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So, your neighbor is a redneck


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It is funny UNTIL you get some dumb a$$ like this living in your area.

I have a hill billy, trailer park trash, dumb a$$, redneck SOB living 2 houses from me.

Lord, this guys web site is NOTHING compared to stories I could tell you!

Oh yea, did I tell you he has 6 F---ing kids!


Don`t get me going!!!

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I would not have any time left to do anything else!

This guy`s got something going on all day, every day.

All the folks that live around him think(and some have told him)he`s a stupid mo fo, and he loves it.

You can`t let him know something gets to ya cause he`ll drive you crazy doing what ever it is over & over & over & over(you get it).

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Yeah, I imagine the guy is about on blood pressure medication sometimes LoL


Nearly burning the fence down? That is not cool. Plus the nice permanent burn marks period, if the guy built his own fence or not I'd be pissed.


As for the neighbor wanting to do chicken wire? ............. $250k house probably, and $50 of chicken wire??? OMG ROFL

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LOl guys you may want to look in the mirror. tongue.gif

I remember when I bought the rusty ole Camaro and pulled the engine in the front drive beside my neighbors house. I then parked it under the tree with the hood laying across the roof.


At that time my Z car, also engineless, was sitting in my garage with its engine under a tarp in the driveway.


I remember my neighbor coming over with a concerned look on his face. I assured him that the hulk of a camaro was currently on ebay and that the engine was on its way to the junk yard.


But you know he probably went back into his house shaking his head and mumbling "that crazy redneck" fmad.gif

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In the interest of giving you guys a laugh....


My biggest redneck moment:


The day we pulled the motor out of my 68 chevy van. Used a log truck with a self loader to lift the van off of the engine and the swing the van around and set it down. Of course the neighbors are a good 1/4 mile away. I don't think we would have tried that stunt in town, would have definitely ended up on someone's webpage. :D

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Guest Anonymous

I live on main st of our little 4 corner town. About four years ago my neighbor decided to shoot some stray cats with a shotgun. He proceded to shoot his 20 gauge single shot across main st. while standing on his side porch. Unfortunatly not being able to see if a car was coming or not. After just missing a car and scaring the hell out of some passersby I called the cops. They came and picked him up and I havent seen him since. But his house was never sold, so I guess he'll be back sometime. twak.gif

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I personally live inside the city limits,about 2 blocks from the police dept.

At one time I had TWO large New Holland 1500 combines sitting in my yard. :D None of my immediate neighbors were concerned. ;) The only comments I had from them was that my place looked better WITH the combines than it did when I bought the place.

The only complaints I got were from people that lived miles away. twak.gif

IMHO, I`m the one who put down the 100g`s to buy the place,plus another 50k for renovations. I should be able to do what I want with the place, especially if my NEIGHBORS don`t complain.

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I've pulled some redneck stunts i suppose...


like i rebuilt my 280Z from the unibody up in my driveway... in suburbia...

It was great, i discovered i had a couple of cool neighbors, and i pissed off the ones that i hate. so all is well in the end...


heh, i also cut up my old wrecked unibody on a sunday morning with a sawz-all...:-)




ok, so i'm a redneck... but... Ize dun gots my edumacation, and Ize reel sivillized, Darn tootin!



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Hee hee, kinda funny kinda sad. I really have to object to classifying him as a redneck just 'cuz he's stupid white trash. (Is there any other kind?) I'm a redneck and I have my faults but they're nothing like that bad.


Besides, in the thread "your lawn ornament is satanic" everyone criticised the nosy neighbors who didn't like what the guy was doing. Now some of ya are siding with the nosy neighbors!

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Exactly! This thread has run on here before and I made the comment about how did this guy get all of these close up pics that he made without the redneck's permission?


I mean some of the pics the guy took was from the redneck's deck or at least it appeared that way to me.


He should mind his own business! But I agree some of the stuff the guy did is pretty bizarre! :D

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I thought the same thing about those pictures. They were too upclose and personal for my taste. Complaining about someone is one thing but tresspassing makes you just as bad.


As for the redneck it sounds to me like he`s a impulsive drunk that doesn`t think things through.



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I thought the same thing also. What a pathetic snob the guy who took all those picture is. What's worse, putting up a flag upside down or stalking your neighbor, taking pictures though half open blinds?


The guy who posted the site needs to get a life. Maybe if he made friends with the guy he could talk to him man to man to avoid some of the problems.

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Hey guys, sometimes you gota do what you gota do.

The guy who posted the site needs to get a life. Maybe if he made friends with the guy he could talk to him man to man to avoid some of the problems.
I know from my own experiences with a major butt hole that is doesn`t always work.(good to try, no dout)

There are those that once they find out what gets your goat they will use it aginst you and drive you crazy.

As far as tresspassing, it`s a no no. nono.gif

As far as pics and hand writtin documentation, get all you can .

When it comes time to rip someone a new a$$ hole talk is cheap.

I have talked to several police officers and the codes and compliance folks and without documentation you got nothing!


So, if you have problems with someone take all the pics/movies you can and document on paper(with time & dates) things that go on.

If you or your proprety is in view, you are fair game!(again without treaspassing)

foot note , in my city unless you have told someone to not treaspass on your property or have a no treaspassing sign posted, you are not considered treaspassing.

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So in your city a guy can walk into your fenced back yard and stand on your burnt deck and take all the pics he wants and then post them on a web site and make fun of you?


Note to self...stay away from this city!


I'm waiting on the redneck's pics, you know the ones of the nosey neighbor with no life standing on his back porch taking pics.


What gets me is when the guy brags about going to the house with the police and threatening the loud party goers with police action.


I can tell you this, I as with most cops do not like to be used as puppets. You call us for a problem and we, not you, try to handle it. It is the same thing when parents see a police officer and then tell their badly behaving child, "look there's a police man, I'm going to have him take you away!" WE HATE THAT!


Sorry for ranting but I haven't had my afternoon Dr. Pepper yet. :D I know neighbors like this can be a problem. I am speaking about both neighbors not just the red neck.

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