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rhino lined my engine bay


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I did my engine bay by;new sheet metal patches,sandblasting,2 coats naval jelly (per instructions),2 coats Rust Bullet,2 coats Herculiner,and am seriously thinking of blasting it off and starting from scratch:banghead: .I was going for a 'textured look',but the surface is way too rough,attracts dirt like a magnet,impossible to keep clean,and am concerned about heat (esp.around the headers)turning my Z into a toxic fireball.I was thinking a coat of Lizard Skin over the Herculiner,hoping to protect from the heat,and possibly smoothing the surface as well.One things for sure...My Z's engine bay isn't gonna rust as long as I'm on this planet.....

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well i put the motor in this weekend to size/make the motor mounts, and we hit the sides a few time with it, and it didnt even leave a mark. i love it. as far as being too rough, i knew it was going to be rough, just dont rub your hands on it ... it's an engine coating, not a exterior coating. i got it to be durable, not pretty. but i think it looks awesome, so i'm more than happy with it. and as far as heat, i looked around and was told it wouldnt melt at engine temps, i'll find out when i turn on the motor, and i didnt want to do the hurculiner path because i know a few people who used that on their trucks and their beds still rusted w/in about 6 months. one person said it was due to air pockets.

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I'm just looking for a protective,textured look,but a little smoother so I can use a sponge to clean it without having it ripped to shreads if I ever wanted to wipe down the engine bay.Also the heat.Herculiner is a poly-based paint w/ rubber granules added.The surface is hard but plyable when cured,but headers give off an awful lot of heat.......

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We'll see if the stuff lasts with the heat. It does look great IMO. Different brand have different textures. I suppose one can send for a sample of each and they'll accomodate with a swatch. I think it'll last.



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You can get some "rubberized spray paint" from a paint supplier. I used it on my gas tank after refurbishing it...it's much smoother texture than rhino and herc, but still pretty tough. Takes a while to dry though.


I'm not sure which one I found at the store, but they're probably all going to be the same:



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Say what you want but Rhinolining does not belong on a Z car..anywhere at all ..you wanna use Rhino..buy a truck..that is one of the most disgraceful things I have ever seen done to a Z car..totally took it out of character Hybird or not..it just does not belong on a sports car..sorry..but thats just my opinion.

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Glad you posted, I have thought about doing the same thing. What quantity did it take to do the engine bay?


For the dissenters, just want to remind you that many people would say "if you want a v8 in a sports car, buy a vette, it doesn't belong in a Z" too.


If it functions well, and you like it, awesome.

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thanks for the support.


it definately looks like bedliner, not grease, when you see it in person. it's black, hard, and rough ... i didnt get it sprayed on there to look like paint. it is what it is


if you want a smoother look, get the do it yourself one and roll it on. that's basically a thick paint. what i have was sprayed on at about 3000 psi and it a rubberized epoxy (bedliner). you just have to watch out w/ the diy stuff that you dont get air pockets.


as far as heat, like i said, i asked around, asked the people who sprayed it in for me, and that's all i could do. not very many people have this done so i dont exactly know what to expect, but as stated before, i think it'll hold, but only time will tell, and i'll definately keep you guys updated.


if i was restoring this car to factory specs, i would have different goals in mind. since i'm obviously not ... i have different goals in mind ... i'm not going to defend what i did or get into an argument here, thanks for your opinion but i'm not sorry (CarolinaZ) that i did what i did. do what you want on your car and be happy with it.



true hybridz members: thanks again, i love this site, and i'll keep everyone updated ... right now the rb25 is mounted in the bay, i'll try to get some pics up later, i still have to make a transmission mount but it seems like i threw out the craddle when removing the old engine/tranny so i have to make it from scratch ... which may or may not be a problem ...

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Depending on the pressure and distance on your last coat Rino can be sprayed very smooth or very heavy textured. All you have to do is tell the place doing the work what texture your look'n for. And as for sanding it, Forget about it unless you plan on using a hi speed grinder and alot of pads. True Rino is like just like a thick rubber. It doesn't ever get all the way hard like paint so it doesnt chip or crack. Tring to sand it would be like try'n to sand your tire. The job is awsome BTW.. Oh, they also offer a wide color range in Rino so you could paint the engine bay to match pretty close to the color you plan on painting the car. The stuff is also great for keeping out road noise if you spray it on the interior floors and door panels or anywhere vibration and noise is a problem.

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id like to echo the comments of the people who find this favorable. im doing a rolling restoration, and probably will not pull my engine for a while, or until it blows up, and i would love to paint it then.


that said, i intend to roll on some rubberized paint/bedliner in my wheelwells and underneath the chasis.

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Say what you want but Rhinolining does not belong on a Z car..anywhere at all ..you wanna use Rhino..buy a truck..that is one of the most disgraceful things I have ever seen done to a Z car..totally took it out of character Hybird or not..it just does not belong on a sports car..sorry..but thats just my opinion.


I have to disagree there. This site is all about being custom. What he did was seal and protect his engine bay as well as make it easier to keep clean. Like someone else here said before, not everyone thinks that a V8 belongs in a z but there are those out there that do. I like my dependable 6 cyl. but thats not for everyone. If you find something that works for you and your happy with it then kudos to you!!:cheers:

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Bryan, if you're really concerned about the heat, get your exhaust components ceramic coated. I'm sure you know that already.


Another benefit: sound reduction. Do y'all think doing this to the underside of the hood would be a good idea?

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