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Your Wife or GF Support Your Habit?


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A CAN OF WD-40?!? You're one lucky guy!!! :lmao::wink: I assume it was the hoist? Very nice. :2thumbs:


My wife was begrudgingly asking me what fuel cell I wanted for Xmas yesterday. It can be a sticky point between us, but on the other hand, I've watched her spin off the track at a road course in the Z while probably doing 80 or 90 mph, so I can't complain too much...

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The g/f helps on the Z. She was the main helper in the N/a-T conversion. When I wasn't driving she provided the transportation to True Value Hardware store and advance auto parts. Depending on the day that could have been 2-3 times a day going to the shops for parts. The one part she didn't like is when I get P-Oed and starting yelling and throwing stuff-but we eventually worked that out. When I'm about to get mad, I tell her to go inside and stay there till I say otherwise-it works out quite well.


I'm trying to convince her to take the Z to the drag strip, shes considering it.

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YES !! YES!! YES!!! and i wish i could find more ways to thank her. i know how it must be for some women to stand being with a car guy and my gf does it better than anyone i know. infact she often encourages it. and i unfortunately have not had the chance to ask her to marry me yet.. but believe me its coming. i WILL NOT let her get away.. because aside from being comlacent about my addiction.. shes also just always in my corner for anything else.


quick story: sitting at coldstone creamery one night and a 68ish gto drives buy.. real nice resto. and shes says to me.. "see.. id much rather you spend money and have something like that then use all your money getting me presents or going out to dinner all the time"



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Guest 81na ZX

Its more me doing the work on her car anyway ;) I had to convince her of Z cars though - she used to have a RX-7, and before that was a circle track racer.

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I am thnking of building a mild street driver 2+2 Z when I find the right one...sort of a wedding present I guess...It will be a suprise too.

That is my plan anyway...

I will probably rebuild my L26 down the road for that car. I'll keep the header and light flywheel but a much quieter exhaust and soundproofing...maybe an auto tranny instead of the 4-speed...(you never heard me say that!).

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One of the reasons my ex decided to leave me and file for divorce was because of my cars and car hobby. She hated them, never understood the obsession I have with them and never could relate to my frustration when the car project (or projects) was not going "well".


Funny enough when we went out for dinner or a cruise in my former AMG Benz, she really loved it. She really loved the ZXT too before I got obssessive with it, when it was stock.


She is an absolutely beautiful (stunning) woman and I do miss her and blame myself for my own personal shortcomings, but life does go on and you learn. Makes you wonder and question yourself when your marriage ends and one of the reason is being such a "car guy".


Many many woman never get why men makes cars such an important part of our lives. Most women at best "put-up with it" or tolerate it.



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One of the reasons my ex decided to leave me and file for divorce was because of my cars and car hobby. She hated them, never understood the obsession I have with them and never could relate to my frustration when the car project (or projects) was not going "well".


Same here. That's why I'm currently seperated.

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OTM, I think the surprise will be on you unless you are SURE that you have the right one...My wife must be related to Grumpy's, she BARELY tolerates my "problem." She ALMOST let me get a whale tail off ebay, but when I got outbid, and then I mysteriously got a second chance offer, I got a thumbs down on actually being able to follow through with the purchase...Although I WAS allowed to drive to Georgia to get some louvers once...She and I have now reached an agreement where if I put down my wish list on paper, I can then ask to get the parts for presents and so forth. So I've tried a few times to distill what I NEED out of what I WANT, that way I can realistically have some fun with this car...

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So here is the big question...Why are you a car guy? What is it about being a car guy that makes her unhappy?


I think if SHE can get involved and have a car that both can have a passion about then things will go much better. The coolest thing I saw was talking with Scott and Vicky Moschetto at ZdayZ and seeing how both of them had a passion for her 280Z. Even though the car is not everyone's cup-o-tea it is the fact that both of them worked together building the car and had a great time building it. They have 2 other Z's as well and one is a scarab. They definitely gave me encouragement at one of the dinner meals by complementing the sound of my Z and giving me support in what I am doing with my car even though it was half stripped out and junky looking at the show.



oh yeah... they won best in show.


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Well, my wife doesn't like cars in general because her mother was killed in a car accident when she was 8 years old. She is not a confident driver, and I always end up driving everywhere we go, even if we take her car. I'm a car guy from before we met, but we met at a transitional point in my car interests. At the time, I didn't have a project, but I found such a sweet deal on my 280 that I had to get it. She's coming around, but she still has never even so much as sat in the thing yet...( however, she has entertained the idea-but with no AC, it will have to be some super great day out...when I first got it, she would tell me she hated it and wanted to kick it every time she saw it. She told me she prefers the camo stripes to all flat black though...I think most of her problem is that she can't see the VISION.)


I'm sure the owner of the car you posted is a great guy, with a great wife, but I've never been fond of the look of that car. However, I'm not going to knock them for building the car they wanted. I just like mine a little rough around the edges, that's all...

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hey V, Try to get some input from her of what she would like to see on the camo Zzzap. I have asked my good friend (that is a girl) a few things and implemented a few things tht she suggested...definitely makes things easier IMO. I don't like EVERYTHING on that Z but the craftsmanship is top quality and there are several things that are cool on it.


I know what you mean though V, My mom hates my Z because of the lack of safety features. She wants airbags in the car but that can't be done for anywhere near decent prices. The compromise is that I will be doing the full cage, racing seats, and harnesses which I was planning on doing anyway. I am just going to be doing it before the car gets back on the road. I just had to lay it all out and show a bit of what I am invisioning.(that was plenty hard)

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OTM, I think the surprise will be on you unless you are SURE that you have the right one...My wife must be related to Grumpy's, she BARELY tolerates my "problem." She ALMOST let me get a whale tail off ebay, but when I got outbid, and then I mysteriously got a second chance offer, I got a thumbs down on actually being able to follow through with the purchase...Although I WAS allowed to drive to Georgia to get some louvers once...She and I have now reached an agreement where if I put down my wish list on paper, I can then ask to get the parts for presents and so forth. So I've tried a few times to distill what I NEED out of what I WANT, that way I can realistically have some fun with this car...


WOW!!....I refuse to have to make a list of what I want for my car and then get some sort of permission. Sorry man, I refuse to be on eggshells.


I never buy cheap parts, and yes I spend some decent $$ on my car(s), but at the same time I am very finanically responsible and always spend within my means.

My ex never bitched at how much I spent, it was the time and attention that the cars got, that she didn't.

Cars are a VERY expensive hobby, my old sage of an uncle always preached to me:

"If you wanna PLAY you have to PAY!"



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Yasin, luckily my taste runs toward removal of components, and not the addition of. I agree that buying cheap isn't really the way to go. I think the problem I have is that she was introduced to cars by a guy that was all show and no go, and now I'm the reverse. She doesn't like going fast, and would rather look good/be comfortable which is absolutely not what I care about in regards to this car. OTM, if she had her way, it would probably look a lot like the red car you posted, and be automatic, which would make ME want to kick it. I'm not opposed to a real paint job, and a real interior, but I also don't want a bunch of frivolous crap in there either. I try to get her interested though. She likes the 450 Z from Zparts.com a lot. Like I say, if you show her a finished one, she likes it, she just can't picture the final product in her head before hand. I was trying to ask her opinion of a G-nose, but she really wasn't able to see the distinction enough to care...


OTM, be sure your cage is very low profile if you intend for that to be a street car. Driving a car with a cage and no helmet can be more dangerous than no cage at all.

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I agree there slownrusty...I am pretty much fine slowing my build down if I could have a better relationship with the right person. Even if it means that I can't get a project done when I want it done. I will never call my car done which means there will never be a full written plan but I know in my head what general direction I want to go.

I won't get married on an impulse just because she likes cars or not marry someone because they don't like cars. That is just me but I think finding the right person involves more than luck. I should try to be the right person as well by devoting some of my time and money in something that she likes even if it is not cars. I don't think being selfish and spending all of my money on my own project and thus destroying a relationship with the right person would be a good thing to do.

I'm not knocking anyone for their passion for Zs but this is just my personal opinion. I have a strong passion for Z cars but I won't let it get between me and the right woman. Hopefully Zs can be a passion for the two of us but if it is not so then so be it.

This is my personal opinion.



V, I am pretty much building the Z as a street legal race car and won't be driven much except to and from track days, shows, and occasional weekend drives. Now that I have this truck I can depend on the Z less as daily transportation.


Also building a car for her it does not matter what the car looks like if it brings the two people together...then have your own personal car...

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