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Holley Blue fuel pump question...

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The Holley Blue fuel pump I have in my Z has maybe 250 miles of use on it and maybe 5 tank fulls of gas through it...As far as im conserned, it's still new. It gets constant battery voltage through a relay that is actuated when either:

a) 7 PSI or more is in the crank case


B) I flip a switch that manualy actuates the relay


I noticed that when i first start the car, it runs fantasticly. I can hear the fuel pump goin and going strong. After a while of driving...maybe 30-40 min...I cant hear the fuel pump. Almost like it isnt on anymore. after a while, i can hear it again...then it fades out. When i put my ear up to it, it sounds like its got power, but something's keeping it from moving. When driving, i get frequent hestation...like i have no gas going into the engine. If i let the car sit for a while (an hour or so) and turn the fuel pump back on, it powers up and runs strong again. I dont think its an electrical issue, although i will be checking that with a volt meter to make sure im getting constant voltage. But it sounds like after 30 min or so of use, the motor quits and has issues. Anyone have this kind of experience?? Im getting a fuel pressure gauge to put inline with one of my carbs inlet hoses to see if i get substantial fuel pressure drops. Could it be the regulator that i have inline? Ill be irritated if i have to change the fuel pump after such little use.

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my red ate **** after less then 100 miles **** holley


Ill tell you what is it.. its A **** PUMP.. i had a red that was the SAME WAY except mine would last 45 mins or so then my car would DIE for lack of fuel.... I put it on a fluke and figured it was pulling 15 amps (box says 7 i believe)... so i knew something was getting bound..... THIS IS FROM holly representatives... evidently "the pump gas is not pure enough from a stations gas pump due to contamination from various sources and recommended me only using race gas for a holly red pump"



get a Cheapy and call holly and bitch at them... i got my money back for the pump... even though it was purchased over a year ago now...

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I ran the blue on my sbc conversion. After a while I started running out of gas with a full tank and getting hesitation. As it turned out, the electric fan, stereo, thumping amp and fuel pump were more than the High output alternator could handle. I had to go with the Powermaster 140 amp alternator. Sounds like a similar problem to me.


Oh BTW after other trouble, I switched to a Carter fuel pump and had no more problems.

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Besides the fact that I agree that the Holley pump is less than desirable, not to mention its louder than my fricken engine, here are two other things I experienced withe fuel delivery. I would get a bubbling noise in my tank when the pump started running slower and my Fuel Pressure gauge would go from 7 to like 1 after about 1 hour of driving. I tried everything to fix the problem, then found out what it was.....


VAPOR LOCK in the front carb bowl (could here it boiling). Now this was in Texas and it gets hot there. I actually tracked the temp outside that starts it....at 85 deg F it will start doing this (with hood on ofcourse). I stalled at the track several times with hood on because of it. Thats why I run with the hood off in the summer......because IT WORKS! If you dont have a fuel reg, plumb one in to track. Try running with your hood off and see if it cures the problem.



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ive ran holley blue on both my zed and rx4 only trouble ive had is listening to them hummm and base gasket letting go on one so it sucked air

would have to say if u cant hear it humming its not working always hear mine humming away louder when you first turn on till it get full pressure up

hadnt heard any bd responses till i read the above

Oh well im fitting my next pump inside the tank so i can just listen to my new motor with no hum



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I've had the same blue pump since the creation of my hybridZ in '89 with only one problem (other than the immense noise), and that was heat. When I had it under the car next to the exhaust, the pump would occasionally shut off in slower or stopped traffic. After a short wait, it would turn back on. At that point I assumed it had a thermal cut-off switch built into the pump, but have never verified this. I corrected this problem by moving the pump up and as far as possible from any heat sources. That was 2 years ago, and it has never quit on me since then.

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The Mallory Comp pumps work great. Run the 110 model which requires no regulator. They have other versions. Runs very quiet and very dependable. Make sure you have a good fuel filter before the pump and a Clean fuel tank. Over a short period of time debris will destroy and seize these very precise pump rotor componets. I learned that lesson the hard way.


The Blue Holley pump. Had one. It worked fine but man it was so loud even fully rubber mounted.

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I have run the Holley blue pumps for 7 years and have had one go out. It was my fault so I cannot bitch too much. The only draw back is noise and I got rid of most of the noise by way of mounting it.



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