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Honda guys build a motor in the basement


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I knew a guy from my home town that built a 454 bbc in the bedroom of his house trailer. :D

not only was it too big to get thru the door, it was also too damn heavy. twak.gif


Just imagine 4 hefty guys trying to haul a complete BBC thru the hallway of a mobile home. :D

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Guest Anonymous

well now, they could attach some floatation devices to it,fill up the basement with water and float it out.... or dismantle the car and reassemble in the basement and drive it all out at once and if unsure of that.....4 wheel drive could be an option during the re-assembly for the uphill climb... just apply a lttle scientific technology to the problem for a solution

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Guest Z-rific

One of the reasons I hang out here at Hybrid. Not a million people who don't know anything about anything, but will post something about everything. Does that make sense?


I like what that one guy posted about having a "Powerhouse" sticker which added about 10hp. At least some of them have good senses of humor.

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I bought an F54 block with internals, only the heads/intake and flywheel removed, and carried it up to my second floor apartment (4 flights of stairs). It was a royal beach to carry, but I got the job done, but boy was it sucky with no help.


I'm going to try and weigh it in a day or two (I dont have a scale), but I assume it to be in the 300 range, the guy that pulled the block for me thought it was 150, I was stoked that it could be so light, but there is no way its 150!


Basically I bear hugged the block, I rolled it on a chair for what distance I could (this helped greatly), and took a break with one set of stairs left to go.

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Guest livewire23

I still want to know what he thought he did with the last two spark plug wires. And if he had a NSX distributor, then what was the MSD stuff? maybe he had a MSD key. the post had so much conflicting information its hilarious. And then he goes and registers under another name to dis himself. great stuff.

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That is not so funny a few years back I built a SBC in my dads basment. I then had to convince my best friend to help me get it up about 15 steps then dump it into a wheelbarrow wheel it across the back yard get it into the hatch of my 87 rx-7 then drive it to my apt. and install it in to my lifted 76 GMC we did this on the sidewalk in front of the apt building I lived in the rest of the people who lived there were "thrilled" my wife was plain PISSED. she kept calling me white trash until it was done! Keith

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Ihad 2 dismantled Zs sitting in my driveway for about 3 months...


My neighbors "love" me....


Wish i could say different about the police that were leaving all the notices about how illegal it is to work on your car on your own property...


Oh well, i shouldnt have slid into that curb....

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Guest livewire23

now why would it be illegal to work on your own car on your own property? twak.gif sometimes these neighbourhood beautification laws get a bit ridiculous. Although I do wish my neighbor's friends would quit parking their cars on my curb! :confused:

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Hey 383,


Thanks I was feeling a little trashy since I've been working on my car in the garge at my apartment. Everyone keeps looking in to see whats up and why I spend so much time in there. I ofcourse think they want to steal something but, they are proubly just thinking I wish he would go away. Atleast it's not on the curb. Gotta do what ya gotta do.

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