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Has this commercial gotten on your nerves yet?


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When my belly starts a-rumblin', and I'm jonesin' for a treat. I close my eyes for a big surprise, the Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch. I love the Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch, the breasts they grow on trees. And streams of bacon ranch dressing, flow right up to your knees. Tumbleweeds of bacon, and cheddar paves the streets. Folks don't hate ya cause ya got the juice, there's a train of ladies comin' with a nice caboose. Never get in trouble, never need an excuse, the Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch. I love the Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch no one tells ya to behave. Your wildest fantasies come true, Dallas cheerleaders give you shaves. Red onions make you laugh instead, and french fries grow like weeds. Ya get to veg all day, all the lotto tickets pay. The king who wants you to have it your way, that's the Tendercrisp Bacon Cheddar Ranch."


Here's the commercial if you really want to watch it.



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Guest Phil1934

It beats commercials whose sole object is to say the product's name as many times as poossible in 15 seconds. And it shows a corporate sense of humor as they resurrected the Burger King. Remember when you woke up with the king? You just know that commercial bombed.

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That's what the commercial is advertising! I was just entranced by the women everytime, that I didn't notice what was being sold :twak: I really don't care if they keep running that commercial, it can't get old if I keep seeing Brooke Burke at the end telling me to, "Come and get it!" :D:lmao:



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The commercial I hate the most is the hardees comercial talking about the big block el camino being the ultimate toy. Anyone else heard it? "WIth 2 4-barrels it can smoke anything on 4 wheels from a stop". Not sure what having 2 carbs has to do with traction but hey, whatever. LOL.



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lol, you guys are hilarious, anyone see the playboy with brooke burke in it? MY GOD that women is friggin sexy, and how did i miss jenna jameson in the burger king commercial, she is another fan favorite. And Phantom is right, that Quizno's commercial makes me wanna avoid their food, whats with that rat?

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Guest comeandzpa

Mmmm, Brooke Burke. Rather have her than the sandwich...


Did anybody else see the new version of the "Wake up with the king" commercial? It's advertising the new breakfast sandwich, the Enormous Omelette Sandwich...2 sausage patties, 3 strips of bacon, 2 eggs, 2 slices of american cheese....and only 47 grams of fat! (For comparison, a big mac has 32). Anyway...guy wakes up, gets out of bed, and opens the blinds on his window, only to find the burger king standing right in front of his window looking back at him. I'm not real sure why, but I found this hilarious.

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