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I love how nice and kind people are


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Aux, Truely sorry to hear about that: I DETEST INCONSIDERATE PEOPLE, especially when it comes to door dings. fmad.gif


Not to be Anal Retentive...But I'm gonna be anal retentive.


When I was very young my dad, & yes he could be anal retentive at times, tought me to always write the tag's down on a piece of paper prior to walking into any store. This way, if/when your return you find a door ding-you can report it to the police & maybe get some justice.


In this day/age where most people are in too big of a hurry to care about your car...I too always park as far away from the main stream as I can. I dont mind walking if it means a door ding free scenario upon my return.



(Yea,Still an Inliner)

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Originally posted by awd92gsx:

Bologne will eat a perfect circle through the paint.


Just some "food" for thought.


so does Brake fluid...

hey i know that bologne one too! cut it into the "batman" sign, that really makes you smile.
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O.k. I knew about brake fluid. Didn't know about the bologne. How long does that take to work? Does that work on all auto paints, even urethanes? IMRON?


I bet there are other household things that would do wonders. Lye, carb cleaner etc.


But the bologne is pretty interesting. Hmm. Keep some in a mini-frig in the hatch.... twak.gif

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If you really want to do a number on the guys paint job, just buy a small can of aircraft paintstripper or a small bottle of it in the trunk. You can just pour it into a rag and wipe it from the back to the front of the vehicle as you walk by it innocently. Of course i have never done anything like this..... because thats illegal. ;)

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Guest zthang43

Eggs or Coke will screw up paint; both of which are readily available if someone dings your car in a parking lot. Shaving cream also will mess up paint; won't strip it but it will make it not shiny and look funny. You could write something in shaving cream on the side of their car; like "Thanks Goat Lover!"

LOL I have a friend who ALWAYS takes up as many parking spots as he can so that people can't park next to him, when he drives his El Camino (it's pretty nice, he works at a body shop). Like in the mall, where there are lots of extra spots, he will manage to take up at least 4 stalls by parking diagonally over the lines; because he knows otherwise some peanut would come along and doorjack his car.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest mkokimoto

My door dent came from someone who backed into my car. That's when bang had it though. He left it parked across from someone's driveway to come back home... and found a dent in the Z and a dent in his land-lady's corolla. She denied the whole thing ever happening though.


So now, the Z car has a nice head-butt sized dent in the door. I'm gonna try my ding-king dent remover on it.

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Sorry man.. that sucks. I JUST got mine painted, and I am sure I will fall victum to a ding very soon. And although mine is only a $200 cheep whilt, Im gona loose it for sure. One time I returned to my 85 200sx (fresh spray bomb red paint job :lol: ) to find a BLACK ding from the suv next to it. Needless to say, that suv now has about 10 red marks down the side of it! :twisted: Oppened the door all the wau along as I backed out. ding... ding... ding...

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Guest Phailure

Well this isnt as bad as a car but anywho... Im sitting here at work, working on my own laptop... and along comes boss and kinda points at my screen with his uniball pen. Ofcourse, he manages to put a nice streak on my poor laptop. Sigh.... Hate people who are inconsiderate. Kinda makes me hate people in general. Then he proceeds to try to rub it out (this is not what you're supposed to do) with his hand. Gah... people... I know this isnt as bad as gettin a big dent in your car but still... its the principle...

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Once my car is painted in the new paint(House of Kolor) it will be impossible to match/blend in or fix dings, chips, etc. If I would see someone ding it, key, or vanalize it there would deffinetly be some trouble. If I couldnt get them to pay for it I would find out where they live and smash their car up at night! If its one thing I can stand its incosiderate people!!! :evil:




a quick question for you guys. the paint job i wan't is a metallic silver basecoat with a black pearl and a dark emerald green clear cloat. how much would something like this set me back?


What kind of paint is it? House of Kolor? I have House of color paint for my car. Its has a silver metalic base, cobalt blue candy, and a clear coat. All of the paint, clear, hardener, and primer was about $900. Thats no labor! Lucky for me my brother is a painter! :D:D




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My car isnt even out of the garage and it already got a ding, my sister was getting in the car and she dropped her friggin 50lb backpack (the rolling kind) and hit the rear fender with the wheel. Arg, it has enough dings,dents already :evil: BTW you should see the huge dent some idiot in a SUV put in the the family car and then took off.

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