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ZO6 blows up


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A few weeks ago at our local track here a late model ZO6 had a little "incident" :shock:Click here for the link to the video. Also, if you read down a little further, word has it his insurance is going to pay for the damage? How does that happen?


EDIT: The video is work safe up to the point the vehicle blows up. After that, feel free to turn down the volume so as not to hear the colorful idiotic remarks from the moron(s) video taping.



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Something I thought was interesting was that the explosion was so faint. Perhaps it was because it was confined to the inside of the intake, but it meerly sounded like a firecracker. I don't see how insurance could possibly cover that unless the individual simply lied to the carrier. He most likely removed the NOS system and said "I dunno, it just caught fire!!!"

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Why is the first guy with the fire extinguisher just standing around until the guy comes up in the golf cart before he even attempts to put out the fire? Then the second guy comes in and blasts the first guy with the fire extinguisher to where it looks like he can't see for awhile.


Too funny!


Got NOS? Another case of BABY BOTTLES GONE BAD!


Don't be a wuss, build more motor.

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Why is the first guy with the fire extinguisher just standing around until the guy comes up in the golf cart before he even attempts to put out the fire? Then the second guy comes in and blasts the first guy with the fire extinguisher to where it looks like he can't see for awhile.


I noticed that as well. Good thing the driver wasn’t trapped in the car! Slow reaction time on the side of the fire crew. Very sad.

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Those guys video taping are retards.


I guess that guy will be buying an aluminum intake for that Z06 to replace the plastic one.


The track officials sure were slow reacting to it. I bet the owner probably keeps a fire extinguisher on hand these days.

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I would be pissed if that was my ZO6 and the guy with the fire extinguisher was just standing there as my car burned. I would be like what are you waiting for some marshmallows and herseys? But atleast he the guy did get hit with the extinguisher full on from the second guy.:twak:

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Fire does funny things to people. Makes them freeze in their tracks. He was probably never trained, or if he was it was minimal. He was obviously just scared. Hopefully he will do better next time, if not they should appoint someone eles. Preferably someone in the proper gear, not a satin jacket and sneakers!!!:twak:

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