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Road Rage, How do you manage it?


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Hey all,


Lately I've had alot of road rage and today I found myself giving someone the bird (and I know its going to get me into serious trouble some day). But I was wondering what are some of the things other people do to help them stop getting so much road rage or just plain out abusing someone else on the road when they've done something wrong.


Thanks, Marc.

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I deal with it by flicking the high beams on, blaring the horn, and screaming at the offending idiot at the top of my lungs. (yah, I had an incident yesterday night..) I ussually am pretty calm, but I cant help myself when ppl do really STUPID crap on the road...

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Guest HolyLlama

A couple of months ago, I got 4 John Kerry bumper stickers put one on my Oldmobile and gave the other three to friends. Everyone else was telling me about people reacting negatively to the bumper stickers(I'm in a very heavily Republican area). Well I told them they were scrawny and people were probably intimidated by my size because no one had said anything to me. Well, I went to Radioshack yesterday, when a woman pulled up beside me in a Benz when I went into the turn lane at the red light. I thought she was yelling at me to start with because she thought I had caused her to miss the redlight. Well then she said "F*** John Kerry, F*** you, I hope you and John Kerry have fun roasting in hell with Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden" I said "You crazy b****", flipped her off and rolled up the window. Well I was angry until the light changed and she went on. Beside her Bush/Cheney 04 sticker was one that said "I love Jesus" Had I seen that sticker earlier I'd have said "Do you talk to Jesus that way?", but I still got a good laugh out of it.

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Guest goldraven

hehehe, ^^^^^^ thats hillarious.



i guess the way i deal with people doing absolutely stupid things on the road is by honking my horn really loud....then, once they look, pretending that i know the person by waving and smiling...they usually have no clue what the hell is going on...and their face is priceless...then you get a good laugh out of something that may have made you angry.

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Guest BadKarma99-4sp

i usually just smile and wave when im by myself, but with my brother in his T/A and me in my maxima, rolling road blocks are always fun.

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Well today I did the horn + flip the bird action cause I got cut off (The fella then wanted to follow me, but I went into the car parking centre I wanted to go to and I never saw him again. I hate fighting, but there is no other way to signal someones a moron. Some day I wont have the luxury of having a carpart there and a fight will happen. And I dont go off at people when its my fault.). Another time I had a mate hanging out the window gonna throw a slurpy. I'm usually listening to music all the time (I got a doof doof system) but I dont know, I guess driving is the only way I can vent my anger heh.

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Guest Hubbo

When you are at the lights hang out the window and act spastic, tap on their window if you like. Even better when you got all your mates doing the same thing. The look on their face... now thats priceless.

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Well, if you can't get rubber in 3rd, that's just more motivation for the hybrid swap. I usually drive my 350/T5 280ZX like a grandma. Shift at 1700 rpm, drive in the right lane, etc. I don't really like being obnoxious, and with a 50 series flowmaster, it gets obnoxious real quick. Piss me off, however, and they are suddenly behind me. And they stay behind me.

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Hey Tim are you my US twin.


I never use my horn, just accept the roads a full of people with all the foibles that humans have, if you didn,t hit them and they didn't hit you who cares. If you have time to use the horn then it cant be that big a problem.


Just had a weekend away Tim, cosy cottage, Pink Foyd on surround sound, Spa and a glass of Port to finish off. Life's tough. Neil :lol:

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Guest 2slo4u

Sometimes I wish I had a sign that says "YOU FRIGGIN MORON" so I could put it in the window when someone cuts me off or nearly runs me over in a suburban or other under loaded suv. I'm sure they would enjoy that, ha, ha! They can't hear you say it if their windows are up and yakking on their cell phone but I'm sure they will read, ha, ha! :lol:




95 slowbaru impreza

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Guest bastaad525

My wife is really bad about getting all worked up about every little stupid thing anyone does on the road, wether it affects her or not. Usually I just ignore the stupid things people do unless it directly affects me (causes me to slam on my brakes or swerve) then it's usually the high beams for them...


There have been times (almost always involving an SUV or minivan... these people really REALLY piss me off, and I hate to sound sexist but 90% of the time it's a woman driver) when someone cuts me off or something and I let the 'power' of my Z go to my head and decide to try to teach them a lesson... usually involving a quick downshift and passing maneuver followed by quickly slamming on my brakes sometimes hard enough to lock the tires for a second! Invariably these idiots, somehow convinced that their minivan or SUV is a Corvette in disguise, will then try to speed up and pass me to try to do the same thing, and invariably they cannot as their crapmobiles are never anywhere near quick enough to pass what I"m sure they think is just some "little old piece of junk".


I haven't done this in quite some time... partially due to the fact that, yes, there is a good chance that I'm gonna do it to some crazy jackass with a gun one of these days... and partially because I really dont want to risk having someone plow into my Z from the rear anymore (yes... there was a point where I really didn't care much if someone did... I welcomed it :twisted: )


Flashing my brights is enough for me nowadays :)

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Sometimes I wish I had a sign that says "YOU FRIGGIN MORON" so I could put it in the window when someone cuts me off or nearly runs me over in a suburban or other under loaded suv. I'm sure they would enjoy that, ha, ha! They can't hear you say it if their windows are up and yakking on their cell phone but I'm sure they will read, ha, ha!


I had a friend with a diesel rabbit who had a sign that said F*** YOU!!! and when he was inevitably cut off he would grab it and shove it up against the window. He was also 6'5" and about 280 had a beard and a pony tail down to his butt, so when it did come down to getting out of the car, that's all he had to do. He got out, they got back in their car and drove away. He's lucky though, because in truth I coulda kicked his butt, and I'm not a tough guy at all. He was a very imposing looking wussy though...


Personally though, I just quit my damn job and started my own biz so I can work from home. You have never experienced quite such an infuriating thing as driving in Seattle. Sure there are a lot of cars, but there is just enough room on the road so that everyone SHOULD be able to keep moving. But they don't, because they're morons. AAAAAAAAARRRRRGGH!!!:twak: :twak: :twak:


I think that's why my project has been moving so slowly. It's not even fun to drive around this poophole. Stupid idiots don't turn left on yellow. They merge with the brake. They drive the same speed as the slow jackass next to them on two lane roads. The semis drive in the fast lane on the freeway. The left turn lanes at stoplights are good for about 10 cars, and usually the first car takes about 7 seconds to get through the intersection, then the ones behind hit the brakes as they get to the intersection, cause hey, you wouldn't want to go around a turn at 20 mph! Did I mention AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH!!!


Yeah, so my answer is stay home...

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Here's my best story so far...


Two lanes merge into one lane and there's a lot of traffic moving at about 40 mph. Everyone's merging politely, every other car into the lane that continues. That's until a white Neon comes up to my front quarter after I let another car merge and tries to squeeze in front of my truck. I just keep my pace and don't leave any room, the car behind me has backed off and left room for the Neon to fit right it.


The Neon is now next to me and I see a perfectly manicured and polished middle finger stuck out the window at me and she tries to pull ahead of me again. The guardrail convinced her otherwise and she finally pulled in behind my truck, flashing her lights and honking her horn. I thought nothing more of it until I got to my shop.


There was a message on my message machine (I have my shop logo and phone number on my truck). The message is from a very irate woman named Eileen who claims one of betamotorsports employees almost ran her off the road and she's going to sue the company. She also left her phone number. I immediately called her back:


Eileen: "Hello."


John: "Hi Eileen, this is John from betamotorsports and I understand you ahd a problem on the road with one of our trucks."


E: "You're damn right I did, that motherf***** almost ran me and my daughter into a guardrail. I'm going to sue you for everything you got. Someone's going to jail. You just don't do that to poeple..." and on it went fo a couple minutes.


J: "I'm sorry to hear that and I apologize. When and where did that incident occur?"


E: "About noon on Carbon Canyon road. You know, I think I might have heart problems as a result..." and on it went again for another couple minutes.


J: "Again, I'm sorry that happened to you and your daughter. Chris was driving the truck at that time and he's been going through a lot of trouble in his life, what with his wife committing suicide last year and his daughter being diagnosed with Melanoma, but that's no excuse for that kind of behavior. This has happened before and as a responsible business owner I can't have my employees risking the public's life in our trucks. I guess I'll have to let him go. I appreciate your call and thank you for pointing out this problem to me."


E: "You're going to fire the guy?"


J: "Yes, I'm afraid so. I can't risk my business. He's worked here for 15 years and absolutely loves it. Last year after his wife hung herself in the bathroom he said working here at betamotorsports was the only thing keeping him going. Its a shame but I have my business to think about."


E: "Wait. What happened really wasn't that bad. We didn't get close to the guardrail and I guess I was just venting some emotions when I said I was going to sue."


J: "No, you were really scared and I can't have that. I'll let Crhis go this evening when he gets back to the shop."


E: "No please. Most it was my fault anyway because I was in a hurry. Please, just let it go. Maybe just have a talk with Chris."


J: "Thank you for your concern, but I after what you said earlier I'm going to have to fire Chris. Too bad, he was all set for a big raise next week to help pay for his daughter's treatment."


E: "Please, don't fire him, forget I called. He's go too much in his life right now and I have a daughter too. It was all my fault and I acted like an a**."


J: "I appreciate your concern but I've made up my mind. Thanks for your call and have a good day."


I hung up the phone. She called back a couple times and left messages but I ignored her. BTW... I don't have an employee named Chris.

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Not to mention passing someone and slamming on your brakes is a good way to either get arrrested or risk having the accident declared your fault (which it is). God help you if you hurt someone that way. I had a guy in an RX7 do that to me before. I didn't really do anything wrong. We were both coming up on slower traffic, I was going a little faster then him so I took the fast lane before he did. Man did he get pissed.


I use to scream and yell alot when I drove. Would blame people for things that obviously were not their fault, just bad coincidence. Got to wonder why. Finally realized that we tend to forget there are actually people in the other cars. That tends to dehumanize it. Sort of like saying things on the internet that they would never say to another person. I finally changed my reactions after having screamed at or cut off another driver only to find out it was someone I know. Particularly bad when you do it to someone then both end up parking next to each other at work.


But two years ago I changed jobs and now have a relatively easy commute to work on a two lane surface street. Something about the lack of passing opportunities that has dramatically reduced driving stress. I am a lot more layed back if I am just not in a hurry to get anywhere.

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