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The Official Hybridz Video


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Yes! Why the heck don't we have our own video? Well, I'm pondering making up a Hybridz video... Something that shows what our cars can do. Something to represent us and the cars we've built.


What I need from you guys is video clips of your hybridz's. It can be anything, burnouts, drag racing, road racing, street racing, cruising, engine shots, interior shots, closeups of wheels, tach shots, speedo shots... I need some of everything. Be creative!


It would be best if the video you send me meets the following requirements:


- Is no longer than ~30 seconds per clip.

- Is compressed to a fairly reasonable file size so that it can be emailed.

- Is at least 320x240 resolution, and 15fps.

- Is clear, has sound if possible, and isn't shaky.


I'll also accept some good action still shots that I might be able to work in.


So if you want to immortalize your hybridz, send me some footage! you can email it to me: drax77 at shaw.ca. No limits on how many clips you can send, just try to keep them under ~4mb each or they may be rejected by my mail server.


Oh yeah I've done a few videos before with decent results. Any comments on music are appreciated.

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I can get you some stuff as soon as this dang ice clears out. Do they have to have sound or are you going to be putting music over them? beucase short videos can be taken with a regular digi camera w/o sounds. I can do the sound thing but the DVD camcorder is just alot more of a hassle

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Just to put in some input lets make sure we get sound, car videos without exhaust noise always feel like something is missing, members here have great cars and lots of knowledge lets make the video right, I will be willing to put up some webspace for the project or possible setup ftp services or something so people can just upload their clips.

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no way man, i mean, it sounds cool and all, but if your gonna do it, do it right, me and my friends are shooting a video this summer, and my Z is like the main star, i was looking for something to take up space on the DVD, i would be GLAD to take footage from you guys and add it to the dvd, and then resell them at cost to everyone as ill be making a large batch anyway, if any of you all are interested let me know, ill post up my address and you can either mail me vhs cassettes/ cd-rs of your video files or send me smaller ones.. I doubt a finished dvd would cost anyone more than like 8 bucks shipped. the Dvd i am making is called "Z", i ave a friend at an editing studio helping me out. if thier is serious interest and people are willnig to get out and video tape then ill start a sticky thread to keep track of it, i plan on finishing my main part by mid summer, have the full blown 2hr-ish dvd by late fall. i was struggling to find stuff to do, id love to make it more of a Hybridz video than just me and friends. we have some good racing footage already, plus this will let me tape at say SEZ and stuff...

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Drax, I just used the video feature of my new Sony Mavica CD-500 today for work. Works really well, but 7 minutes of footage was 123MB!! I guess I need to figure out how to compress the MPEG further! I am going to set the camera on a tripod and have the wife shoot some action video, then I will mount the camera on my seat brace and shoot some in car shots. It is going to take some trial and error, so bear with me....


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I'm in a similar situation to Tim. I've got 7 cd's full of autox footage taken straight from a professional TV quality DV camera and a small camcorder in the car, but no way to cut it down. Any suggestions other than buy a $1000 dollar piece of software to do it?


I once tried QuickTime Pro at a friend's house using the Sorenson compressor dealy. It worked but then the cones at the autox started to show up like you were seeing double, and I'm not a big fan of .mov's anyway. Probably a built in "feature" of Windows, but QT takes forever to load, even on my new PC. Damn Microsoft BS!!!



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well ill be the mature guy here, even though im only 20.. But i was rased with this kind of music , ya my parents were hippies :)

ill vote for my music i want to be used.

i always thought these songs would be awesome in a oldschool/badass video.

here ya go... i have WAY more but here is a sample.


The Who - We Wont Get Fooled again. (8mins long so would be a nice long video)

Deep Purple - My woman from Tokyo.


i have techno songs and new rock songs but i dunno if they go along with old Z's and etc.

what you guys think? want me to post some more songs?



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Here is my video




its kinda dark but you can still see everything. first race is second gen. talon awd (16g turbo, All the bolt ons except front mount i/c) vs. stock evo8. second and third run is me vs. same talon (from 15mph). in first run i think he missed second and in second run he cluchted it to 6k and right there got about car and half on me so i had to catch up. you can just hear my external wastgate screaming :twisted: . my setup at that time was stock t-3 10psi no i/c and air/fuel was about 9-5, 10-0 so i was puking gas all over the place (hey meskitos sp sure did like it lol).



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5 min of uncompressed dv video takes about a gig of space


jon, you might check out 911 media down by REI in seattle, they have editing work stations you can rent. I might also be able to put it all on a dvd, or compress it in a different format(got a new g5 with all the goodies, 2.5gigs of ram, dvd-r ect.)


tool is good, prodigy, nin and crystal method are also good.

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