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The Ultimate Christmas Lights Display

Guest HBZ81

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Damn Electrical Engineers...LOL


There is a house in East Los Angeles, CA that puts a wire frame, i suppose, all over the house with white light strings and it looks like a castle at night. I'll try and take a picture of it this year and post it up.


This was really creative though. Good to see some of us still have the Holiday spirit.

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This was posted on Zcar.com. Definately way cool. There was a guy in my hometown that put up so many lights, he borrowed power from both of his neighbors on the sides and across the street, as he had lights that stranded to the other side. A community favorite every year.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I saw a story on that house on NBC's Today show this morning. He lives in Mason, Ohio I believe. He said that it adds $150 to his electric bill every month. He starts putting it up October 1st and doesn't get done until Thanksgiving. The music is played over a low FM frequency so it doesnt disturb the neighbors but cars passing by can listen. He only runs the lights 6pm to 10pm so the lights dont bother anyone when sleeping.


Here is the NBC interview with the manhttp://video.msn.com/v/us/v.htm?g=ab5246e5-7858-4130-a16f-715edb504cc2&f=copy

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