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too much time to think!

Guest bigjim240z

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Guest bigjim240z

im going to build my current 73 240z into a v8 monster..but right now im on disability with an injured back..(bulging disk)...so i really cant do much...but i sit home day in and day out looking at this site and many others getting ideas...and itching to start on my z...man..it can make you crazy....its nice to be home but man its getting old...and i have many months to go before im healed!...somtimes i just want to sell it all just so im not looking at it....and start over when im healed up..whatta ya think guys?

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I also agree that you should not sell it; I sold my first "mule/parts Z" and an excellant used Hi/Perf. SBC (very strong runner) simply because I could not find factory AC/Heating parts for the car; as used Z's with working AC/Heating units are getting hard to find.


I decided I didnt want to spend a ton on a sporty car if I could not have a working AC/Heating system. I then turned my attention to an older Cutlass I no longer have. I spent a ton of time and money on the Cutlass only to realize how HEAVY the Cutlass was and that it lacked that "real" performance that a V8Z with a much better power/weight ratio would have given me.


Well, shortly thereafter, I discovered the aftermarket company that sells a good system for the Z; a few on this board are using this system.


Anyway; along story simply to say I wish I would not have sold that engine. I like the Z I have now but now I dont have the resources I once had which would allow me to have made the swap; oh well, spilt mile-not gonna cry about it.


Dont let it go just yet. Instead of wasting time on what could have been I chose to learn as much as I could about the "Engine" in general; not just SBC's. I am glad I did as I have learned a lot.


Get you some auto math books; believe me, those will keep you busy.


Sorry to hear about your injury (whatever it may have been); any disableing injury is one injury too many. Hope you get better.....and DONT SELL THE Z! nono.gif


As an ex-insurance adjuster who has handled my share of BI claims; you think now that time is passing slowly, but, if you can find something that will "OCCUPY" your time, [Time] will pass quicker than you think.


Locate as many auto math, aerodynamic books you can and learn their techniques. Also, from reading the posts on this board, write down what parts you would like, so that your list is a complete lists and not a partial list.


When your injury has healed you will be far ahead of most of us slobs who spend a lot of our time chasing our tails; dont get down on yourself/keep your chin up & time will pass. Good Luck 2thumbs.gif



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Man, I sympathize with you. I herniated a disk in my lower back last year. I was laid-out for weeks and spent several more in physical therapy.


I spent the time surfing this site and countless other and put together my long-term project plan for the Z. If you can, start collecting the parts you'll need and stockpile them until you can get back out in the shop. Don't sell the car. You'll have to find something else to spend your down-time scheming about. rolleyesg.gif

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Guest Anonymous

I sympathize with you man. Back injuries suck. Over the years I've messed up the C5 area of my spine, I suspect its a genetic problem in our family. Mine hurts daily, depending on how much I've pushed it, when its bad its like a knife in the back. My brother has degenerative arthritus in his back in the same area, he's in constant pain and theres not much they can do for him with it except fusing disks and I've never seen one of those operations ever solve the problem, they're almost always followed up by another surgery of some sort. He takes like major pain medication just to sleep, were it not for losing 80% of his heart to a heart attack/stroke(s) it would be his most major concern.


Back to the topic sorry, keep it man unless financially you can't afford to keep it. You'll kick yourself later. Research during this time, gather parts, detail the small stuff you can lift that you normally wouldn't think about messing with. Use the time to get it all layed out, it'll go faster for you. I'm glad I did the research and found this sight, it made mine go together with a minimum of surprises. Good luck with it, and hope your back gets to feeling better, I know how much that hurts.





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Thinking and not being able to DO can be frustrating. I was working in Japan for two years and spent the whole time reading stuff on the net, getting auto books sent over from the states, etc. This site is great if you want to start with a plan, you can see all our triumphs as well as mistakes ;)



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Guest bigjim240z

thanks for the encouraging words guys...im haning in there...doesnt look like anyone wants the car anyways..ive had offers but they were all from people who want it for nothing..so looks like ill keep it around...im gona grab a few books to keep me occupied for a while...ive been collecting some parts..but the savings account is ruuning dry..and until workers comp or state disability starts paying me im stuck buying nothing..these people think we are all rich and can wait as long as it takes for them to investige your claim..oh well..once they investigate it they will see im in the house on the couch all day or at the chiropractors office...well see you guys later..jim

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Jim, I hope you heal quickly and that the $$$ start coming in soon.


I've seen people get into a temporary $$$ pinch, sell something they love for pennies on the dollar just to get a little bit of $$$ and then months later fall into the money they needed and REALLY regret selling the things they enjoyed.


I understand everyone doesn't have a financial support system to help when they're down, but swallowing some pride and getting a short loan is always better than losing your ass selling something you love for pennies on the dollar and having to do without it for a long time later on or going broke replacing it! It drives me nuts when I see that happen.


I agree with Owen and Kevin. Read, Read, Read, Plan, Plan, Plan. Then you'll have the intellectual ammunition to go out and find deals on the stuff you really need for a kick-ass Z and the plan to do it with!


Hope you feel better real soon,


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Ditto`s I agree with all the guys here. There is nothing like selling a project and regreting it later twak.gif Lately I`ve seen many people here sell there project z half finished, and it really bothers me. We should all take Pete as an example. What you really need most to finish your Z is patience. If your sitting around "laid up" anyway, you`ve got nothing but time ;) I`ve been accumulating parts for my 77 for 3 yrs. The key is getting good deals on what you buy, then you`re not looking at the parts sitting there as a bunch of cash that you could use for somthing else. The more patient you are, The less you will have in your car.

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Yup, these guys are right. The pittance you'll get for it now doesn't compare to the massive outlay you'll wind up forking over to replace it. I have a policy (learned the hard way) of not selling ANYTHING! Not entirely true, I did sell my last Z in order to replace it with a nicer car for the same price :D but that's the exception! Being injured sucks :( I hope you're back on your feet soon.

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I definitely know the feeling (well, almost). I wrecked my motorcycle two weeks ago and fractured two ribs in the process. I'm just now getting to where I can get comfortable in a sitting position, and i can forget leaning over my engine bay for a while. Just got a new pair of heads to cap off my rebuild, too. This sucks. I either have money and can't find the parts I need, or don't have money when they're falling off of trees. Now I have the parts, and can't install them because of an injury. Life sucks sometimes...



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