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Maybe the word IS getting out


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Copied from another post on another site...


"HybridZ.org is considered the definitive source for Z engine swaps, but be sure to use the Search function for your questions first, or else the senior members there will eat you alive."


Just HAD to carry that over to this site...got a good chuckle out of it myself.

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Guest comeandzpa

Now now, lets be fair...you won't get eaten alive...they'll at least have the courtesy to kill you first :wink: Honestly, I think the "senior members" are pretty fair around here about asking people to search. Also, it's not just the senior members, pretty much anybody will chime in with "USE THE SEARCH FUNCTION!" the first time somebody posts, so lets not just attack the old-er, senior...yeah, senior - members of this board. And I also am curious - what was the origin of that quote?

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And I would like to clarify something that I have mentioned before.

Non-technical forums and posts are not indexed into the search database.

But... I plan on doing a re-index of the search engine this weekend so if enough people feel that they should be included then I will re-activate them.

Hmmm.... maybe I should make this a poll.

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Mmm...cooked noob. Is that a dish best served broiled or fried? Or perhaps baked...decisions, decisions.


BarBeequed (like the spelling?) for me....and don't forget the Pacifico beer! I think it's a good sign, when people talk a little trash about the Hybridz site....just means we're doing it right and they're just jealous...na, na, nana, na!!!!

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Yes the word is out.....


"www.hybridz.com is an awesome source of information as mentioned above but they like new comers to use the search facility first then ask questions."


Quote by ZHeadV-8 from Telford,England on the Classic Z Car Club site in the 240Z,260Z,280Z Disc. Forum in Sub-Forum- Modified Z Car. The thread is, V8 confusion, posted by ghostrider on 1-20-2005. Hybridz is mentioned in 2 posts on this thread.:-D

Too bad he gave the wrong site info.....


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noobs-the reason why i quit going on zcar.com years ago.some of the people posting sounded like computor geeks that didnt now which end of the screw driver to use.since i work on cars for a living reading the same question over again gets boring.this is the best car site on the net.some times i feel like firing off a negative reply to a noob question but i leave that for other members.

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noobs-the reason why i quit going on zcar.com years ago.some of the people posting sounded like computor geeks that didnt now which end of the screw driver to use.since i work on cars for a living reading the same question over again gets boring.this is the best car site on the net.some times i feel like firing off a negative reply to a noob question but i leave that for other members.


The reason I left Zcar.com was not stupid questions. It was misinformation. That site is so full of idiots trying to act like they know what they are talking about, it's sickening. I have seen a few people doing it here, but it hasn't gotten bad yet. Luckily we have people here who will put the smack down, but I'd rather someone just delete the posts. This site is my last hope, so I hope it doesn't get worse. Even 99% of the IZCC goes unread into my trash bin now.

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Guest tony78_280z
Loved the part about using the serach function first! LOL If only we could get the newbies to do it! LOL
It should have mentioned the joy in everyone jumping on an idiot who forgets to use the search function first!!


You know what I find FAR more annoying than someone not using the search function? That is someone who asks a good questions but doen's give enough info like, what model/year car and what modifications might effect the situation to answer it. That irks me. This is why my signature contains everything I think may be relevant in any situation.


That site is so full of idiots trying to act like they know what they are talking about, it's sickening. I have seen a few people doing it here, but it hasn't gotten bad yet. Luckily we have people here who will put the smack down,
This is too true. I enjoy seeing two people argue over info. And if I ever post some BS please someone put the smack down on me. I consider it a learning experience, after the sting goes away anyway. =)


Lately, on this sight, I've enjoyed some of the off topic conversations. I guess I'm just getting seasoned. I also like the random technical discussions about wierd stuff (like exhaust physics). You wont find that on many of the other sights.


Newbee, the other, other, other white meat. Whenever I eat human flesh, newbee or seasoned I like it just like I like my pork burnt and crispy smothered in BBQ!

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Guest tony78_280z
...But, the 8,000 ft. lbs. of torque would require outriggers...
But the r200 is gonna be able to handle it.


And can someone give me a rough estimate of the cost within the nearest twenty cents??
And It'll cost you exactly $756,328.20. You'll might need to fabricate your own mounts though.
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We could further the cause by adding to the "rules" the need to consider pertinent KEY words in the title of any new post. It's hard to look for a post about a great hybrid swap when the thread is titled "Guess what I got!" The easier the search goes for new members, the less we will be repeating ourselves.

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