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The Meaning of Cold

Guest Jason

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Right now I'm jealous of all you people in So. Cal, Texas and other warm areas of the country. Last night, when it was 12F outside, I promised my brother I'd replace his Porsche 944 alternator today. It hit 0F in the morning and so far its warmed to a balmy 5F (not counting wind chill). The sun will be setting soon, so I don't suppose it'll be getting any warmer.


Yes, I do have a garage with a turkey fryer as a heater, but that only helps so much when its largely uninsulated. The garage door is covered in ice. From the inside. I suppose someone in Maine or Alaska will read this and think I have it easy.


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Guest comeandzpa

wind chill was -5F the other day.....nothing beats a 15 minute walk uphill to class when its so windy the snow is falling up. My Lord I sound like my parents........

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I know how you feel. It is not much warmer here in chicago. earlier this week we had a couple days where it was a steamy 1 deg. my favorite part is the wind comming off the lake and blowing down the river on my way to work. then when I get to work I sit and freezzzz. I dont pay rent for my office because I do some work for the landloard, but I dont get much heat eather. It got all the way up to 55 in here yesterday with the space heater full blast.

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Well it was -20 today at mid day with full sun... I'm not sure what it was with the wind chill..(I thought it would be too depressing) :(


Here is a pic of Lake Ontario (north side) looking south to niagra falls/buffalo area.. I took it this morning..and just about froze myself to death to walk to the edge of the bluff and take the pic (40ft high bluffs)



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Yah.. up here in Midland (thats about 1.5 hours north of Toronto, for you folks in the states) it was -36 in the morning. -36 = fingers frozen solid within 2 minits after fighting with the stupid frozen/stuck door lock on my truck! Had to scrape the INSIDE of all my windows, and try not to breath to much while drivng! It sucked. Today was about the same... blahh...

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We could use a bit of a break from the heat here. Its been around 40`C for about two weeks. Dont know what that is in degrees F. Fxxxing Hot.




Yes, that is 100 F or more---HOT!


It was 60 degrees and sunny here....T-shirt weather almost.



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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Damn, that is cold. Here in Sac, CA, all I was thinking about was how to get my beers colder faster. I think if I ever saw anything below 30deg F I would die, let alone any temps just above or below zero. The thought of that cold scares me more than anything we have to worry about here.

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Girls: (Except for zr8ed and Datsunlover) You guys have no idea.

I got called out last Saturday just before midnight to change out a padmounted power distribution transformer. Some moron in a backhoe hit it while clearing snow. I had to splice torn highvoltage cables which means 90% of the work has to be done without gloves on in order to keep the connection clean. Actual time spent outside was about 5 hrs. The temp at one of my co-workers place read -36 C. And it was windy. I should regain feeling in my hands sometime in April. :shock:

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oh man that sucks.


getting down in 5 degree water, rolling in the sand and running isnt fun either. especially at 4am when its windy as hell by the ocean.



afghanistan was a good 112 deg + humidity + wind + sandstorms + bugs..

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