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goodbye HybridZ!


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Well it is true that I have to go to college in a week. I will not be able to get on very much at all until I get back in December. I have learned so much from so many of you.

Veritech: your funny and different ideas and sketches...props.

240hoke: well you inspired me at ZdayZ to do a turbo motor...and to help me graduate from the school of flat black and rustoleum and that a teen can make a car look good.

JohnC: your un-ending knowledge about suspension has helped out many times in last minute checks before I bought any suspension stuff.

280tuner: you are in the EXACT same position that I am in except you already have an awesome motor

Big-Phil: first to do your whole car in Rustoleum and make it look decent...and your hilarious videos

Zowner: keeping such a detailed worklog...I would never have been able to do what you did without having driven my Z more than twice...


Admin staff minus JohnC: y'all are great, you actually walk your talk and it shows.

Mull: Wow...nobody has ever made progress that fast with their Z..such an inspiration

Olie05: Your opinions are often strong but correct... Your rustoleum looks great!

Z-ya: Great looking car and you know a lot about DIS that I have learned a lot from.

BRAAP: What can I say? You do the best cylinder head work that I have seen and you are happy to share your knowlege with us other neophyte L6 guys...

PrOx..:great setup. I hope to do a motor swap like that but not in the street...

Everyone that has read my, all what is it now, 14 pages of worklog, I salute you for enduring through it all


There are many more that have been influential in my knowledge and appreciation of Z cars.

More to come...

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Yeah good luck with everything in college, hope you do well and get the z finished up when you get back. I'm at college right now, but I'm lucky enough to have wireless internet everywhere and a laptop, but I sure paid for that in the tuition, pretty expensive down here. Just try and forget about working on the car for awhile, that's what I'm trying to do so I don't go insane.

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Welcome to Sunny (pronounced: rainy) Florida OTM! My master's program plans just got pushed back a year, but that's ok because it gives me time to build my portfolio. Good luck in school, you did tell me once it was going to be in Pensacola, right? Be sure and stop at the Risque Cafe on your way across the border. Maybe if me and b_sosick ever get operation: drift smackdown moving you'll be game...

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I may have some version of my car down there in the spring semester...Going to try and rebuild my L26 motor in christmas break just to get the car driving.

I ay be able to get to Panera bread every once in a while to get WiFi access and hop on here.

Yes I will be in Pensacola. Yes I do have a laptop with wireless...the colege only allows a few (150) web sites (for research) so only when I go off campus will I be on here. Even that is a hastle...

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I may be able to get to Panera bread every once in a while to get WiFi access and hop on here. Yes I do have a laptop with wireless...the colege only allows a few (150) web sites (for research) so only when I go off campus will I be on here.


Remember to log in once in a while to keep your status at this site. The system will drop you after a number of months (?) and you'll regret it coming back here as another soul! You'll be missed.



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Have fun at college, it'll be the best time of your life and the friends you meet there will last a lifetime! The z and the rest of us will still be here when you get done, be it a semester or year end.


Remember, your going there for an education, take it from them and leave the professors opinions behind!

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Well it is true that I have to go to college in a week. I will not be able to get on very much at all until I get back in December. I have learned so much from so many of you.


I am in the same boat as you. Going into my Junior year studying mechanical engineering.

I agree with the other guys, there is no bye, I check the status of everyones projects nearly religiously. I don't think I can go a week without looking at some hybrid Z car other than my own :wink:. Best of luck to you in this semester's studies, and to everyone else also in school this fall!


Hey look at the bright side, while we study hard the weather cools and the turbos really start to look (and act) very happy.

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Morodin: I had already gone over JohnC above that and forgot he was an Admin...

DavyZ: I hope I don't get droped off..It took me a year to get these 1,223 posts...

Dr. Hunt: Thanks. I'll do that.

Austin: we'll see how often I ca get off campus since I won't have a car. I'll have my mountain bike though..

I will be going to Pensavola Christian College for M.E.

I have chemistry and calculus this first semester plus some easier courses.


Oh if anyone has an extra F54 block let me know..or any turbo stuff they would like to donate to the cause let me know... I am just a little poor now...

Thanks Y'all

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Bleh... The day I see an upgrade on that bent twisted Porsche thing I will yell at my dad for not saving up some $$$$ to fix the frame which is not that great at all. Bigger turbo (if you could fit it in there) would ultimately snap the car in half...That thing already does 12-13 PSI and he is happy with it.

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My will say that's exactly what's wrong with me!


Good luck in college' date=' we'll be here when you're done.[/quote']



Nothing is wrong with john (untill he is done with my upgrades):icon6:

Have fun in college learn some thing, and if you drop out let me know ill get you in the Army.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest 280ZForce

good luck in college... are you dorming there or living near campus? you should be able to bring a pc or lap top and get on wirelessly or the campus should have a nice connection to plug into and get you back onto Hybrid any time all the time.


so no need for good bye! if anything you should be able to surf hybrid and stuff a lot faster w/ college connection.


when I was dorming at UCR (Riverside) we had a connection there that was insanely fast. All people would do all day/night was download movies and stuff, multiple at a time while they were in class and stuff.

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Yes I am dorming..The whole college is wireless but Only 150 web sites are allowed and they are all related to the courses being taken...I can go to the Panera bread that is like a mile away and have unlimited internet... I don't mind...I'll be back full time during christmas break when I am trying to get some sort of engine back in my car and get it driving..

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