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ya ever cut your thumb off before? i have.........


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last night i was workin on my hybridz go kart (full 240z drive line an suspension) and i slipped with a zip cut and took off half of my thumb.

cut clen through the bone after the nuckle but just before the nail.

iill be going in for surgery tonight to have it pinned up. i feal so stupid ill ber out of work minium six weeks and ill just be watching my buddy jerry build the entire cart!


i went down to ei today atleast my bills will be covered so this isnt going to be a major catrastrophe.


pardon the lack of puncutuation and bad spelling i took 4 t3s about an hour ago. ill take some pictures of the cart latewr too im sitting out in a lawn chair supervising better than watching tv!!


ohh yea my wife keapos telling me how much of a jacvkass iam atleast i had safety glasss and my ear plugs in!!

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ohh yea my wife keapos telling me how much of a jacvkass iam


Nothing worse than knowing it and having someone keep pounding it into place! Lol


In all serious, though... I'm sorry this happened to you, but happy you didn't hit a crucial artery. Good luck!

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Hopefully they can fix it well. The last time I saw something like that happen, the guy lost most of the stuff that came off. (slipped then end off his thumb off like a thimble with a motorcycle chain)

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Lucky because if it had gone through the knuckle or on the other side of it you'd be up S-creek, no doubt without use of that thumb. You'll probably make a 99% recovery from this one especially since it was a clean cut.


I cut right to the bone in about the same place as you (except on the bottom only) while trying to hand saw a doorframe with a power hand saw. I just grabbed a little too close to the blade and was going slow enough to pull my hand away before too much happened. It was a flesh wound obviously since it healed up no problem and just has a slightly different fingerprint now. I had a 1/8" X3/16" rectangular section missing however. If that had happened I'd have cut the tendon like my brother did with a shard from a light bulb.

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Never severed my thumb, but I did shave half the thickness of my left social finger off with a radial arm saw. No surgery. It more or less grew back. It really gets your attention when you see that line of blood splatter against the old saftey glasses.


Ah yes, where would we men be without our significant others?

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Sorry to hear about that. Good luck on the recovery.


I'm always soing something stupid also. I think most of it comes from not sitting around on the couch all the time. Anyway, My wife is so scared that I've hurt myself that everytime I say ouch while in the garage she freaks out and in a panic ask if I'm OK

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IF your in this hobby long enought your bound to get cuts ( some minor some major) the goal is to limit the potential damage thru the process of THINKING thru your actions BEFORE you screw up, you tend to learn this LESSON, thru EXPERIANCE & PAIN I.E. SCREWING UP!

yeah I learned the HARD WAY!, Ive still got all my fingers ETC. but I sure have the STITCHS and SCARS to prove I started off STUPID and only gained respect for "WHAT COULD HAPPEN" if I screwed up!! "WHAT COULD HAPPEN... if this TOOL FAILS" thru experiance!!


one reason I stress use of (4) 12 ton jack stands, on level concrete with ramps STILL placed under the cars wheels and 8 ton rated engine cranes with 4 ton rated chains, serious swivels,fire extinguishers on location,blowproof scatter shields around clutches and staying out from under the heavier components. and use of the better welders,ETC.

getting CHEAP! when your life or the ability to walk,ETC. COULD BE THE COST, if something were to FAIL, IS INSANE........think 400% over the MAX possiable stress levels ,MINIMUM safety cushion,on the rated loads for ANY component used

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Havent had any real bad injuries from working on the z skinned my knuckles a few times etc etc


I have had stitches but becuase of the stupidest reason. One morning my alarm clock didnt go off i was an hour late for school and was pissed i hit the alarm clock like five or six times. Three times i happened to hit my snapped of attennas i got a huge gouge in my hand and around 8 stitches in my fingers.


man i feel like and idiot for doing that

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I can definitely agree with grumpy, I seem to catch my self with a sharp corner or knife just about everytime I work on a car. It's become a joke in my house that I'm not allowed to have knives in the garage. I also tell people I need to sacrifice a little blood to the car gods in order to ensure a successful build.


Anyway, I hope the surgery goes well and you fully recover.


I had to have hand surgery many years ago after cutting through 98% of the main tendon in the middle finger on my right hand. I was removing a sign from a building and it got away from me and pinched my finger against the mounting bracket. I watched the doctor sew it up, but before it had been numbed an intern decided to poke around in the wound with the wooden end of a big q-tip. I almost passed out it hurt so much.

I haven't had any problem with it except for a slight ache when it gets really cold.



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My dad knew this guy from his work that was riding a motorcycle and wrecked flying off the side of the road. He hd a stop sign and it severed his leg off and it went out into the road. he was laying in a ditch and watched his leg get run over by a car. They did reattach his leg but it took several years before he could walk again. In my welding class we have to watch these safety videos every quarter that show workers that had their hand deeply cut, fingers severed, legs sheared off etc...

it makes you think twice about where your hands are when using any tool.

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well i didnt get into surgery today but i willk tomorow for sure they say.. i infact will be thiunking more before doing!!!!!!!!!!!


i can feal the end of my thumb so they say it will be 100 percent in about 10 weeks it just has that broken bones fealing only its about 20x worse than a break t3s are working though


i went and bought new leather gloves for cutting and new welding gloves today also picked up more kart parts


pictures no ill take some of our kart frame tomorow i went and got an 86 chevette deisal 3 spd auto today a steering columb and nuts bolts, seats that kinda stuff also we got the rear end fit into the frame its not to bad for hand tools and the hobo welder


thanks for the support guys ill let yall know how surgery goes tomorow

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