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Serious Issues... Blackmail...


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Ok lets try to keep this short. I have worked for a smaller up and coming company for the past 2 years where I have been told all the bull about raises and promotions that I have not seen. Been overworked underpaid lied to and treated unfairly. Im not making any of that up and I wish I could give details. Well Right now I would like to stay there. Well heres the deal. I discovered that one night the operations manager (vice pres.) my boss and supervisor was on the internet surfing porn sites for almost 3 hours. I thought he was acting really weird so when he left I got on the pc and found the evidence. Now I know this is not really legal but what if someone were to catch a surveillance tape of him on the internet beating off in one of the other employees cubicles after hours? Anyone got ideas of how they would play this out just to get a small raise and add some job security. This could make life very bad for a family man and VP of a company. I dont really think I would do it but I am enjoying thinking about it.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

Using something against someone to control them is only as powerful of a tool as they let it be. If you arent prepared for the full outcome, trying to blackmail someone is just a good way to get yourself squashed, and squashed bad. Think about it, your only motive would be personal gain, his (i'm assuming your boss is male because of your comments) would be revenge, and self-protection. Which motive sounds more powerful to you?

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Actually My motive and my two other Co workers that know of the entire situation is a passionate hate that keeps calling for revenge. We spent a couple of hours after work discussing the subject. With media copies of the guilty party ready to be distributed to The company president, family members, and other key employees. I would think the cuffs could get pretty tight. This is supposed to be Mr. Family man Christian boss here.

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Well I know for a fact that if he was caught he would be terminated. Its just the fact that I wasnt supposed to have access to the computer he was using at the time or else I could just report him. There are alot of people that suspect him for related situations. He is not very bright if he does not know to even delete cookies on the machine he was using and I find that people with his personality and character or severe creatures of habit and thinking he can get away with it he will be back for more. I was thinking catch him in the act with a witness and go from there. Capturing his actions on tape would be nice. Photographs of the temporary files (cookies) showing that computers history. Also staying out of the situation all together and playing a third party role would be ok with me. Im more interested in Revenge than anything but I should probably shut up and be the nice guy I usually am. Take the sh*& and go on.

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Im more interested in Revenge than anything but I should probably shut up and be the nice guy I usually am. Take the sh*& and go on.


It sounds like you know what action to take (or lack of action in this case). I feel your frustration, but even though descretion and tact is underappreaciated in cases like this, it is the best way through this. If this guy is as obvious about this as you say he is, I'm sure there are other activities he's doing that are raising the eyebrows in the board room as well. Time will sort it out.

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I wouldn't, (couldn't) blackmail him. I know what you want to do feels like it would be right but it wouldn't. I do think he should be exposed but not for anyones personal benifit. It should be for the benifit of the employees and their saftey. You need to come up with a way of people finding out all at once. A coulple of things to start adding up. But not letting anyone know that it's you that is helping him come clean :). Something like saving the last website he was on as the Home site on the different computers he is using. You will feel alot better about the situation and yourself if you don't profit from this ordeal.


I know all about working for a company and not getting raises. Worked for the same wages for 3+ years and we finally got a raise, lots of hyp and everyone was excited for....2.5%. Not cool, so I know how you feel. Get the dirtbag and have FUN with it.

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Blackmail never works out the way the blackmailer intends. I would start having fun with this guy.


1. Using PC Anywhere or some other remote control software, I would wait until the guy's next session and then take over his computer while his one hand is occupied. Open a document in Notepad and start typing, "We see you, we know what you're doing, we will tell everyone very soon!"


2. Send him anonymous e-mails from any of the hundreds of re-mailers on the Internet (don't use your company e-mail for this).


3. Sign him up by name and work address to the porn sites he is visiting.


There's lots of ways to exact revenge without identifying yourself.

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Guest Nic-Rebel450CA

JohnC has nice suggestions, but keep in mind that everything can be traced back to IP. If you dont care if he finds out it's you, then dont worry about it.


I'd keep this part in mind overall:

"Blackmail never works out the way the blackmailer intends. "

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something similar to this happened at a company that a friend of mine works at. andn in the last couple of years since it was brought to the attention of the management, that company has gone from marketing agencies under x amount of employes to being almost completely broke, having to sell the new building they had just purchased and moved into, letting go more than half of their employes and moving to some crappy space in the burbs. so there were three people who complained and threatened legal action, and they walked off with very nice package deals. but the rest of the company, all the inocent employes, and partners and owners are now screwedso that a few people who saw an easier way to make a buck could benifit.


so before you take any action, take some time to think about how this might effect the company as a whole, and youself and your friends, and the positions you all hold at this company.



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the question is, is it worth it to f#ck over someone completely, including his family and people depending on him?


The first step to doing this would be not to discuss it on a public internet forum. If you do, never release any names, information, etc. It will come back to you.


Second, figure out if this person will figure out a plan for revenge on you. Will he know it's you? Always cover your ass first.


A guy on another forum set up a video camera in a box on a book shelf, to catch his boss and the secretary screwing on the guy's desk. He came back next morning with a digicam as well, and found some evidence on his desk that the secretary was in fact on her period. Obviously the guy didn't mind. And indeed, the camera captured what was needed.


Keep in mind, that if you do this, you too will be affected. In fact, don't be surprised if you get canned too, because eliminating you from the workforce would release the company from further liability. It's easier for them to replace you than to risk possibility of you pulling this again in the future for personal gain, if you follow my train of thought.

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If you're truly concerned about this persons actions (personally I could care less about who jacks off where) go straight to the top boss, have him guarantee you no repercussions, in writing, and then tell him the whole story. Make sure you are honest about everything, and stay with the facts.

Remember, even though you might feel responsible for the demise of this superior, he brought it on himself.


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Ok guys thanks for your replies. Im more interested in revenge than gain. I dont want to take thousands of dollars or anything like that. I would like the small raise I was promised on many many occasions. But thats no big deal. I would rather have a boss that I can respect and trust. And I would like to expose him for what he is. My company has no security system or really internet tracking that I know off. So Im Up for ideas. Since Im not supposed to have internet access myself I cant really say anything about me finding this. But I check hybridz and hotmail and it appears someone else was checking more than that.

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OK, if you have a vid (or can get one) of him "milking the snake" then by all means give him a copy. Mail it to him, at the business address to make sure he and only he gets it. When he watches it not only will he be humiliated but he will have to wonder who sent it to him. Never lead on.


It’s not about the blackmail part but the mind game that you can play with this rube. His own mind will straighten him out (perhaps). Also review any company policy concerning use of computers and illicit websites. Then maybe forward a copy of the tape to the big boss along with quotes from the policy. Handle all material with latex gloves; do not use company printers or computers for any of the correspondence. Do not lick stamps; in fact mail the tape from another Zip code not the one you live in. You can mail vid tapes 1st class without going up to a window ie you can drop them in a BLUE box on the corner, make sure you put extra postage on and the address is clearly printed (no handwriting).


You get the idea, cover your tracks, and do not co conspire with others on this project unless your willing to lose your job over their babbling mouths.


Just my .02 worth



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use rubber gloves while you're at it. no, not for that 'stranger' effect. for packaging and handling the tape. actually, if you want to be really clever, put a single 37 cent stamp on it, and the return address for his home. Almost free shipping, the tape will be sent back due to lack of proper postage!

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I'll be sure not to piss any of you guys off. :wink: I like playing mind games with people...you see, fear is a powerful thing. If you leave a lot to thier own imagination, they just add to their own fear. Coming up with things in their head about who saw what, how many know, what else do they know about...it can really get to them.


But remember what a lot of other people have said here, be perpaired for the reaction to whatever you do. You might end up getting someone else fired. He might think that by getting rid of "such and such" whom he thinks is behind it, it will all go away. It is possible that other people could suffer as well.


If he is supposed to be a Christian and a family man, maybe he has a problem. Porn on the net...he shouldn't be doing this at work. But, maybe you could help him correct this by...sending him the tape, and with it include a little note. Jesus is watching you! That should wake him up! If this fails to yield the proper results, and you feel that more needs to be done then thats up to you.


I hope it all works out for the best, Good luck!


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I think less is more in a situation like this.


Send the tape to the guilty party at work so his wife doesn't see it.


And that's it.


He will be nicer to everybody at work because he won't know who did it. After a few weeks hit him up for that raise he promised. If he tries to talk his way out of it, say "I can't help but feel like you're jerking me around" :D

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If you really want to do something, go into the presidents office, close the door and ask if you can talk openly. If he says yes ask him to sign an agreement that there will be repercussions from your discussion. Be sure to explain that you want to improve the situation at the company and your concerns are for the long term good of the company. Explain your gripes calmly and ask what to do if you know someone is using company property for improper use. You can then tell him your suspisions and recommend that he monitor the situation before it opens the company to a lawsuit. Always stress that your concern for the company is the reason for your discussion ("If I didn't care about the company, I wouldn't be here explaining this to you".....). Explain how these issues effect moral and productivity. Explain how a whole group of employees might leave at once because of these issues (always a scary thing for a company).


By stressing the company good you take personal issues out of it and if the president cares about the company he has to listen. If you go in and tattle on the guy it will be seen as sour grapes or personal vendetta and discounted as such.


When you start by stressing the company good you can breach almost any subject. You can discuss the pay, lies, and everything else. Make it a positive meeting. If the president cares about the company you may be suprised by the results. Be cautious in what you claim as fact and be ready to back it up. If you don't have facts then stress that it needs to be investigated.


Remember - THE GOOD OF THE COMPANY.......



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