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Stupidity at the track...Or track day gone bad???


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Guest SeanyD300zxT

there was a good point that sticks out in my mind..you don't go skiing without expecting to fall....you don't race without a crash...

but pushing your limits and leaping beyond your limits are two different things. A simple spin, the backend stepping out a little too much, over correcting...small indications that you're doing something wrong...


smashing into a tire barrier, unsafely re entering the track..ignoring officials....your limits...were 100 ft the other way.


I race small, oval dirt tracks. low budget racing. Safe, fun, and more wheel to wheel than you'll ever see anywhere else. If you push your limits to the extent the guys in the wall did...you're taking out a good 10 cars with you..even if it's just practice.


you don't ski without a fall

you don't race without a wreck, I"d just personally rather it be a circumstance that was less than avoidable, then blowing off track at full speed.

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John C, you're living my dream... My goal for now is to get the Zcar done, since I've got so much money and time invested. I'll drive it this year and most of next year while I'm getting back up to speed and once I'm doing enough solo seat time in the advanced group and invites to seat time events, I'll get my provisional and buy a race car. I'm already planning to upgrade my trailer this summer to an enclosed unit. I also plan to buy something to race similar to yours. I recognize the dangers, and I've been asked to move UP in speed groups, and have declined because I'm not SAFE in those faster groups, or at least don't feel as safe. So I like to think I'm grounded and use good judgement, but its the others that scare me...



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In my two trips to VIR, I've been pretty surprised by how much stuff there is to hit there if you go off. It's a nice facility and a lot of fun to drive, but the penalty for screwing up can be pretty high. CMP and Roebling both have a lot more runoff room.


Regarding the Carrera GT, there was a fellow with one at a CMP track event who hit a cat while out cruising one day. The cat did $22,000 damage to the grill.



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the faster the car is the faster your reactions have to be to attempt to catch the spin.


Actually, that's not entirely true. What affects the rate of spin (from slow to snap) is the vehicle's rate of yaw. A MR2 is easier to get spinning and faster to spin then a Miata because of the polar moment (yaw intertia).


Now, where the statement is true is that your spin at 100mph needs a lot more track width to catch and correct then a spin at 50mph. Faster hands does help but a slower reacting car (higher yaw intertia) helps as well.

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Uh, that Z is Mark Icards (Mark here on HybridZ) and those other guys are advanced/ instructors... They're all haulin' azz...


Don't get me wrong. That yellow Z was the talk of the paddock at the February event at VIR!



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