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in wisconsin it may soon be open season on cats


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seems there are too many cats wandering around wisconsin ... locals want permission to start eliminating them. the government has concluded that cats are not a protected species. therefore there is no reason for excessive herds not to be thinned, same as deer or any other animal.


locals have petitioned that any loose cat be included ... all cats that aren't on a leash, or on their owner's property be fair game ...


the state is apparently leaning in that direction ...


all free range cats would be considered part of open season.


you know how they have those elk hunting trips to alaska ???


i'm thinking i might make a small fortune leading expeditions into wisconsin for the great cat hunt ...


MADISON, Wisconsin (AP) -- Although Wisconsin residents have voiced their support for a plan to legalize wild cat hunting, some legislators and cat lovers say they will continue their fight.


The proposal would allow licensed hunters to kill free-roaming cats, including any domestic cat that isn't under the owner's direct control or any cat without a collar, just like skunks or gophers -- something the Humane Society of the United States has described as cruel and archaic.


Outdoor enthusiasts approved the proposal 6,830 to 5,201 at Monday's spring hearings of the Wisconsin Conservation Congress, a citizens' advisory group.


The results, released Tuesday by the state, get forwarded to the Natural Resources Board for its consideration. Ultimately, though, any measure would have to be passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. Jim Doyle.


Two state senators -- Scott Fitzgerald and Neil Kedzie -- are promising they'll do everything they can to keep the plan from becoming law.


Kedzie, who chairs the Natural Resources and Transportation Committee, called the issue "a distraction from the main tasks we have at hand."


"I don't see a whole lot of momentum for it," Kedzie said. "It's not the responsibility of the DNR to regulate cats."


Fitzgerald, co-chairman of the Legislature's powerful Joint Finance Committee, said he will "work against any proposed legislation to legalize the shooting of feral cats."


At least two other upper Midwestern states, South Dakota and Minnesota, allow wild cats to be shot -- and have for decades.


Every year in Wisconsin alone, an estimated 2 million wild cats kill 47 million to 139 million songbirds, according to state officials. Despite the astounding numbers, the proposal has been met with fierce opposition from cat lovers such as Ted O'Donnell.


O'Donnell, who gathered more than 17,000 signatures in an online petition to oppose the plan, was joined at Monday's meetings by scores of other animal lovers who held pictures of cats, clutched stuffed animals and wore whiskers.


Even Karen Hale, the head of the Madison Audobon Society, one of the largest pro-bird groups in the country with 2,500 members, voted no. She said the proposal was just too controversial, even though wild cats have reduced the state's bird population.

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They're all nuts. We are up to our arms in freekin' cats. These cats that are "roaming" Wisconsin are not the type to be held and played with. Actually, have any of you seen the video of "Pinky" the cat? You know, the cat that was made famous for going nuts and bitting that officer in his nuts...er, inner thigh? That is what all these feral cats are like, they're mental (read: unlike normal house cats). I'll pull my 22 cal. out and pluck a few off myself. This being said after my parents just got a black cat named Harley today. Just because people keep them as pets, all the animal lovers freak out with no mention of what the feral cats (the same cats in question!) are like. People keep rats as pets, so why don't we hear about the killing of rats in New York?


Anyways, the news is saying that the law won't go into effect... but just because the 10 o'clock news said so, soesn't mean it's true now days. I guess we will see.



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my stupid neighbor cuts a 25 lb of cat food and leaves it on her porch. replaces it every 2 to 3 days ... freaking cats are all over the place ... crapping on my lawn, in the flowerbeds at my front door, they get in the car ( if the window is down ) and wiz .. they used to get up on the flower boxes under my house windows and wiz through the windows into my house ... until i got rid of the boxes. i was trapping em with the hav a hart trap ... leaving em in a field where there are hundreds of mice ... she called the county.. advised em that some one was trapping cats ... humane society left notes on all the houses, explaining ... can only trap cats with traps they will loan you ... then you must take the trapped cat to them. way too much trouble ... some neighbor's complained about her ... were told ... she says they are not her cats and there is no law about her being able or not able to put food out for her 2 cats.


bunch of crap ... all over the place ...


i've had some pretty cool pet cats ... had one that walked on her hind legs, fetched rubber bands, played soccer with me using a ping pong ball, came when you called her name, would sit or beg on command, and the coolest thing was, she'd box with you ...


i'm not anti cat


those feral cats are no different than rats ... the nasty of the cat crap can kill you ... cause birth defects ... and more ... nasty nasty ... the herds need to be thinned. the pied piper needs to start piping ...

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The completely ridiculous thing was when they passed a law making it illegal to shoot feral cats. If the state of Wisconsin hadn't placed that idiotic legislation years ago, there would not be a need to repeal it now.


The best thing for a cat is a 22 rifle.



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How about importing herds of hungry wild hyenas......a cats worst nightmare. yeh, that it, hyenas!!! Here's a bizar idea....fill balls (paint-ball balls) with dog urine and blast the cats with them....would make their lives miserable. Can you imagine a cat trying to run away from itself. Just some creative thinking outside the box.

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We need something like that down here by the beach. The rocks house thousands of smelly dirty cats that run away when you try to be friendly to them.


"You know what, cat? You dont wanna be friendly in return? KAPOW!"


Then you have several old women who fill the back of their vehicles with cat supplies (food, etc), and go to the beach areas where the cats run rampant and leave food everywhere, including styrofoam plates, etc. Lets off them, too.



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my stupid neighbor cuts a 25 lb of cat food and leaves it on her porch. replaces it every 2 to 3 days ... freaking cats are all over the place ... crapping on my lawn' date=' in the flowerbeds at my front door, they get in the car ( if the window is down ) and wiz .. they used to get up on the flower boxes under my house windows and wiz through the windows into my house ... until i got rid of the boxes. i was trapping em with the hav a hart trap ... leaving em in a field where there are hundreds of mice ... she called the county.. advised em that some one was trapping cats ... humane society left notes on all the houses, explaining ... can only trap cats with traps they will loan you ... then you must take the trapped cat to them. way too much trouble ... some neighbor's complained about her ... were told ... she says they are not her cats and there is no law about her being able or not able to put food out for her 2 cats.


bunch of crap ... all over the place ... those feral cats are no different than rats ... the nasty of the cat crap can kill you ... cause birth defects ... and more ... nasty nasty ... the herds need to be thinned. the pied piper needs to start piping ...[/quote']


As soon as it becomes a health issue you can do the California thing and sue her. The upside is that you'll win, but the downside is that you might die from any number of diseases brought on by cat feces. The otters are dying in the ocean out here due to cysts from cat feces flushed in toilets by their owners.


My brother had this very thing going on with his stupid neighbors. The cats took residence under his own house! They were ruining his garden, killing birds, fighting at night, etc. After trapping 17 of them and sending them to the pound where they were destroyed, the neighbors finally saw the light after my brother complained to the City. I'm not sure what the city did to put pressure on the neighbors, but they stopped feeding them and the problem went away. Wow, imagine that--no food and the problem stopped (of course the traps helped too, heh).


What bites is when people feed pigeons and trash-birds like them. Their crap ends up all over the ground, gets ground into dust, and gets inhaled by humans. There have been different cities in the world from history (Paris, France is one I believe) where they had some kind of epidemic due to pigeon poop (memory is hazy about which one).



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my uncle was doing yard work, helping to restore a historical cemetary. mosquito bite. must of had cat crap under his nails, he was pulling weeds, ect. scratched the bite, got infected, tried to deal with it himself. two weeks later, hospital. blood poisoning, massive infection, amputated his leg, he died a week later. cat crap, is what the doctors supected due to the type of infection and bacteria in his blood.


that stuff is nasty, keep your kids away from it ... if your lady is pregnant ... keep her miles away from it ...


isn't it odd, how dogs can eat it and seemingly no harm.


as far as my neighbor ... trapping didn't dent her herd ... she brings home strays and lets em loose in the neighborhood. her husband is beside himself ... apparently, he's been catching em while she's at work ( he's retired ) and taking em to the pound ... feral cats ... he had to spray for fleas under his house, cats got into his travel trailer, made a mess, infested it with fleas.


she and i don't talk, ever since she stomped onto my property telling me how to raise my son ( 3.5 gpa, just a real likeable, well mannered boy, i am extremely lucky ). i pointed how her oldest is still in county jail, her youngest (22) just got out, don't be telling me how to raise my boy !!!

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Sounds like fun hunting in Wisconsin!

But what if you have a nasty neighbor who doesn't like you, or doesn't like your cat, he could just shoot your cat and remove its collar, post-mortem, and claim it wasn't wearing a collar, and get away with it scot-free!

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I'm telling you guys, douse the bowls of food with a water bottle of antifreeze. Problem solved. Takes about half a teaspoon to make their internal organs shut down. Just don't get caught doing it.


BTW the thing about cat feces and pregnant women is absolutely true. Don't let them near droppings from an outdoor cat.

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