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Fairlady Z on EBAY


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He says he spent 25k - very believable. I'd say re-sale on everything was about 21k. If I was looking for this kind of project, I'd pay 15-16 or so including my plane ticket to inspect it in person first, and shipping.

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Not much. That's an impressive list of parts, but hardly any photos that really back it up. Most of those photos look like the photos from vendors websites. No VIN to backup the claim of the chassis being a Fairlady 240Z? I've been burned on VIN/title problems before. I wouldn't go near it.

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yep' date=' looking at the parts he has pics of, they are all internet store pics, its just a converted s30..its a scam.....



You guys are way too quick to accuse. Because he used pics from other sites to show his listed parts installed on a car he is a scam artist? Yeah, none of us have ever done that here, have we?


To set the record straight, the car appears to be Les Cannedays old S30. And yes, it is a real Fairlady. He sold the car to a guy in L.A. about 5 years ago. I honestly can't see any signs that the car is a fake, as you have claimed. And here's my question, why not ask the owner for the VIN before making these kinds of statements?



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I can't speak for the other guys, but I wasn't making an accusation, just an observation. It seems very suspicious to me to be selling 25k of parts/car with only 1 blurry picture of the car, especially when all the rest of the pics belong to other z owners and resellers. That's usually a trademark of a scam.


I certainly hope it's legit, I know people who are geniunely interested.

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And here's my question, why not ask the owner for the VIN before making these kinds of statements?


And why not list the VIN in the auction as is typical in an ebay motors auction? Using borrowed pictures from vendors is poor salesmanship. If the seller is cutting corners on selling the thing, where else have corners been cut?


For the record, I never accused the seller of anything.

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I agree with Akwikz. Too quick on the rush of judgement. However the car is in L.A. I bet if asked, one could stop by, to look it over in order to get a better perspective for bidding purposes. If this is an old LES car then maybe RON can chime in as I know he has a working relationship with him. He may be able to verify the car as being one of his old projects. I think the questions would be better served on the ebay site and simply repost the answers here if need be. He has been good about responding to my questions so far. Then again when I sold my last project car I got more discontent than actuall interest. Akwikz is the only one from this site to contact me directly with actuall questions. No one else could fathom a real GTR with legal paperwork for sale. I understand being carfull but the guy has an excellent feedback score so take it at face value is all I saying.

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Maybe you are referring to other people calling this a "fake RHD car" (which was never my issue) but since you said "the attitude" of this site, I'm going to have to respond.


I asked the seller for some better pictures, and he sent me a page full of other people's pictures.


I don't see anywhere in the thread you posted where anyone verifies that the person who made that listing actually has any of those parts or that car.


Ebay is great, but it's also got it's share of scam artists. Once you've been ripped off once or twice, you learn to be careful.


I don't believe a cautious "attitude" is anything to be ashamed about.

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