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The "assault weapons ban" Clinton put into place on Sept 13th 1994 will expire this month so you'll see many more of those for sale soon. It's never been illegal to own the banned weapons or the large capacity clips you just couldn't sell them. In fact I've got an SKS with 2 30 round clips.


I really hope this thread doesn't turm into another guns are bad discussion. Guns are not the problem it's the goober who pulls the trigger thats the problem. I've always been in favor of allowing citizens to own firearms, not full autos, but lately with all the terrorism going on I wonder if we'll be able to retain the right.



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jmortensen is correct. Mags that were manufactured before the law went into effect are still legal to buy, sell and own. You just can't make new ones.


And I wouldn't worry about much changing when the law expires. It never really did much of anything anyway. This ad is pretty much proof positive of that.

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Wheelman, Shame on you... :lol: You know that guns and those who make them are the real problem... :wink: Much like tobacco and Cigarette makers, and McDonalds, and the Coffee Bean grows of that dangerous HOT substance... COFFEE! :lol:


In this, the greatest nation on earth, the reason it is so great is that we can thwart all responability, and blame all our woes on the fact that our childhoods didn't parrot that of the Hilton Sisters, and that we should be given free passes for those misfortunes... "I didn't get a pony when I was growing up" "I was picked on as a kid"... :roll:


Thank you Mr. Clinton for yet another WORTHLESS Law, putting guns in the hands of those who never intended and never will be lawful citizens... Heaven's forbid we enforce existing laws on the books... No, we must create NEW laws to wave as successes, so we can get re-elected to our positions of power... :roll:


P-O-L-I-T-I-C-I-A-N-S are the problem with our current society... :twisted: Our forefathers did not intend for these positions to be permanent careers... :evil: We have strayed so far from the original intent of the constitution. Truly sad. :cry:


Mike 8)

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P-O-L-I-T-I-C-I-A-N-S are the problem with our current society... :twisted: Our forefathers did not intend for these positions to be permanent careers... :evil: We have strayed so far from the original intent of the constitution. Truly sad. :cry:


Mike 8)


They need to be held to a two term limit' date=' like the presidency!

Then maybe something would get done.


[b']Bought and paid for by big business.[/b] :twisted:

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