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Your Fav movie?

Guest ON3GO

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How can you guys forget these: Fight Club, Lawrence of Arabia, Gladiator, Forrest Gump, Finding Nemo, Predator series, Alien series, and a few others that I can't think of.



For the anime fans you have to have Princess Monoke, Ghost in the Shell, and Akira (soon they will have the live version with real people :lol: )

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I meant live action Akira. They've been working out scripts and stuff for a long time. If it does ever show up on screen, it better be good.


I forgot Snatch too.


Oh...what about the new Italian Job (never saw the old one), Gone in 60 Seconds (purely for the GT500), any of the Matrix movies, Happy Gilmore, and one more that I can't think of at the moment?

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snatch! i forgot about that.

also fight club.


i also liked Underworld.

all the Blades.

Fast times at ridgemont high.

Jackass the movie :D

and for the oldschoolers... CKY :D

also i loved all the James Bond films

and lets not forget... Bullet!



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Offbeat Humor - Pumpkin (not PumpkinHead) SEE THIS MOVIE!!! :shock:

Mystery - The Usual Suspects (the 1st time)

Western - Tombstone

Documentary - On Any Sunday

Mockumentary - Trekkies (not really my favorite, I'm not a Trekkie, but strangely fun to watch)

Historical Fiction - Saving Private Ryan

Sci-Fi - From Dusk til Dawn

Romance - Forget Paris

Comedy - There's Something about Mary

Depressing - Leaving Las Vegas



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Those are some great movies.


I wouldn't say it's my favorite, but has anyone here ever seen "Two Lane Blacktop?" It's an old B movie that I barely remember, but I remember really being impressed with the style and attention to real attitudes. Two guys basically trying to get ahead in drag racing. I remember in one part they get challenged to a street race, but turn it down 'cause there's no money in it. Not like todays rediculous ego-driven hollywood street racing movies.


And "Catch me if you can," Not the recent Decaprio disaster, this was another older B movie about a high school drag racer trying to save his school from closing.

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I saw catch me if you can. Not to bad for a B movie. As for one of my Fav's (I love a ton of those that have been listed) has to be "Streets of Fire" Michel Pare, Diane Lane, Willam Defoe, Rick Moranis, and if you look close you will find Robert Townsed, Bill Paxton Ving Rames. NetFlix has it you guys might care to check it out. Keith

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I am a big movie fan and find it hard to really list my favs...since i have alot of favorites....but here we go (some mentioned already)



Two lane blacktop

The manchurian canidate

Blade runner

office space

Star wars IV, V, VI

all early james bond

Planes, trains, automobiles

Dirty rotten scoundrels


serial mom


RadioHead, Meeting people is easy


Blues brothers


Gone in 60 seconds (original)

Cannonball run

gumball rally


Ferris buellers day off


Vanishing point

this is spinal tap

The freshman

My blue heaven

the jerk

Uncle buck

Strange brew

the fifth element

A christmas story


Better off dead

Born in east LA

Capt ron

Close encounters





funny farm

good morning vietnam

happy gilmore

harold and maude

men at work

night of the comet

spys like us

omega man

planet of the apes

princess bride

pump up the volume


repo man

reservior dogs

any pink panther

slap shot


road warrior

mad max



total recall

trading placeswar of the worlds

young frankenstein (what hump?)


etc etc etc..

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