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Nissan sued over toddler's death


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yay frivilous lawsuits!



The family of a Garland girl who was accidentally killed last month when her father ran over her is suing a major car manufacturer for negligence.


On October 9, David Clemens backed up his Infiniti SUV and tragically ran over and killed two-and-a-half-year-old Adrianna.


"You just can't imagine the absence that is in our hearts right now with the loss of our daughter," mother Rachel Clemens said. "She rocked our world ... she was everything to us."


The family is suing Nissan, the parent company of Infiniti. They claim new back-up video cameras or sensors which detect objects behind a vehicle were available, and should have been installed in their SUV.


"This manufacturer was already putting it on some of its other vehicles, and it should have put it on this one," attorney Windle Turley said.


In a phone interview with News 8, Nissan/Infiniti spokesman Kyle Bazemore said the child's death was "very sad, very tragic," but added that even when an SUV comes equipped with a back-up video camera, it's not fool-proof.


"It's a convenience; it's not a substitute for proper reversing procedures," Bazemore said. "Drivers should always turn around and look."


"Yes, it's our responsibility, but so many tragic things have happened with children because of that," Rachel Clemens said.


Some research suggests as SUVs get bigger, so does the blind spot to the rear. Consumer groups estimate between 150 and 200 people - mostly toddlers - are killed in back-up accidents every year. Increasingly, consumers are demanding the new technology.


"As you can see, if you had a child laying on a tricycle or bicycle, laying behind you, you would be able to see that sitting in the driveway," said John Boyd of JR's Custom Auto as he demonstrated one of the back-up cameras.


"Our contention is that safety of this nature should not be optional, ever," Turley said.


The Clemens family believes if their SUV had a back-up camera, Adrianna would still be alive.


"She was my pride and joy," Rachel Clemens said. "She was a wonderful two-year-old that always had a smile on her face."

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What some morons. Jeez, I got chewed out by my dad once for running over a hood somebody had placed behind my car, (dad owns a bodyshop) I backed up and bent the edge, since then Ive always looked to see whats behind me before I backup. Just some stupid morons trying to put the blame on Nissan, face it you killed your own kid, Nissan didnt. Thats my opinion.

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Sounds a lot like that stupid fool who sued Honda a while back for not puting air bags in her car.. She crashed her 89 (I thnk?) accord into a tree, and cracked her head off the wheel (or something like that).. She said the technology was availible when the car was manufactured, so honda SHOULD have put an air bag in the car. :roll: Stupid frigin people.. if she wanted an air bag, why didn't whe buy a car with one in it?!!? Same for these 'darwin award winers' with the SUV; If you wanted a camera on the back of it, you should have bought a model that came with it!!!! Or hows this.. LOOK BEHIND YOU IDIOT!!!!! It's sad a little girl had to die.. but maybe its GOOD that these two NOT contribute theire genes to the pool?

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i too feel for the loss of their child ...


however, the person behind the wheel ran over the child, not the 4x4 ...


people kill people, not guns ...


like that woman here in san jose that parked her car on the freeway to chase a dog around. car gets hit by some poor unsuspecting motorist. one or two of her kids get killed. some how, it's not the woman's fault.


my opinion, she may as well have taken a gun out and shot the kids as she drove, as park on the freeway to chase a dog.


there's keys and locks on that nissan 4x4, the doors were closed. driver wasn't magically transported into the driver's seat.


some one didn't bother to make sure it was safe to move that nissan, before backing. if you're not smart enough to check around the vehicle, before moving it, you shouldn't be behind the wheel.



i live in a neighborhood with little ones. always check before backing.


like i tell my 15 year old son, driving is a blast ! it's also serious, dangerous business. you are piloting a missile down the road, it can maim or kill you and others around you. you are in charge of the vehicle, you and you alone are responsible for your safety and those around you. you can't control what others do, be aware of your surrounding, and watch for those that think driving is like sitting on the couch watching tv while talking on the phone.


those people wouldn't want any of us on the jury !!!

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To cross pollinate from ZC.C:

"When I am king!"




The bad part about all this outside of the toddler's death. I have been sued for usless crap like this before, and I totally sympathise with Nissan. Were I in cnarge of corporate litigation, it would be waaaaay too personal. I see this one come across the desk, and it would be my puropse in life to abuse the credit reporting system to find dirt on these scumbag child-killer parents, and sic the IRS and everybody else on them!


This is why we NEVER get the good stuff here in the USA. Litigation and litigousness. People who have not been outside hte USA and seen prices not ridiculously affected with liability inflated pricing will never know...

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Guest Phailure
it's today's version of 'closure'.


you lose a loved one as a result of your own ignorance' date=' and try to point a finger at someone else and get lots of money[/quote']


sad but true...

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