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FAQ Acronym Page


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Is there a acronym page somewhere? Can we start one?


In all my reading I'm continually baffled and don't want to ask what something means. Maybe when I have a question I'll just post it on this same thread.


Please add along if you've got others I'm sure there are.


AFM = Air Flow Meter

CDI = Capacitive Discharge Ignition

COP = coil on plug

CTS = Coolant Temprature Sensor

EBC = Electronic Boost Control

EDI(S) = Electronic Distributorless Ignition, add an "S" and it stands for System

EGR = Exhaust Gas Recirculation

FI = Fuel injection

HO2S = Heated Oxygen Sensor

HP = Horse Power

IAC = Idle Air Control

IAT = Intake Temp Sensor

IC = Intercooler

MAF = Mass Air Flow (meter/sensor)

MAP = Manifold Absolute Pressure

More Rust than Mull = Huge Amount of Rust

MS = Mega Squirt

MSnS-E = MegasSquirt n Spark-Extra

NA = Normally Aspirated

O2S = Oxygen Sensor

OHC = Over Head Cam

PCV = Positive Crankcase Ventilation

SBC = Small Block Chevy

SBF = Small Block Ford

TB = Throttle Body

TPS =Throttle Postion sensor

LCA = lower control arm

UCA = upper control arm

TC rod = tension compression rod or strut rod

SFC = subframe connector


L28E=Naturally Aspirated 2.8 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 280Z

L28ET=TurboCharged 2.8 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 280ZX

L28et=FI (forced induction in this case, not fuel injected-that one can get confusing really quickly-the t on that motor is for turbo)


E=EFI Motor Used on the end of Motor type (Eg l28E)

L26E=Naturally Aspirated 2.6 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 260Z

L26=Naturally Aspirated 2.6 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 260Z

L24=Naturally Aspirated 2.4 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 240Z

VG30et=Z31 (chassis code for early 300zx) single cam turbo engine among others in the non-us market


VG30dett=Z32 (chassis code for late 300zx) twin cam/twin turbo and possibly other models in non-us market


Rb20/5/6det/tt= these engines came from various skyline models as well as some others, generally nissan nomenclature works like this: the number is the liters (i.e. L28=2.8 liters) the e is overhead cam, de is dual overhead cam, and the number of t's indicates the number of turbos, but not always, as in the case of the Fj20e which is a twin cam that doesn't have the d in it.


2jzgte=supra twin turbo engine from the mark IV supra and possibly some others in the non-us market


1jzgte=single turbo variant of 2jzgte available in some non-us toyota models

7mgte=mark III supra single turbo engine

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IC = Intercooler

vg30et = ?

L28e = ?

L28et = ?

AEI = ?

EDI = ?

EDIS = ?

VG30DETT = ? Engines from what type of car/model

RB26DETT = ? Engines from what type of car/model

2JZGTTE = ? Engines from what type of car/model


L28 i know is the 2.8 Liter, what is the diff between e and the t?

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L28E=Naturally Aspirated 2.8 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 280Z

L28ET=TurboCharged 2.8 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 280ZX

E=EFI Motor Used on the end of Motor type Eg l28E

L26E=Naturally Aspirated 2.6 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 260Z

L26=Naturally Aspirated 2.6 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 260Z

L24=Naturally Aspirated 2.4 Liter 6 Cylinder L series Found in 240Z

More Rust than Mull= Huge Amount of Rust

SBC=Small Block Chevy

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IC = Intercooler

vg30et = ?

L28e = ?

L28et = ?

AEI = ?

EDI = ?

EDIS = ?

VG30DETT = ? Engines from what type of car/model

RB26DETT = ? Engines from what type of car/model

2JZGTTE = ? Engines from what type of car/model


L28 i know is the 2.8 Liter' date=' what is the diff between e and the t?[/quote']


L28e=NA (normally aspirated) L28et=FI (forced induction in this case, not fuel injected-that one can get confusing really quickly-the t on that motor is for turbo)

EDI=Electronic Distributorless Ignition, add an "S" and it stands for System

CDI=Capacitive Discharge Ignition


VG30et=Z31 (chassis code for early 300zx) single cam turbo engine among others in the non-us market

VG30dett=Z32 (chassis code for late 300zx) twin cam/twin turbo and possibly other models in non-us market

Rb20/5/6det/tt= these engines came from various skyline models as well as some others, generally nissan nomenclature works like this: the number is the liters (i.e. L28=2.8 liters) the e is overhead cam, de is dual overhead cam, and the number of t's indicates the number of turbos, but not always, as in the case of the Fj20e which is a twin cam that doesn't have the d in it.

2jzgte=supra twin turbo engine from the mark IV supra and possibly some others in the non-us market

1jzgte=single turbo variant of 2jzgte available in some non-us toyota models

7mgte=mark III supra single turbo engine


You got me with "AEI", I've never seen that one before...

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