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Oh What a Difference an Employer makes!


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So I'm working for this new company and I cut my arm... VP (CEO's Husband) calls me at work to check up on me and to assure me that anything I need will be covered.


Today the Federal Gov't is closed down due to the impending Hurricane Izzy. In my former company I would have been required to take leave. With my new company ANY stoppage of work by the federal gov't is covered. No leave taken, and I get a freebee!


So I get a nice invitation in the mail to spend a 3 day weekend in Hot Springs, Va. at a resort, giving me paid leave for the Friday of the week, paying for the rooms, and providing spending money for the employees and spouses, hosting breakfast and a formal dinner all three days... in celebration of 25 years as a company. All this for 300 employees, their independant contractors, and their spouses.


THIS is a class act. This company actually treat their employees as if they are of value and worth.


On top of all this, I signed a contract with them this week to do business development. Any new business I generate is mine to run, and I get 2% of the contract for the length of the contract. To give you guys an idea of the scope of this opportunity, I generated a 44Million dollar contract for BAE systems and never got a thank you. This could be VERY good for me if provided the chance to generate new opportunities.


I'm also very HAPPY with the new position and my new customer.

Learning a lot about senior government oversite, as well as the roll of the CIO in any organization! :D I should be able to take these new skills and apply them anywhere in private industry as well!


Except for the little blood bath I took on Sunday, Life is good! :lol:


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Mike, once again congrats on the job.


I know exactly what you mean. I moved jobs from a hospital in my area to the new Nissan North America plant. I do IT work. When I'm sick I get a call to ask if I need anything dropped off at my house or if there is anything they can do. While I took the job for the very LARGE pay increase (to me at least heh) it seems to be the little things that make a HUGE difference. Just feels better to work for a company that seems to care. (by the way, its not Nissan policy to do so, just my department seems to work well together). We go out for dinners and even hang out after hours. First job I've had where the employees actually socalize after work

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:2thumbs: Congratulations Mike.


My current employer treated me well when I started for the company. We are a division of Ingersoll-Rand, but we were pretty autonomous at the time. We are gradually being assimilated (resistance is futile) into the corporation and, consequently, I do not see them treating the employees as well as they once did (especially the office employees). Because of this, and the abysmal job market in this part of the state, I am in the process of starting a business with a partner. I will be officially announcing the company in the next couple weeks. When I grow the business enough to have employees, I hope to have the reputation you are giving your company. I hope to be the type of place where people want to work, and enjoy working. I believe that attitude will translate into superior customer service, and therefore a strong, continuously growing business.

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Congrats Mike!


I am looking for my next best opportunity right now, having stated a company and developing the software, then leaving and going with another company - unitl the new development was finished, when they let me go.


I am very glad you found the company you are with and hope I can find something equivalent here around Atlanta!



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Congratulations Mike that is how it should be. I work for a great group of people and even though we're not a large corporation they treat me well. I'm a numbers guy and just did the math, let's see 2% of 44M = $880,000 :shock: I believe you might be able to afford that Z06 and both Z's if you can do that again.

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Mike, I'm really happy for you. Sorry to hear about the arm.

But it sounds like you couldn't have it much better at work. Great pay, benefits, attitude, customer, boss! Much to be thankful for!


Not to mention a great wife. Tell I said hi!


I hope Izzy was good to you,


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What a storm... Yea, Pete, We made it through OK. I was only without power for 16 hours. Most people are still without it. We're having family members come over today to use our shower and to cook food on the grill before it all goes bad.


I don't want to seem like I'm gloating guys. I just went through absolute HELL last year, and to have this opportunity drop at my feet, along with refinancing the house and doing soe creative investing and consolitating of existing debt, we're really gonna be set after this first month without a pay check.


The arm is sore but I'm using it. DisGUSTING looking bruising on it too!


I spent most of the storm tearing down the upper part of the engine to put on some neat valve covers and to re-torque the lower intake, upper intake, and replace the EGR valve. I'm gonna put the Tweecer interface on today and start paying with the laptop and the software to try and tune this puppy to QUIT leaning out on full throttle.


Instead of buying a C5, I'm gonna do some work on my truck, body and paint wise, do some work on the mustang (Finally got the Salleen S281 wing painted and trunk damage fixed!) and look for a "Family car" 4 door sedan to drive to work every day. I'm gonna save the C5 envy until I can get the Zs done!


Mike :D

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Ok, since we are on the subject of jobs, I have been offered a miracle as well. I have been the purchasing agent for the Marine Corps for the past three years spending over 15 million dollars for Whole Room furniture. I buy barracks furniture and lounge furniture for the quality of life upgrades of the military. Well I just got an offer to be the military rep for the entire U.S. representing University Loft Company. http://www.universityloft.com

Well, they also cover Universitys, Hotels, developments, etc. They just closed a 290 million dollar deal at Disney. Well I am on salary plus 2% commission on all contracts. As we all know the govt has money to spend especially the military. I am told I can build a team around the nation as I please so heres the deal....


Anyone interested in sales to the govt or any other entity to include retail stores dealing with what the above website has to offer, let me know. I can guarentee you 3% of any contract you give me the lead on. You don't even have to close it, I will. I will be starting in Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico and Louisianna hitting all the military bases to start. I will also have seperate vendors for bedding, drapery, and am currently looking for a good company that deals with Office furniture. My friend just retired and is working with ULC and he has already made over $200,000. This company is a class act as well and the potential is enormous. PLease if anyone has any contacts dealing with the purchase of these types of items, we need to talk. We can outbid anyone and provide unmatched service. During my job with the Marine Corps I got to see many other companies come and kiss my ass to get the business. I also got to see who was full of crap and who was not. ULC is the best in this business and every company needs furniture. My offer is open to anyone who wants to make some serious cash by setting up appointments for me in your area no matter where you are. Some hints for the military guys, All bases have a Regional Contracting Office, Base billeting, and Family Housing. These are usually the buyers and they are the ones you need to talk to. Developments are even a bigger deal. Of coarse we can talk more when I get back to the states. The offer stands forever, because I am gonna make mine anyway. I would love to help my fellow Zers get that extra cash you deserve by helping each other. Any takers just PM me and I will discuss my plan. I start Feb 2004 but can strategize now! Who do you know? :D:D


Oh good find Mike! :D

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Mike theres money falling out of the sky when your working with a respected name like ULC. I have been trained by the Marine Corps and everyone wants me because Im already trained. Ive been to Federal testing labs and manufacturer site visits etc and this company wins hands down. The CEO was the Entrepreneur of the year last year as you can see on thier site. He is a class act as well. ALL of the workers there are always excited etc and it just seems like a Alice in Wonderland scene. As far as conflict of interest. I don't think so. Part time is part time and all I need is legitimate leads that want bids on furnishings. After I talk to them, the CEO will step in depending on the contract and when he comes to town everybody remembers. I would have liked to tbe the guy that landed Disney. 290 million X 3% = $8.7 million in the pocket. Well most of the deals range from $500,000 to 3 to 5 million or so, but when you get a few of those it creates momentum and free advertising as well as refferals. Let me know Mike as I am building a team across the states to take this thing over. Even though these guys are good, thier sales reps are afraid of the military.......man its wide open. Let me know how you want tp proceed and Ill work with you on it. If we ever come to your side of the woods we will meet and Ill introduce you to the CEO over dinner or something. By the way if your independent you don't have to worry about followup or anything like that. You will be registered as Independent and then get the 3% cut once the install is complete and the contract is paid. This will come from the company. Until next time!

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