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Alien vs. Predator


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My bet is on the Predator. He's a "distance" fighter and the Alien needed to be close-in to be effective. Obviously this will not be true in the movie though. The Predator's IR vision will fail to pick up the Alien, and the Alien will be able to close the gap on the Predator too quickly, and bla bla bla blaaaa bla (it's time for bed)

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No.. IR vision will not help[ the predator but he has diferent kinds of vision. see predator 2 or the game. He will have no problem seeing them coming. I still think you can't beat a hive of aliens though. I hope they will be releasing the game on PS2 with the new network adapter. Then we can start a Hybridz hive or a hybridz clan. That would be sooo cool.



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well i think you guys are touching on what will make it cool, obviously one on one the predator would destroy and alien, shit if ripley can do it why not the predator? But the fact is you'd have a hive, which means like 20 aliens to every 1 predator. I wonder if the marines will be in this movie? All i can say is, im willing to bet a marine is the main character,and whoever plays that marine, is about to flush thier career down the drain.

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the point of the movie should be like the comics or games. The two are fighting and causing a lot of trouble with humans. Humans are the good guys. Really in the series, its more like "Humans Vs. Aliens and Predators while aliens and predators fight each other a little which is getting a lot of humans killed". In the series the war between alien and predator was leading to a lot of chaos and destruction which was spanning the galaxy as they chased each other. So humans (the marines) go in to stop the war by "hopefully" killing both species pretty much completely off.


BAsically this movie = gratuitous violence and cool action scenes.

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