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Great, just what I need...


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So I've been out in the garage lately, and I've been hearing this weird buzzing noise. I thought bees were trying to get in thru the vents near the roof of the garage. Today I located the noise. A bumble bee hive built between the siding and the drywall on the side of the garage.


I'm mildly allergic. I swell more than most, but I've only had to get a shot of adrenaline once, and that time I got stung on the tongue (yeah, it hurt). Also my understanding is the more times you get stung, the worse the reaction gets.


Any entomologists out there? What the hell am I supposed to do with a hive of bumble bees inside a wall?!?! :fmad:



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What the hell am I supposed to do with a hive of bumble bees inside a wall?!?! :fmad:


Fire and lots of it :D Seriously, if you're worried about getting stung just get the pro's to kill 'em.


I'm mildly allergic. I swell more than most, but I've only had to get a shot of adrenaline once, and that time I got stung on the tongue (yeah, it hurt).


I hope this was when you were a kid :D

In the voice of Ralph from the Simpsons, "It tastes all buzzy and stingy"



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I was 10, and it was the middle of an elementary school assy. The whole school was there. Everyone had just settled down and the principal started to talk. I take a bite of my school lunchroom taco, and the f'ing bee stings me. Being 10, I did the logical thing. I jumped up, started screaming, and ran through the whole crowd to the health office. Of course I was sitting in the back so I got to do my own little screaming sprint past EVERY row of seats in the cafeteria.


Next day my tongue was all swollen and was swelling down my throat and I couldn't breathe. Adrenaline shot to the tongue and I was all better.


It's kinda funny now, but man did that suck at the time...


And yeah, "it tastes all buzzy and stingy" was pretty accurate!



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Well it was embarrasing when I was 10. 10 is about that age when you're supposed to not scream like a baby when you get stung by a bee in front of 500 of your schoolmates.


Bottom line: YOU WIN! :lol: And now you need to share the rest of that story...



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I'm not absolutely sure about this, but the bumble bee (much larger than the typical honey bee) will more than likely pose no problem. Honey bees on the other hand can be a handful if bothered. Down here, it's Yellow Jackets, hornets, and wasps that cause problems, but the bees, especially the Bumble bee or Carpenter bee are rarely problems.

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Guest myth66

a can of regular carb cleaner will kill them suprisingly well. :twisted:

It has pretty good rang too if you use the little straw that comes with it.

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Find the hole that they're using to get into the wall, and drop some M-80's in that sucker. Might want to stand back a bit as some of them will no doubt come flying out of the hole at hypersonic velocity.....


Plan B: Find above mentioned hole, and duct tape a 12 volt taurus radiator fan across it and wire it into your cars cigarette lighter. Now grab a cold one a sit back and enjoy the show as anything that enters or exits from the hole is sliced, diced, and chopped turbo Ginzu style.


PlanC: Ensuring that the hole is left open, run large beads of caulking around all other seems and crevices in the wall, allow time to cure. Now grab a garden hose and stuff it in the hole with the water on full blast. Let that run for at least 4 hours to ensure that all bees are getting the full "Posiedon Adventure" experience. And if you remember before adding the water, maybe shut off the electricity to that part of the building....


Plan D: Follow all steps outlined in plan C with the exception of adding water. Instead, route flexible tubing from your Z's exhaust into the wall. Allow car to run for an hour or so, occasionally gunning the throttle to ensure complete carbon monoxide saturation of the hive.


If none of these work, might i suggest looking for ex russian military tactical nuclear devices on ebay.......





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On a more serious note.....I've watched hives being 'disarmed', and it was done as simply as just very quietly and gently using a shop vac to suck them up. As long as you don't get too aggressive, you'll be ok.

If you want to kill the bees that you've sucked up, leave the vac running and spray bug killer into teh nozzle



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Despite the help guys rather than burn down the garage or blow the siding off the side of it or cause major water damage, I'm just going to call an exterminator. $90 was the cheapest I could find. I guess that's not a bad deal, and it's just not worth getting stung for me. My neighbor tried to take out a hornet's nest last fall and ended up stung 5 or 6 times.



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I hate wasps...really do. Every house I've lived in, they've moved right in as well. And they're mean suckers, I smashed one with my foot and rubbed it around until it sounded like a wet potato chip. After letting my foot off it still tried to come after me!


Last hive I've killed I used one of those fluid sprayers that you hook up to your compressor, mixed some laquer thinner and aircraft remover (wanted to keep using this after it was done). I sprayed the mofos and then ran into the house :D A couple were stuck to the wall but most of them never came back.


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If it is bumble bee's, you are ok. If it is a hornets nest, I wouldn't F with it. Those things are aggressive as heck. They are a little fatter than a wasp and have very distinct yellow and black stripes. They are not fuzzy like a bumble bee, they are shiny. If that is what you have, I wouldn’t even go outside when the exterminator does his thing.


I was cleaning out some bird nest (boxes) a few years ago and I found them making a hive (or whatever they make) in one of them. I got the hose pipe and tried to move them along. Needless to say it didn’t work. Not only that, it seems like they remembered me every time I came out of the house. When they sting you they don’t die, they just sting you again and again and….you get the picture. It burns like a match is being held on your skin. It takes a good 2-3 days for the burn to go away.


You are doing the right thing.



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Guest Aaron

I live on a farm and get wasps, yellow jackets, hornets, etc. all the time. They get on/in the house, barn, shop, tractor (they don't like it when you start the tractor :roll: ), you name it. The best spray I have found is the Bengal Wasp and Hornet spray. You spray the nest, the bugs are dead before they hit the ground, and no more come back to that nest.

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