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We will eat steak tonight


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Just out of curiosity, what did you eat during June 2000 – March 2003?


I tried starvation – lost some weight, but didn’t make a dent in recouping my stock losses.


The S&P 500 is knocking on the 1200 barrier. That’s pretty impressive – until we consider that it’s a long, long climb to hit 1500+, where it was 4 years ago.

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Well I for one did not lose that much, and what I lost, I didn't "feel". It helps to just NOT OPEN your statements! :lol:


And Michael, You've been to my house and should know by now that I eat well... To much so! :lol:


Seriously, I know some of you guys are hurting, and don't have the luxuries some others have. Wish everyone could be so fortunate. :(


Mike 8)

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