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What are you guys using for a PHOTOSHOP program?


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I would like to get a photoshop program for my computer to see what my car would look like with certain mods. What are you guys using for a program? I am a very quick learner when it comes to computer stuff so I dont need the most basic photoshop but I also dont what a professional version that has a gazillion extra features that I will never use. I just want to change the colors, add different wheels, add body components......stuff like that.







Oh and where did you get it?

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Uh.. Photoshop.

Thanks :roll:


Now is there anywhere I can download a free version or should I just go down to Best Buy and get a copy? I will probably stick with photoshop just due to the fact that a lot of guys on this board have it and would be able to help me if I had questions. Are there multiple versions? If so which one should I get?




Guy :D

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Guest Phailure

If you're a student, try going for educational versions of software... its alot cheaper. I'm using full version of adobe PS 7.0 though.

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Guest iskone

One more thing use Kazza for cracks/hacks only, but scan anything you DL before you open it.


If you have any questions about how to use DC++ ask me and I'll help

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Yeah I found that Adobe site last night and I was quite shocked at the price tag on that full Photoshop CS! I was like "hmmmmmmm nope dont need that!" :shock::lol:


Maybe I can get an older version of photoshop? Im going to go check it out tomorrow.


As for downloading of a file sharing program...I would really rather not. I havent had much luck with Kazaa especially! I hate Kazaa, nothing but viruses if you ask me!



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Yep, Photoshop is the answer. I've got 6.0 and 7.0, both of which are good enough for what you are talking about. I got mine for a couple hundred bucks from the University of Oregon bookstore using a friend's student discount. That's the cheapest way to get it!!

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