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FINALLY ..... Some update PICS!!


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Well it's been a while since I've posted an update. Well here ya go. Progress has been slow and it seems that the longer I have the car the worse off it gets. I'm really starting to lose interest and contemplating selling again, because nothing has seemed to go right from the beginning. 1st I get screwed on a motor (Thanks again Gary), 2nd, I just can't get this thing dialed in, no matter how hard I try. 3rd) the el'cheapo paintjob and body work from the P/O is really starting to look crappy these days. 4th) have no time to work on it anyway ... and there's more stuff, I just can't think of them right now .. I hit the majors though.

Oh, and I know the swap stuff (engine compartment) isn't purty but hey, it runs!!!


I'm still waiting on the C/F reproduction of my "cool" hood --- that explains the eyesore thats there now. Thanks again RedNeckZ for the Freebie to hold me over!!!


Well enough whining, heres the pics............














Constructive criticism welcomed!!!!

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Yea lol im hitting the "new post" button every minute until my female friend calls me when she gets off work, lol. Anyways I have always thought your car is awesome, I love the wheels and looks like it is coming together well. I also have gotten screwed during my project and have had several ordeals so i can empathize, hang in there man!

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Hey Marcus, i think it looks great. I think a bunch of us get the feeling of, why am i constantly battling this thing... maybe i should just sell but, i think you've done a real nice job so far and once you get some of the bugs worked out and have a good day of driving her under your belt, those "bad" thoughts may just be forgotten pretty quicky. Believe me, in know first hand ;) Nice looking Z.

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Honestly, right now, I think my main problem is with the tuning issues I have. I've tweaked and tweaked and I'm still not getting any improvements. I think it's the torque converter that's holding up progress. But, I'm not gonna go spend the money on getting a good/better one for it especially if I can find a reasonably priced WC-T5. I hate auto's :(


Plus, I'm soooooooooooooo tired of looking at this hood !!

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It looks pretty good to me. I love the color. You may hate the hood, but I've always been a sucker for a black hood on a silver/grey car. You also have my all-time favorite front air dam, hehe.


I know how frustrating it can get working on a car when everything from the beginning, middle and end fights you every step of the way.. but the satisfaction of being able to hop in and drive around is worth every scraped nuckle, every bleeding ulcer and every friendship lost due to the use of guilt to sucker friends into all nighters with you, lol.

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Personally I think the car looks great...sounds like you are very fed-up frustrated, hang in there...these are old cars and some have very rough colored pasts, but don't give up you have got this far.


I have sold a ton of cars in the past few years and guess which car still sits in my garage....my Z! I love that thing to death.


Keep your spirit and enthusiasm up!



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LMAO My 82 ZXT has a very colored past! 2 accidents and 6 colors to exact!


I am currently scraping off 9, yes 9, layers of paint!

talk about commited to a project...


let me tell you this, If it were any other "type" of car I would have given up a long time ago.


Keep your head up dude! I think the car looks absolutely Bitchin!

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Your right the car looks like total trash you should sell it to me, I'll give you $1000 and pick it up sometime this month, all a big joke.


Dude it looks great, I kinda like the black hood wheels are sharp what brand/style are they? Engine compartment looks fine to me. It just takes sometime, be patient.



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Honestly' date=' right now, I think my main problem is with the tuning issues I have. I've tweaked and tweaked and I'm still not getting any improvements. I think it's the torque converter that's holding up progress. But, I'm not gonna go spend the money on getting a good/better one for it especially if I can find a reasonably priced WC-T5. I hate auto's :(


Plus, I'm soooooooooooooo tired of looking at this hood



I think you'll find....as time and effort go by, that everything comes under more scrutiny and you refine your goals and theme.

Visual tension will fatigue your enthusiasim at times...as it has done to ALL of us from time to time. It WILL indeed pass.

I think once you have the new CF Warrior hood fitted and perhaps befriend someone at Ft. Leonard Wood to help tune out your running issues.....you;ll forget all about your past roadblocks.....and enjoy the car more than ever.

One thing to remember when redesigning a Z car is: the end results are a reflection of planning and applied effort.

Winter is here, so do what is needed to get the engine dialed in properly so it can be enjoyed this Spring. Once your happy with that.....you can look at the aging paint and bodywork and PLAN for THAT step to be dealt with.

I know personally that if the car doesent RUN as good as it LOOKS, it ruins a great deal of the overall fun you had anticipated and will arise as "burn-out" falsly.

Being able to "nail it" or "flog it" at will......is always the main recharge for your project energy between all of the little things like paint,interior etc.

So make a goal to get "recharged" by dialing in the MAIN issues first.....and you'll feel stoked again !


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Yeah, I think I'll make Vinny help me ;) (whaddya say Vin?) swap that tranny out early in the new year. Then hopefully, it'll be fun again.


Whatever it takes to keep you in the game Marcus. A tranny swap is cake compared to starting over. If you know that tranny is holding you back....definatly start researching a better set-up for your intensions and snag one up !You can ALWAYS load it on blankets into the Z's hatch like I've done 20 times. Drive it to Springburg and we'll do it ! Just get a GOOD replacement with the clutch and new bits so we'll get it right.Then you can drive her home with a smile.

Maybe DSOMMER will feel like coming up to supervise with his V-8 background. He can bark and toss us a beer or 12 !

Just keep heart !One step at a time WILL get er' done !


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