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went mountain biking for the first time!


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I'm into road bikes mostly, but i also have had a mountainbike since I was 13 and never actually used the way it was intended. Well, yesterday I went out on a trail and it was fun! The best part was when our little group found a clearing in the forest/woods wtvr, with alot of dirt ramps and huge dropoff's and half pipes. I must say, this makes road biking look boring... except you go fast, but still, theres a big thrill in going up and down vertical ledges. I'm definitely get my mountainbike working correctly (brakes weren't up to par and the gears weren't easy to shift) can't wait to go out again!


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Glad to hear you had a good experience. I love mountain biking. Been doing it for about 8 years. Upgrade you brakes, gear set, derailer and shifter. Your body will thank you for it and it will be more enjoyable. Have fun!



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Excellent.......another one into the fold! Been mtn biking for nearly 17 years myself. Personally I believe once you learn to love pain and accept it as your friend, you will really begin to enjoy the sport alot more. Can't think of a better way to stay mentally and physically fit while having fun with your buds!


P.S. If you don't crash every once and a while, your not tryin hard enough. "Keep the rubber side down".

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Did the chair lift at Big Bear once. Man was that fun. We actually made kind of a cross country thing out of it, made a ~20 mile ride with 1/2 the hills.


Oliver, if you haven't yet, try a bike with full suspension. I started on a rigid Montagna in 87 or so (remember those crappy bikes with the oval BioRythm chainrings?) then stopped riding for about five years. Started again with a Specialized Stump Jumper with a fork, never really liked the front suspended and the back rigid. Moved onto a mid 90's GT LT2 which I rode until about 2 years ago when I suffered a catastrophic fork failure and hugged a tree at about 20 mph. That bike was fun, had 3" travel and was still only 27 lbs. I guess I just like to jump too much and caused that failure. New bike is a Specialized Big Hit. Perfect for all the log crossings and stuff in the northwest, but it is a bit of a pig at 35 lbs. Can't beat the disc brakes and cushy suspension though.

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P.S. If you don't crash every once and a while, your not tryin hard enough. "Keep the rubber side down".

i didn't mention that due the bad brakes, I ran into my friend who I was following a little to closely after he ate the dirt after a 2 foot drop. I have been showing off my scraped knee and the long scratch on my leg for the past 2 days :)



I'm definitely going to start building a mountainbike after I finish my all aluminum road bike project. (almost have all the parts) I have a problem of starting projects that don't get finished... (Z)



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Hey, chicks dig scares....all avid mtn bikers have thier share of trophies to display! A challenging sport for sure. If I didn't have Mtn Biking, I'd have to spend all my extra cash on my Z and then.............well, I'd probably be over wieght but could likely afford to build my Z into a real track car. Oh well, we all make choices don't we?

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Always got better endorphin rushes off of a long road bike ride. Once I get in the groove it always feels more like flying.


Now being fat, old and with little time I find mountain bikes wear me out faster. Especially with a trail a bike and 4 year old in tow. Sort of an 8 minute abs type of thing.

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Good for you, man! I love mountain biking. I've been riding since I was 8 years old. My dad's buddies include Gary Fisher, Charlie Kelly, and Joe Breeze (if you're into mountain biking then you know who they are), so I was raised into it. I haven't been riding much lately though, unfortuneately, but it's a GREAT sport.

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YUp, I'm with Pop... I feel much more relaxed, and complete after a 70mile ride around lake anna. After a mountainbike ride, I feel like I've been a few rounds in a boxing ring...


Broke both ankles, both wrists, right collar bone, 7 ribs, fractured my skull and had a level two separated shoulder all from Mountain biking. Been hit three times in 24 years of road biking. Each time a car hit me it was close, but I always just walked away with road rash...


My stable of bikes has grown with my family... I've personally got two road bikes, two mountain bikes and a TON of gear for each. My stepson has a mountain bike and my wife has one fo each. Three FS bikes in all...


I've raced down hill (How I sustained a fractured skull) and it was fun, but not nearly as challenging as XC racing.


Most fun racing was a 12 hour endurance mountain bike race where I raced solo and took 6th place overall... 2nd most fun was a one day race hosted by Potomac Pedalers. It was a road race on July 5th 2000. I came in 2nd to my buddy, a semi pro mountain biker... the other 44 guys were all hard core roadies, shaved legs and all... :lmao:


Now days I just ride for fun, as I've put on twenty pounds I can't seem to lose and the house and the cars just keep getting priorety over my time.


Mike :cool:

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wow mike, thats some crazy stuff.


Its cool to hear about members' lives outside of cars. I had no idea there was this much enthusiasm for biking on this board. It seems like the mentality would be all wrong, with such a large standardization on bike parts, and the complete opposite being done to cars on this board. Either way, i'm glad to hear about it!



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Well, if any of you guys happen to make it to the midwest in august, my friends and I are putting on ou second Lance Armstrong foundation bennifit, at Road America (which in my opinion is one of the best road courses in the US) on august 20. it is in conjuction with the ALMS TRANS AM and Toyota Atlantic series. last year it was with champcar TRANS AM and atlantics




check it out for more info, it is a great chance to ride the course and get to meet all the drivers and such.


that being said, I ride my road bike alot more because I live in the city, but I prefer mt. biking. I have always been more of a bike controll person rather than an endurance type that is why I raced downhill

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I started road biking about 2 months ago, couple of gals training for Ironman invite me along to do some hills in the Kananaskis/ Banff area. Little did I know the hills was going be summiting the highest paved road in Canada. If I wasn't such good shape from running I would have had my *** kicked. I had an 8 speed carbon fiber bike set up for the flats, I was grinding so hard at the peak. 7km climb sux!! On the way down I had a blow out doing 65 kph, yikes. Saw a huge grizzly 25 feet from me, amazing animal. I didn't stop to take a picture, just pedalled faster.


I was addicted after that trip, a great day to be alive !!

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my dad rides like 5 to 6 days a week



road and mtn' date=' but normally on trails.


sometimes i accompany but dont like slowing him down[/quote']


I'm not of your generation, so I don't quite understand what you mean when you say your dad rides LIKE 5 to 6 days a week. Do you mean he doesn't actually ride 5 to 6 days a week or he would LIKE to ride 5 to 6 days a week!!? I constantly hear the youth of today using the word LIKE a tremendous amount and totally out of context. Do they not teach grammer is school anymore??? Just curious!

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Like, Catch up dude! :lmao:


Seriously, this slang term is no different than any other crutch word every generation has butchered out of context for the last oh century... It's called youth and you were once there... Like, cut the kid a break! :cool:


I'll be at Massenutten Resort (http://www.massresort.com) biking this weekend from Friday to Sunday, as the wife just sprung this surprise birthday present on me... I'd have to say if I had to give up cars or bikes, Cars would have to go... :2thumbs:



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