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Everyone got fired today...


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Except me! My boss had a 'talk' with the guys today (small machine shop, me and 3 other guys) one by one. The other guys didn't look happy coming out.. I went in to the office last and he says 'well, we're talking to evryone so I figured I'd talk to you too.. although nothing will change as far as you're concerned.'


:icon52: <---thats what I looked like...


I guess he's fed up with things taking too long, stuf getting messed up, ect. The older guy (55 I think) who does some designing and runs the CNC, is history. Too much wasting time, complaining, wandering around.

Same deal with the younger (18 I believe) kid; bye bye. He's always late, doesn't clean up after himself, and has a problem listening and doing as he's told. He was actually getting on my nerves this week (not listening, cranking the radio up, ect) and it's not tha I didn't like the kid, but if I'm in charge of getting something done, I get crap when it's messed up..not him.


The other guy, a friend of mine (who I put a word in for to get him this job), is on a 'day to day' basis.. IE; there isn't enough work right now to have him in evry day, but he IS a good worker, so he's just 'temporarily laid off' I guess.


I asked my boss if I should be looking for another place to work, but he says he needs me, and will keep me buisy (doing whatever, if need be) as I've been with him for almost 3 years, and I can do pretty much anything that's required. We do custom fixturing, tooling, ect, and I can handle most of it on my own if I have to..service calls and the like.


I can't help but get a little freaked out though..I mean, the boss says 50% of it was that he can't afford the other guys.. but things getting messed up this week and seeing ceartian people wandering or messing things up pushed it too far.. Now it's just him and me working.. oh boy.. :confused2

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Congrats on getting to keep your job. Just do your best and you automatically are a valued employee...usually. I got laid off two years ago along with 300 others. I was out of work for a year. Fortunately, my wife brought home paychecks, I have no kids, and I had some cash saved up so we did fine. A year later, the same company that laid me off, hired me back with a little raise! Go figure.

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That is cool you got to keep your job there. Im in the same boat (at a machine shop too) and its just my boss and I. We are struggling for work right now too, but things are starting to look up.


I have been laid off and re-hired from the same company twice in the past. Its not all bad, I just wish it hadnt happened

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Here in SoCal all the machine shops I deal with (5) are busier then a one legged man at a butt kicking contest.


I hear that, 4 week leadtime for a plate WTF? 1 year ago I could have a similar plate made same day while I waited! It was a little cool to go to a machine shop and find the owner, his brother and his wife the only ones working. No fun for him, but lots of time to sit around and talk about old times. Now it's rush rush rush, and "Hey man I can get that to you in 4 weeks if you need it in a hurry." But it was like 6 weeks + in 1999 and of course like 50% more shops to chose from. Only the strongest survived.

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Here in SoCal all the machine shops I deal with (5) are busier then a one legged man at a butt kicking contest.


This is true. Even our internal machine shop has to send projects out... Our cup runeth over with machining projects.

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