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Well, Gettin Married In 2 hours!


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Yupp, heh gettin married in exactly 2 hours here..Little Stressed I guess but cant wait! Figured Idd tell ya'll anyway.


Anyway now she can really get mad about me spending money on cars lol..



Well Off To the shower, reshave get all decked out in my tux and tie the knot!!! Wish me luck boys

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Another prime example folks of a good guy going down. Oh' date=' a word of advice. Be the worst possible ******* you can and slowly get better, that way she'll think she changed you.


Congrats and good luck![/quote']




Good luck man and CONGRATS!!!.. I have been married for 9 years and wouldnt change a thing..

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Congrats. You should now be married for about 17 hours and i'm sure she's probably on your @ss about one thing or another already :) They start quick! lol. Doc hunt... great advice. Just got 10 years under the belt this past April. 10 yeeeaaaarrrsss! Feels like 20, i mean 2 :) Good luck.

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Thanks Alot Guys Been 24 hours almost lol I feal no diffrent but we have a 2 year old already so...and its been 5 years What a fantastic Party Tho!!!!!!


Everything went down without a hitch except for my speach which I 100% forgot and had to make something up at the last minute but people laughed I laughed it was all good.. My Bar tap is probly upwords of 5 Grand for 100 people because EVERYONE GOT SMASHED...............


Ohh and Ill be keaping the bright yellow mistress from 1977..................

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So are you still married? My wife of almost one year can't stand the "other woman" out in the parking lot. Seems like I need a letter from the pope to buy something that costs more than $10 if it's destined to go on the car (but $1000+ is a perfectly reasonable amount to pay for a cat-go figure)...Other than that, being married is a lot of fun, just have to keep your sense of humor.

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Ive been married 37 years now! I figgure IM DUE for SAINTHOOD! Ive never even hit her once even thou shes truely deserved it a few times...just count to about 500 slowly when she gets FEMALE CRAZY STUPID before doing or saying anything youll REGRET LATER and youll be fine!

when my wife gets crazy I just ask her to tell me how the argument went later and go out in the garage to tinker with the vettes, it makes her nuts but its better than fighting...

just remember she sees everything from a differant perspective and requires CONSTANT reassurance you still love her..even when you think shes nuts/insane...try to see things from her perspective, remember, on rare occasions she could be correct!

and your HOBBY NEVER COMES ahead of the wife and kids

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