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CA Recall Election Official - Could this be our new Gov?


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I would like somebody to take some time and explain what would happen if Arnold took office. Please leave your opinions aside, and give me facts




The only way you'll get "the facts" about any political topic is to do the research yourself. Relying on someone else to provide your with their interpretation (or even just a list) of "facts" is boring and dangerous.


Educate yourself. Read the New York Times, The Wall St. Journal, The Washington Post, The Economist, and The Christian Science Monitor. Those are probably the most well respected news sources in the English speaking world and they provide a diverse coverage of the news, from Liberal and Conservative points of view.


Anything posted here by the fringe that haunts HybridZ is suspect... :D

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As much as I like Arnie' date=' he is wayyyy to liberal for my taste. It would be a breathe of fresh air though!





I have to agree. I do think he will make a much better governor and, as an added bonus, he is MUCH smarter to boot! :)



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Who cares who our next governor is? Either one of Dave Greimanns dogs would make a better governor than Gray Davis.


Davis blames wealthy republicans for his recall, but he fails to note that 1/3 of the names on the recall petitions are democrats.

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Saw last night on the news the recall was going to cost the state about $60,000,000.00. I'm just wondering, how come people didn't just vote against the guy during the election - it was only, what, eight months ago?


Probably due to a lack of any decent options. Although it will cost a bunch of money for this, I believe it will cost the taxpayers more in the long run to keep Davis for the next three years.


Gotta spend money to make money!!



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Guest spunkysandoval

If arnold runs he will definately win. Just because he has a household name. Running for office has alot to do with names. Just like our second president Roosevelt. Don't forget bust 43 or whatever # he is.


The only way Arnold won't win is if some other candidate has some very very entising promises. Or if arnold knows nothing about politics at all. I doubt that if he does run he'll cut corners on his campaign staff though.

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