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Just reading through some old posts and wanted to thank you all again. It's been well over a year now, and I really wish he was still around but I do know he's better off where he is. Still some things to settle up in probate, man that isn't the easiest thing to do! And I still need to deal w/ his house, I think we are just going to have it demo'd, sad to see the place where you grew up go completely away but it's become a huge liability and it isn't marketable. Anyway, thanks again guys, this place is the best! :)

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Your son is lucky, most males in the states dont ever really become men, at least not completly. There is no right of passage anymore, and no grandfather watching over the father to make sure he's on the right track.


Real men have true courage. Like it was said on Saving private Ryan, "courage is just doing the right thing".

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sorry for your loss, sounds like he was a great man.


I wish my dad could have been half the dad most of you seam to have had.

He never did anything with me or my brother Iam into learning it all alone right now so hopefully one day I can pass it onto my daughter or my son if we ever have on.


Good luck and stay strong.

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Guest BiltWel

Thank God for Good Dads and We are with you in your time of sorrow. Just Try to remember the sound of a wrench hitting the ground and hearing his reaction to busting his knuckles when you were under the car trying to stay clear of him when you need to be near him.

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Sorry for your loss.


My dad was always on the road when I was young, but I was always taking things apart and fixing them.


He's into woodworking, I'm into metalworking and machinery.


We're both handy at around the house repairs though - that is one thing that we always did together, and I do for him now.


My dad's 80 and I'm thankful for every day I get to spend with him.

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