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Enzo crashes in Malibu

Guest l28et

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Well PCH is not straight straight. Not like take your hands off the wheel for the next 7 miles straight. It follows the coast, but it's far from what I would call a twisty road. Decker on the other hand has 3 or 4 sections where the road narrows to one lane has switchbacks, elevation change, and is ALWAYS dirty. It used to be that there was spilled concrete right in the middle of some sections. It really was the tightest, meanest, nastiest road around. That's why I loved it so much...

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What amazes me with reports like this is when you read that the suspect fled the accident scene... :roll: HOW MANY ENZOs are in the general area? :roll:


If I can afford a $600+K vehicle, my guess is lawyers fees and time in front of a judge wouldn't be that big a deal, even if you're a habitual offender... What a complete tool! :2thumbs:


Another case of idiots with more money than sense, giving the rest of us bad reps.



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The first time they reported this on MSNBC the other day, I swear they said that "police estimated speed at over 200mph."


I think what you heard was them stating that the car was "capable of speeds in excess of 200mph..."


I had it saved on my desktop until last night and then deleted it... Shoulda hung onto it...


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Mike, you may be right. I was only paying half-attention at the time and the second time they ran the story they said "speeds over 100..."


My guess as to fleeing the scene... they probably just weren't looking at being in trouble for the crash... probably thought that if they were caught, they would be caught for something else as well... something where they might actually do some time (drug use perhaps).

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That's the second Enzo I've seen pictures of broken in half. I guess the weak point is behind the seat. What I got a kick out of was the owner (with blood on his face) claimed someone else was driving, but the only blood was on the Driver airbag, not the Passenger airbag. That's one of the oldest tricks, "I let this guy drive my car because I was drinking then he wrecked it and ran away, I wasn't driving Officer." Yea, right.


- Joe

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Actually I read on RENNLIST (Don't tell my wife I've been looking at Pcars :lmao: ) that the Enzo and the Carrera GT both are designed to separate like that under heaving impact. The idea is to get the mass of the rear engine compartment away from the driver's "capsule".



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f50clutch3ea.jpgThe Enzo, like the F50 are designed with the engine as part of the structure, like an F1 car. The engine in the F50/Enzo is part of the chassis structure. The front portion of the F50/Enzo is attached to the front of the engine, and the rear suspension and transmission are attached to the rear of the engine.


The picture shows how they access the clutch.



Thats why it seperates on side impact.

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The guy in the enzo must have been racing a Hybrid Z!!! That would explain everything and also explain why he pushed his car so hard he crashed then ran away. Losing to a Hybrid Z is nothing to be ashamed of. It happens all the time to some of the most expensive cars out there.


"Whoever was driving the Ferrari and a Mercedes came out to Malibu for a little race," Sheriff's Department Sergeant Philip Brooks said. "The other car racing was a (500,000-dollar) SLR Mercedes," he said.



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