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Bush WINS!!!!


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Now you're thinking in the right direction $$$. Bush in the White House will lend stability to our economy thus the markets will continue to grow and prosper. Although we are no where near the same highs of 1999-2000 it is growing. Look back to 2002 when the Dow was down in the 7K range. That was scary. Although yesterdays close was above 10K (down day due to exit polls showing Kerry ahead mind you) I'm thinking we'll be over 10.5K just after New Year provided we have a good Christmas season.


So go buy "stuff" keep this economy churning. One thing that sux the $$$ out of our economy is the price of crude oil. I've started driving slower just to get a .nth better MPG out of my truck. But if I was sooo concerned with fuel prices I would buy a more economical car. Current daily driver is a 2002 Dodge Ram 4X4 with a Rancho 4" lift and 35" tires. But work is only 10 minutes away from the house.


To everybody out there that is under the age of 40. Start saving something even if it's a little bit. The Social Security system is not elastic enough for us to draw much $$$ from it when we retire. Depend upon yourself NOT the government.



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It's a good day to be an American. Democracy is a good thing!!! Congatulations on your victory President Bush. Last night, just for some giggles, I tuned in to the ABC, NBC, and CBS news broadcasts. It was just hillarious watching those liberal broadcasters realing with disbelief..... :D:D:D

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What I think screwed up all the broadcasters was the early exit polling. It indicated a Kerry landslide and they ALL (including Fox) went with that story for the first hour or two of their broadcasts. Then, as the results started coming in, some broadcasters had difficulty admitting that the exit polling was wrong (again!) and were looking for anything to back up their first opinions.


I do give them credit for being very conservative in calling the states. They were much more careful then in 2000. But, I guess they need to stop relying on exit polls. Exit polling failed in 2000, completely collapsed in 2002, and failed again in 2004.


Hopefully Kerry is gracious in defeat, unlike Edwards who ran out and inferred that it was time to bring out the lawyers. I also hope the Bush is gracious in victory.

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Gee, and for one brief moment I actually thought about a write in candidate... John Coffey! :D


What amazed me was the shock... They simply could NOT get their heads around how it WASN'T (And you heard it from me first YESTERDAY!) close.


The guy had the LARGEST popular vote ever recorded...


Still didn't get my candidate... Damn! :roll:


On the plus side the lesser of the evils one, AND maybe I'll get my atomic salute the middle east! :lol:

Mike 8)

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ER, I presume this is not the Irish Republican Army you are talking about here.....?


Even the acronyms get lost in translation :D I checked and the Irish Republican Army is not listed on the New York Stock Exchange, but it might be listed on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (big Irish diaspora in Chicago).

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in regards to social security and retirement...


you guys are right... i really need to start saving something. the systems that were set up to protect us have long since been ruined by years of economies that ensure the long term security of those who need it the least.


but... anyone think i could have the 100 bucks a week back that's yanked from my paycheck under the pretense of social security? if i'm not going to be helped out by it in forty years... at least it could ease any burdens i deal with now... :wink:


bob (who really wishes perot was on the ticket)

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but... anyone think i could have the 100 bucks a week back that's yanked from my paycheck under the pretense of social security? if i'm not going to be helped out by it in forty years... at least it could ease any burdens i deal with now...


Sounds like you want Bush's privatized Social Security. Well, we just elected him again, so you might just get it.

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Can't I just be a foolish drunk??? :lol:


Rex, I'd recommend this if you ar at a point that you can afford it... And keep in mind it is pre-taxed, so the sting isn't so bad... Go to a local broker, set up a personal 401k and MAX out what you can afford on it... I didn't start contributing to mine until I was 30 (And I'm kinda embarassed about that late a start) and I've now for more than $150K in that account... I tell younger guys coming into my field to do this all the time, and within a years time they always come back to me and thank me...


This money will ONLY grow, if you invest wisely and keep on top of it... just don't get so "Into" it that you have a heart attack over a minor loss...


Mike 8)

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Well My father is collecting social security and as long as it is there for him, I'm fine with it. I don't PLAN on it being there for me, so if it is, Ill be pleasently shocked. We need social reform across the board, including healthcare, retirement, and welfare. :wink:


I didn't vote for Kerry, and I didn't like him. I didn't want to vote for Bush because I personally think he pressed to hard in different areas, and forced a good man (George Tennet) to chase a rabbit down the wrong hole, forcing the issue with Saddam prematurely... although I do believe we were right to invade and SHOULD have dones so PRIOR to 2000. I really didn't want to vote Bush... I hope we will see a conclusion to the BinLadden saga, and I hope we'll be able to put Iraq to bed with their own operational and fully functioning government. Only time will tell... :D


One thing is for sure, I will NOT have to WONDER what in all HELL Kerry's PLAN was... Will he NOW give us the magical solution to assist with Iraq and the Middle East? Come on... He said he had the answers... So is he just going to ride off into the sunset with his little secret answers....???? :lol:


You guys are missing an even further reaching issue... Look at how the REST of the elections shook out :shock: Daschle is GONE... Republicans now have the HOUSE AND THE SENATE... :shock::shock:


You democrats better get your helmets and sinch up those harnesses... Your in for a long four year ride! :lol:


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Why is it so red and blue? I don’t vote democrat or republican. I do research on everything I can and vote accordingly. Politics seems to be such a subject to bring out the worst in people like the for mentioned above at the college. Really all we can do is sit back now and watch to see what happens.. Cannot debate that really. Like I said.. I think both candidates sucked

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