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Fast and Furious 3 is coming!!!


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Fast and Furious 3 is coming!!! I know everybody laughs and makes fun of these movie. We say they are lame then, we all go an see them in the theater because we are "bored" ahhhumm....Well I for one admit it. I like love watching these movies, there are cool cars, racing, crashing and I can make fun of it for years afterwards. I can't Wait!



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I actually just saw the trailer for it today before seeing Vendetta (a freakin awesome movie btw!) and this one looks so bad you will not want to pay even a rental fee to see it. Perhaps if you have netflix maybe. It has no actors in it. The cars don't look cool. And its not even much to make fun of. I actually liked the first two with all their corniness and looked forward to this one. 3rd movies in series are hardly ever good. Did you see free willy 3? Karate Kid 3?

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Guest 73Turbo240z

watched the preview... the second the narrorator said...


"on the other side of the world, and the wrong side of the law..." i spit my heiniken out and started laughing...


one thing i will give them is the preview looks to be less CG cars and more real driving this time... which i look forward too. cause bad movie or not, seeing cars go at it is always fun.

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Fast and Furious movies are ok. The one I really liked, but can hardly remember because it has been so long since I've seen it, is Vanishing Point. I don't even remember the story line but when he smashes into the dozers as the end is something I always remember.


I also like the beginning of Cannonball Run, another lame movie, when the HP is chasing the Lamborghini.


Are there any really "good" car movies? Gone in 60 seconds - nice cars but lame. Bullit - supposed to be a classic but I don't remember seeing it. Smokey and the Bandit - funny but still pretty lame.


Can't think of any more right now.

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Guest 73Turbo240z
The movie's quality - or lack thereof - is of no consequence to me. The problem is going to be the hundreds of "WASSUP??? Hew kn I put NOS n my DaTsUn??????" posts were going to see.


actually i'm really looking forward to it causing a surge in the drift scene, hopefully god willing it will get some of the morons out of us 1320 guys area...

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actually i'm really looking forward to it causing a surge in the drift scene, hopefully god willing it will get some of the morons out of us 1320 guys area...



Actually what Strotter is referring to are the masses of unwashed numbnuts that will undoubtedly find there way here.


I'm with you, man.



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its just a movie, someone out there must like it, I think there made for the 11-17 year old audiance, the ones who belive you can go so fast with nitrous that your car falls apart and you look like the millinum falcon running the kessel run in 11 parsec's.....I saw the first, wasent a fan, but i did watch it. same thing with INITAL-D "I was a fan long before the anime" but after the anime was out in america I have had a billion kids tell me my ae86 corolla is fast and ask if I drift...I still like initald even thow the people who said it was cool a few years ago now say its gay.

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