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Drove a 350z today...


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Yeah i know I'm like 3 years late, but today was the first time I drove a 350z...


first impressions of the car : smells like a rental. (gross)


I actually love the styling of the car, and I just wanted to see if I would enjoy the performance.


well, I was quite disapointed. I don't know if the 350z was just really heavy, but when I got back into my car it seemed to accelerate quicker.


Cruising on the freeway was nice. The sound system was like being in my room with the bad-a$$ stereo!

another good thing was the little-to-none body roll. I thought my car was pretty good at not rolling, but this thing stayed flat through any corner I threw at it!


The stop clock feature was nice too! I'm still trying to find something similar for my car. Surprisingly, the interior seemed more cramped than My Z. Thats wierd, because the 350 seems to be bigger when you look a the inside from the outside, but once you get in, its like it closes in around you.


Anyways, thats an impression of a 350z from the stand point of someone who drives an s30 daily.


thanks for letting me waste some of your time! lol

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I just started working at a Nissan dealership last week and I got to drive my first 350Z on Monday. It was a automatic(with the autostick feature), so I didnt really get a feel for the power. I really like the inside of the car personally. Oh and yes it does have a cup holder! It comes right out of the dash were the glove box is supposed to be!


I think they need to make a 350ZT but thats just me. I like it overall but it could use a few more ponies!




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I have to agree with the "more ponies". I just sold my daily driver 240z and the the 350z that I am driving now is not nearly as much fun, but it does have it's advantages, like being able to talk on the phone while on the highway, no exhaust fumes, more comfortable ride, better headlights and way better wipers. It is a rather boring ride and the car feels heavy, but I think all that will change in the next 6 months or so as I will be in the market for a power adder :wink:

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Z- Gad have you modified the 350. I have a 03 and the beast can be awaken. The VQ is a very stingey beast though.


no mods yet, but I won't be satisfied with an n/a motor regardless, no matter what mods I would do. I am afraid that only forced induction will awaken the beast enough for me :-)

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  • 1 year later...

You cant make more then 400hp reliably without building the motor thats a well proven fact. And you don't bust ring land you throw rods soooooo.... not a good idea to push it.


Anyway I just got a 350z last week as my daily driver and I absolutely LOVE it. I have a 2003 track edition and it is loads of fun for a STOCK car the thing handles like its on rails and has plenty of Zip, turn off the traction control and you can get it sidewayz in a hurry. Its no drag car but it sure is fun for a DD. After switching from my 330CI I am all smiles. Of course mine will be turbo'd in the future.


Ill post some pictures in another post later.

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I have an auto roadster and love it. Its plenty fast when manualy shifted, handles well for a soft top...Blows any Miata off the road (for olderthanme sake!), sounds great and turns heads everywere I take it.....and its a convertible! ( white on grey with navy top)...the sound system sucks!


Ya it would be more fun with more power and better handling but in my eyes its a perfect daily sports car.......


Just a personal side note.....I prefer a top down roadster over any hard top 350.

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Im going to have to disagree with you guys.


The 350 is a lot wider and has more shoulder and arm room, in addition it has more head room with the arched roof. Im 6'2" for reference and I have gobs of space in my 350. There is more stuff inside of it so perhaps it *feels* a bit more cramped but I think its really comfy. Maybe Ill measure them side by side next time I go home.

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I'm 6'5" and I drove a 350z roadster for a while, and I was pretty comfy in it (yes, with the top up). At first I didn't care for the car, but then I drove it. If I were to buy a newer car, that would be the one I'd pick. It was great for a daily driver - the exhaust note, DECENT power, gas mileage, handled like it was on rails, and as others have commented, great stereo.

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I feel ya ollie, but I love my girls 350. It is a weighted down luxury boat but it's very nice cruising to SA or long road trips. The heated seats are awesome. The suspension is retardedly well deisgned for a stock Nissan. I like how it has a ton of torque at 2k rpm. Things I'm not so fond of... The feedback from the steering wheel is very lacking, I absolutely hate the clutch in that car, and the E-throttle drives me nutz. I also don't like the lack of communication between the rearend of the car and the driver, they feel disconnected. However, for a daily driver luxury sports car, it's pretty nice. Another thing I don't like is when you have the windows down... you don't get blown around... what's the point of putting the windows down then? I also feel the hatch was very poorly designed as the strut bar should have been removable as it almost makes what little storage back there just about useless.


All in all the car is a blast to drive though, and you can go drifting with the A/C on :)


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