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Anyone watch the news tonight about the gas prices


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They are said to raise up to .25 per gallon on the east coast, pratically overnight, the continue to raise and level off to where which is now a 1.89 87 octane will be 2.50 a gallon.


Then they will decline after the 4th and labor day holidays.


It seems that soon you wont even be able to afford to drive your own car or you will need a second job just to fill the tank. I wonder when it will stop. This is just getting rediculous.


Though prices for instance in the UK and such are higher at least theyre taxes are going for the good of the community and country and people. Unlike the states, where you pay more taxes and nothing comes of it.

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Creepy... Here in Southwest Ohio, gas prices literally jumped on Thursday from around $1.90/gal for 87-octane, to $2.10.


Although in this area it's common for gas stations to jack up the prices on Thursday and reduce them again on Sunday, after the previous weekend's jacking prices declined only about $0.10, and now they're within about a dime of their all-time record for this area.


One hears all sorts of explanations, all having to do with the spike in oil prices. One is the continuing decline in the value of the dollar, especially in relation to the Euro. Another is that OPEC trying to make a fast buck again. Another is yet one more story about crises in Iraq, or instability in Russian oil production (they're a major player now, second only to Saudi Arabia). And a forth is explanation is that it's just pure speculation. Either way, it's bad news.

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You guys don't know when you are on to a good thing...


Let's see... $1.21 per litre, 3.7854 lt per US gallon, exchange rate at around $0.79 per Au dollar... That makes is ~ $3.61 per gallon in Australia.


As my car only gets 23.4 Mpg... perhaps I should turn the boost down.

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You guys don't know when you are on to a good thing...


Let's see... $1.21 per litre' date=' 3.7854 lt per US gallon, exchange rate at around $0.79 per Au dollar... That makes is ~ $3.61 per gallon in Australia.


As my car only gets 23.4 Mpg... perhaps I should turn the boost down.[/quote']


Now now. Don't start a panic here. There is no call for such extreme measures

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Guest Magnum Rockwilder

My motorcycle gets 45mpg and runs 10's.


However, it WOULD be nice to go back to the days of $.75/gal gas in Arkansas in '98-'99. I used to fill my RX7 up with $.95/gal 93 octane and drive it 250 miles in a day... just cruising around town picking up girls.


Those were the days.

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There is one thing, A drum, like you said. is 55 gallons, but a barrel that they trade is only 42 gallons. Deisel has gone up to at least 35 cents more than premium here in the northwest. My truck uses at least a hundred gallons every day. :( Wanna guess where the money for my car is going??

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Even at 34 mpg fueling up is getting expensive. In the winter/spring of 2002 gas prices bottomed out in the Midwest. 87 octane could be found for $0.89/gal. Granted, those prices were aberrant by historical standards, but even so, a >2X run-up in less than 3 years is pretty steep seat-of-the-pants inflation.


One curious thing about the American petrolium market is that diesel is more expensive than premium unleaded, whereas in Europe (and probably also the rest of the world) diesel is cheaper than the lowest grade of gasoline.

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One curious thing about the American petrolium market is that diesel is more expensive than premium unleaded, whereas in Europe (and probably also the rest of the world) diesel is cheaper than the lowest grade of gasoline.


Taxes. Also the US government doesn't like diesel for smog reasons.

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Guest tony78_280z

Minimum Wage in Illinois just jumped from $5.25 to $6.50. I see the increase in gas prices is just going to drive up inflation faster. In another five years it'll have leveled off. And where is all that money going?

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It's a ploy to ween us off of fossil fuel and into alternatively powered vehicles. It is one way to weaken our dependancy on foreign oil. Once we no longer need the foreign oil, we can go in and take over the whole world.....then free gas for everyone....it's really very simple.


--Dr. Evil

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