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Oh, so so so .... OWNED!!!!!!


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I never speed or outrun anyone. I stop at stop signs and red lights, and always use my blinkers. I know all the rules of the road and obey every single one of them religiously. If I ever mentioned anything here about speeding or doing anything remotely illegal, I was lying. My Z does 0-55mph in 4seconds.



I have a 76Z in BMW Arctic Silver and an WRB '02WRX. Good choice of cars Zhad!

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I believe the quote was, "Yeah, I was riding like 250mph in a school zone and some DFC pulls behind me so I dust him. I say to myself, 'John J Hopkins, you're in trouble now, you better get your A** back to 8846 Tailer Drive Apt. 13 Dublin, Texas.' So I got my underage girl home and then smoked like 15 dubies, and popped like a six of spank. I had to skip 'cause I always carry a kilo of northern bud in my bike seat heh, heh. Just to be safe I'm going to post my bike in the Dublin Gazzette next week, you'll know which one it is because it'll say 'drug free ride'. Oh and I better hide the body of that bum I killed last week that is stinking up my garage before anyone sees it."




BTW this is just a joke in case any FBI agents are reading posts. :confused2 For the record I love the police and the wonderful job they do for us and our country, god bless america. :2thumbs:

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Did anyone on these boards say anything that sounds incriminating... yes. Like "I have a post box where I register my car so I don't have to pass smog." :confused2


These are public boards, and documented for the world to view. Just don't be stupid and you won't commit any crimes.

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Reading that site I now know where all the organ donors hang out.


What a bunch of maroons. They kept saying "first Kellen Winslow and now this".


If you look at the first couple of pages it is all a bunch of guys bashing the cops for not having anything better to do. Later on it is people from all over posting to tell those guys what a bunch of Darwin candidates they are.


The guy did 145 mph on a surface street in the rain in the middle of the day on a bike with a passenger, no plates and bald tires. And somehow the cops are the bad guys. Sounds like they did ME a favor.


But that is absolutely classic. Amazing how stupid people can be. It is like those guys who get busted for video taping themselves molesting the underage neighbor girl (or boy).

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My entire family is in law enforcement (Grandfater[retired], Dad [retired], uncle [retired],uncle and brother) and my best friend was a paramedic...and I can't tell you how many times I've heard the tales of gruesome motorcycle accident scenes (it's a wonder their not alcoholics). I was on a ride along once that stopped at a motorcycle accident (not the riders fault). They wouldn't even let me out of the car it was so bad. I think what those stunt riders do is amazing... but it's also dangerous (not just to themselves).


The only responses that got me hot were the ones stating that the police departments cause more accidents (and subsequent fatalities) than individuals speeding (or running from the cops in this case). Most people who run ARE DOING SOMETHING THEY DON'T WANT TO BE CAUGHT FOR. I commend that PD for not continuing to pursue the individual and instead using other investigational means to catch that guy. We've all done a bit 'o speeding in our time... but come on. Dude even had a passenger!

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