rpm is too high, in my opinion anyway. I even tried to hit 5th a couple of runs...but missed both times :roll: Deosn't want to synch so easy into 5th running hard i guess. I ran 12 times that night so i had the oppportunity to play :D


oh yeah, i have a question for you ZXT guys or ones who use the ZXT rear...do all the turbo diffs have the aluminum cover, non finned, like the one i'm using out of the '82ZXT? Thanks.

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Are they all aluminum? The diff that swapped out of the '82ZXT into my '73 has an aluminum non-finned cover. The other R200's i have are from older non-T Z's and they just have the metal cover. Just curious.


Yes, i know about the "pretty quick"!! Shifting like a madman..but it is fun :-D I really don't have a launching RPM with the turbo motor like i did with my N/A motor. Seems to help if i keep revving it up and down, pulling a load on the motor to kind of spool the turbo up. I try timing it so when the light drops, i'm right up near 3-4k. That's what it sounds like anyway since i'm not really watching the tach. I know, probably not the right way or a way to be consistant but, it works for me. If i launched with just holding the R's at a certain level, she'd probably either bog or i'd have to do a lot more slipping of the clutch. I'm still learning at 35 :o

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Guest bastaad525

Jersey..... next time you're at the track... well IF you still have that diff in there, which you probably wont by the next time you go, and if you're gonna get to try so many runs like that, I suggest launching in 2nd once or twice, revving to like 4-5k and slipping it when you launch... since you have the freedom to do some experimentation with so many runs. I've done this in my N/A car before because my traction doing almost ANY kind of launch in first is horrible, will usually just spin the tires thru first gear and have to shift way to soon putting me in second usually below the start of the power band. If I launch in second, slipping the clutch just right, I get a better hand timed 0-60 time, anyways. Traction doesn't really seem to be a problem for you, but the extra time to build up boost might help. I'm really curious to see how this would work in a turbo'd car. I wont be getting mine to the track for a lonnnnng time to try this myself, though I'll definately try it from 0-60 a bunch of times and see how it works..... nothing near the accuracy of getting your #'s at a track though. What do you got to lose :)

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I bet he has a 3.54 since his tires are so short. They are probably only about 22 inches tall, whereas my 235/60R15 Dr's are about 26 inches tall.


Nice runs, they must prep your track pretty well too.


Damn I need a lighter car. :(

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Nothing at all to lose 525 but i am going to swap them out before the next time i go with the 3.54's if i have the 3.90's. I've got to get some time to pull the R200 out. Another thing is that i haven't driven my Z for a total of one week straight since the T swap because i keep pulling it off the road for a few days to do upgrades/part swaps! and i miss driving her! haha. Thanks Lock. My tires are about 23 1/2" tall. I just got back from doing another test during lunch - 70mph on GPS @ 4k rpm in 4th gear. If i had the 3.54, i think i should be somewhere around 80mph @ 4k or 3500rpm @ 70mph. I really have no idea about the track since i really dont have much track experience. I like going fast though :twisted:

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Well I ran some 225/50R15 Proxis' autocross tires on the back of my car with the 3.54's and they were short, and it felt like it had a major gear in the back compared to my regular tires. I bet you have 3.54's, I turn about 3000rpms at 70 or a little above that in 5th with a BW and 3.90's.


I GPS'd mine so I know it is close.


I have done the spin the tire deal, and there is no mistaking a 3.90. You may want to get some cheapie chalk and mark both the wheel and the driveshaft, it will make it easier.


Personally I like having 3.90's but my tires are 26 inches tall, I would hate to lose about 3 inches, that would suck. :lol:

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Personally I like having 3.90's but my tires are 26 inches tall, I would hate to lose about 3 inches, that would suck. :lol:


AHA! THE TRUTH COMES OUT! I run short tires like Jersey here, and he sounds like it's got a 3.90, as my rpms and speeds with a 3.90 match his. I think I will like the 3.54 with shortie tires; I bet I'd like the 3.90 more if I was running 26" stilts!!!

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