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Are you a gear head?

Guest tony78_280z

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The rubber gloves always seem to break on me, so I got a pair of "mechanix" gloves. They're leather and the best part is they protect my knuckles from busting open when my hand slips (which always happens lol).


"if you own more than two cars that don't run, you might be a hotrodder"


"if you spend more money on tools, than on parts, you might be a hotrodder"


"if your neighbors constantly complain about you running your open-headered car at 3am, you might be a hotrodder"



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It doesn't matter how much goop, pumice, acetone, brake cleaner I use, I still leave smudges on the white refrigerator


My wife grumbles when I come in to get something to drink, and grumbles if I ask her to get me something to drink. ( substitute Bitc*hes for grumbles)




To be fair, there WAS a period when building the rotisserie that there were a LOT of metal shavings tracked in, and black handprints, BUT THAT WAS TWO YEARS AGO.


They NEVER forget...

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I made the mistake of using some Berrymans Chem Dip to clean off some gun parts. No gloves, just holding the parts above the can and using a toothbrush to scrub off gunk. After about 20 minutes I noticed that my hands were tingling, almost numb. The skin under my watch and wedding band began to have a burning sensation shortly after that, so I took them off and immediately scrubbed my hands with hot water and soap. The tingling sensation gradualy moved all the way up to my shoulder before going away. I felt like crap for the next few days, a lot like having a hangover actually. The skin on my hands dried up and began to look a lot like a mummified corpse, a day later all that skin had died off and was flaking off in a powdery mess that looked like parmisan cheese. The apartment still smells like chem dip, although oddly enough the garage doesn't. The moral of the story: Always use gloves when using harsh chemicals like chem dip, preferably a full body hazmat suit with air fed hood, because chem dip is nasty sh#t. It does do one hell of a job removing cosmoline off of military surplus firearms though :)



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Sometimes my hair gets so much stuff in it from grinding and welding all day that I look at the black water in bottom of the shower and say OMG, if the wife saw this she wouldn't let me in the house again.


Yesterday i was working on my truck....it broke down on one of the main roads-bad clutch, so i started it in first(no clutch-started in 1st) and spun the tires all the way across 2 lanes of the 4 lane road. I parked it in a cash advance parking lot and left it there. Replaced the slave cylinder in the parking lot and while i was doing that brake fluid drained all over my head. I'll tell you sumthin, if you wash brake fluid out of your hair, it has never felt cleaner.....but the bottem of the shower turns this nasty brownish yellow color-and i thought it was clear when i poured it-or mayb i was lying in sum other stuff too.


Moral of the story.................the trucks clutch still doesn't work, its still at the place, and theres a puddle of brake fluid under it, i think i have to replace the master cylinder-no funds-truck stays there for a few more weeks.

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  • 1 month later...

HA, thats great, I just had to bring a half dozen glasses back in to the house from the garage the other day.

The wife made me wash them with Dawn before she'd run them through the dishwasher, seems dishwasher detergent doesn't clean engine grease like the normal liquid dish soap.



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I got a pretty bad cut on my hand one time and didn't want to stop working, so I wrapped the greasy injury with a blue paper shop towel and "racer" taped it to hold. Figured that germs would have a hard time living in grease.


My wife came out, looked at my "bandage", and just shook her head while walking back into the house.


Same thing here, "What's that red stuff all over the place? Oh....."

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Guest tony78_280z

You guys get way more drunk working on your cars than I do!


We used to say the job wasn't done until someone bled. If you got through a project and nobody scraped a knuckle or otherwise bled on the project then it wasn't done and it was inevitable that something would be wrong and we'd soon be doing it again.


Then sometimes one of use would bust a vessel and bleed early on. It was agreed that the rest of the process would be cake, and usualy it was. The automotive gods demand blood sacrfice for success.


But I've never been so drunk as to wonder about the red fluid!

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"i had a girl tell me the other day i need to wash my hands... i told her i did and that there just staind and that she needs to lose weight."


that made my day

hahahah i agree but mike...

dont u wonder why you arent so smooth with the ladies?

thats ok i was revving up my old turbo z with an open downpipe at a red light and it kept on back firing.

the lady next to me says ''u know i have eardrums"

then i told he she probably had a yeast infection too! and took off with the z back firing when i shifted it.

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  • 3 months later...

Thank you, Jmortensen.


Z-tard, Chem dip is THE WORST thing you could ever put your hands in. PERIOD.


When I was younger, my uncle owned an auto shop. One of the guys that worked there put some carb parts in the chem dip bucket, and forgot them over the weekend. When he pulled out the basket the aluminum parts were almost totally gone!


The moral of the story........Always read the labels and follow directions for chemicals in the shop. Your life and the life of your parts may depend on it.


BTW, I use that orange pumice cleaner and a stiff brush or scotchbrite. Seems to work just fine for me..



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I just put a wire wheel on my angle grinder...and my toothbrush is a small wire brush...I seem to have this problem with my gums bleeding when I brush my teeth. who knows...

In all reality I use the blue gloves and they work good on general stuff but on the small work they come off.

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*always catching sh!t for being dirty lol and I always leave the cups outside I just forget there out there, ohh she gets mad!!! I was threatned with castration the other day for that (along with finger prints on the fridge and foot prints on the floor)


forgot to say I buy the ultra size dawn bottles! and yes I shower with it, works great.......

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You know your a gear head when you have a urial installed in your garage, your garage stereo and TV is better than the living room equipment. Yup!


I learned the hard way that fiberglasss resin will make you sick as a dog, jaundic, and have liver failure, if you don't use gloves.

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