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Should a Genuine Scarab Be Changed??

Guest Mike

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There's a guy from zdriver and I think he might post here as well, by the name of "BobsZtwins"

One of his Z's was originally a scarab, But I believe I remember him posting that he relocated the engine and placed it farther back towards the center of the car, and also turbocharging it.

I'm no purist but I think if you aren't planning on auto x'ing or aren't serious about racing it, then keep it in good shape, let it appreciate, enjoy it and drive it!

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What we have here is the dilemma of the century. Do we molest a pure version of an unmolested, molested car? :wink:


Will the real purists please stand up!




To the point.


The problem with an "original scarab" is everyone of them is a one off. There is no way to tell if the car is "all original" because there is no master list of what was done to each one. And even if it came out of the scarab garage and was sealed and stored, it would still just reflect the tastes of the guy who commisioned it's butchering.


IMO if you won't modify your Z then you are completely missing the point of Z ownership. These cars are way too much fun to modify. In fact, I say we HybridZ members are the true Z car lovers and purists. We are the only one's that truly respect their potential and care enough to set them right.

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Okay... As you can tell, I know don't know beans about Scarab history. So roast me:biggrin: Saving the Scarab is a half-baked idea. Just cabbage the thing and make sweet cole slaw:wink:

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As a Scarab owner I would have to say NO to “re” modifying the car. Yes each car was different but shared many similarities ie base Scarab parts required for the install.

As far as the value of a Scarab serial plated car it varies just as all things do. I feel an original Scarab to be worth more than a similarly modified JTR car. I’m comparing apples to apples here by engine position only. The Scarab cars have a history behind them JTR cars do not.

The demise of Scarab Inc. remains shrouded in mystery. About 250 +/- cars were converted by Brian Morrow and sold as “new” cars. CARB eventually shut down the operations of Scarab but what happened to the cars? Currently only 12-13 of the original cars can be located, that in its self makes the cars “rare”. Sure it was “just” a guy out in California retrofitting Datsun Z cars with Chevrolet engines but he did gain media attention with articles in Motor Trend and various other publications, thus making it a “car of interest” to high performance enthusiasts. Can you recall what the Motor Trend car of the year was in 1979 (year my car was converted)? Try the Buick Riviera S! What was the MT import car of the year in 1979? Datsun 280zx!! So you can see as far as performance there was a void of sheer power and this guy was trying to fill that void (ZX owners please don’t come throwing flames;)

Perhaps the Scarab isn’t/wasn’t the best handling car on the road due to engine position but when is the last time you saw an original Scarab at your local Z car show? I took my Scarab to only one Z car show this year (BransonZfest.com) and the response to the car was incredible. I had so many comments and questions about the car I was taken aback. Most people at the show had never seen an “original” Scarab, they really appreciated the engineering of the Scarab install combined with the clean classic first generation Z car lines (my Scarab is a 1971 model build date 10-70, SN# HLS30 012297).

So perhaps I’m a Scarab “purist” I would love to “save” them all because of their historical value.

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dsommer... So, another vote to save the Scarabs? I thought this was just me and two other guys against the world. However, I've been beaten into submission. So NOW I say kill the thing and salvage its guts. Forget its unique heritage and rarity. Why should it matter that only a dozen are left? Kill it, kill it, kill it, KILL IT!!!:icon54:


JUST KIDDING!!! I still say KEEP IT AS IT WAS BUILT!!!:wink:

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No Z will ever begin to rival the profit potential of Barret-Jackson Yenkos, Baldwin-Motions, etc. Yes, that Scarab might be worth $2000 today and $3000 in 5 years, but if you are worried about the “opportunity cost” of modifying such a car, then the financial burden of the V8 swap itself becomes completely intractable!


The reason to not “molest” a Scarab is if the conversion is clean, the car runs well, and the person contemplating the re-conversion is not a competent mechanic. In other words, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it if the fix will break it! But if you know what you’re doing, do not let vapid delusions of debasing some heirloom stop you from improving a rather mediocre design.

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No Z will ever begin to rival the profit potential of Barret-Jackson Yenkos, Baldwin-Motions, etc. Yes, that Scarab might be worth $2000 today and $3000 in 5 years


You may want to add another zero to you prices.


One of these days I hope to venture out to AZ to Barret Jackson with the Scarab in tow, take a gamble on what the car will bring. I'll either be licking my wounds or packing a pocket full of cash. One of the most important things is documentation from either the factory, magizene articles ,build sheets etc.


A "deal" the the perception of the buyer.

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The world may well end tonight... I am for once in 110% perfect alignment with this intellectual's thinking... :lmao:


Damnit Michael, I couldn't have put it better myself... :2thumbs:


And David, Put the breast milk down man and switch to 2%... I think it's making you dilussional! :lmao:


No Z will ever begin to rival the profit potential of Barret-Jackson Yenkos, Baldwin-Motions, etc. Yes, that Scarab might be worth $2000 today and $3000 in 5 years, but if you are worried about the “opportunity cost†of modifying such a car, then the financial burden of the V8 swap itself becomes completely intractable!


The reason to not “molest†a Scarab is if the conversion is clean, the car runs well, and the person contemplating the re-conversion is not a competent mechanic. In other words, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it if the fix will break it! But if you know what you’re doing, do not let vapid delusions of debasing some heirloom stop you from improving a rather mediocre design.

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There's not a lot of money to be made restoring cars. I think most of the time you put more into it then it's worth. Then when you finaly get an immaculate resto, it's no longer a driver. I can appreciate people who do nice restorations, but it's not my style. I always want things better be it performance or comfort.


Asking if you should modify a z car on a forum dedicated to modifying z cars.... survey says: "modify the z car"

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And David, Put the breast milk down man and switch to 2%... I think it's making you dilussional! :lmao:


Supply and demand. 15K, 20K, what ever the market will bear. Head on over to a ZCCA event and we'll see how crazy some folks can get with their wallets. Your selling them a "dream".


You don't think a pristine Scarab is worth $20K? Tell me what you "think" one similar to, or actually mine is worth? To you maybe $5K, huh? But I'll bet you a nickel there is somebody out there somewhere willing to pony up 20K+ for a "real" Scarab. I'm not saying they live right around the block from me but they're out there.


When I was selling my Cobra I did't thing there was anybody willing to pay 28K for a kit car, well there was and damn quick too. Last I heard the guy turned the Cobra for 29K, funny thing about that car is that I only paid $25K for it. Hmmmmm. It's all about the market and timing.

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David, Honestly I think a mint condition Scarab would be worth whatever someone is willing to pay. However, I'm inclined to think that number is somewhere around $15,000.00 on a good day. That said, You may well get $20000 for it, who knows. The point is that I'd not over-value it because it is a Scarab.



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