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soo I got pulled over today..


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"you were accelerating at a very high rate to the speed limit which was dangerous for the conditions."


It was 11:10am on a saturday morning.. on a 70 degree day down a 3 lane road with a 55mph speed limit.



Supposedly I can be pulled over for accelerating too quickly.


Um.. I didnt know there was a law or limit to the linear acceleration to the speed limit on a licensed and legal vehicle.


He gave me a warning because I would loose my license for it.


Thank you Officer

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I had the same thing happen once.

The road was empty, the cop was hidden, and I didn't even have the pedel floored. 700 feet from the light, Poncherello warned me about how he could write me up for "exibition of speed". I asked him, how is is an exibition if nobody is around to enjoy the show? I certainly wasn't showing off, and especially not for him.

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It makes perfect sense...the same way doing a burnout can get you cited for "reckless driving" even if the car never moves.....

and you can get "careless driving" (like reckless except you don't go to jail for it automatically and you don't automatically lose your license)

for accelerating too fast even if you don't hit the speed limit.

...the same way you can get a DUI for being inside a car with the keys on your person, sleeping it off, even if you didn't drive it anywhere...

I think it's the whole "we didn't catch you (speeding, driving drunk, or stupidly) but you had to have been doing it if we caught you doing this in front of a cop" thing.

Oh well.

Oh ya...forgot...it's also a convinient way for a police officer to stop somebody if he "suspects" something, too. Basically it's just one of those laws that depend on the cop's opinion for enforcement, such as window tint. (If you get a ticket for tint he's probably not pulling the meter out unless you complain, in which case you're getting a ticket for SOMETHING if your tint passes since you inconvinenced him, he's gonna inconvinence you.)

Since I've gotten back in PA I've found out another interesting trinket here....in Pennsylvania it's now legal for a policeman to pull you over soley for not wearing a seatbelt. (before you had to be pulled over for something else, then you would also get sited for the seatbelt violation.)

Talk about something that can be manipulated. I'm glad I always wear my seatbelt :)

Not that it's a bad law, but it kinda pisses me off to see you're REQUIRED to wear a seatbelt in Pennsylvania but if you so choose you don't have to wear a motorcycle helmet while riding a motorcycle?????

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Yep, I've been pulled over for "exhibition of speed" as well... The officer said, "I used to do stuff like that when I was younger, but I would make sure that no marked police cars were around first". He let me off with a warning...

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I got an exhibition of acceleration ticket. I had the radio up too loud and didn't notice that I chirped into second. I wasn't even halfway on the throttle either but the man pulled me over. He asked me what all that was about back there and I asked him what he was talking about because I honestly didn't know. That ticked him off and so I got a ticket.

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ahhh, same thing happened to me in work van. making right hand turn from residental street on to 45 mph road. as far as i could tell, i wasn't on it. van is loaded down, ladders on overhead racks. i had already seen the cop in the camaro running radar about 150 yrds behind me. van is moving about 25 mph. radio's on loud. i get all the lights, sirens.


WTF ???


pull over. as i said, i knew he was there.


no real idea what he wants, figure is going around me. pulls in behind me.


won't tell me why pulled me over. keeps insisting that i know full well. is rookie cop ( i've work same area for 26 yrs, recoginize most of the deputies ). says, wants to write me for exhibition of speed. decides to give me ticket for unsafe start.


i sign the promise to appear line on the ticket.


as he walks back to his camaro, he turns back to me, looks in the window, tells me ... i expect this from the young punks around here ( he's maybe barely 26 ) but, not from an old fart like you ( i was 50 at the time ) and laughs.


can't fight these things. paid the fines and went to traffic school.

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wow, i work for the cops as a mech. i asked one day if there is a law about accelerating to the speed limit. they said "no" as long as it doesnt make noise and no black marks on the ground. and i asked the biggest prick cop in the land, cause he tickets his own mother for going to slow! that being said im in canada, but we follow almost the same laws.

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In AZ sometime's they'll slap you with a ticket about resource usage.

I remember reading about how that ticket came about...when they did the national 55-mph speed limit they made that up for people that still would be speeding but not in the eyes of the officer (so you're "wasting resources"...cop's happy he got to meet his quota...you're happy you got a 10 dollar ticket and no points....)

I agree with (limiting) the cop bashing thing. They do so much to keep us safe, sacrifice so much of thier lives and most of it is helping people...the tickets are a requirement they have to to to justify the long days.

Besides....every time u get a ticket, it's basically just making up for the 10+ times you DIDN'T get caught....much rather get caught for "accelerating too fast" or "exibition of speed" or "window tint" or "loud stereo or exhaust" than for "going 95 in a 65" and "going to jail" (and it's not hard to hit 95+ in any hybrid Z esp. when passing on a 2-lane road with a 55-mph speed limit....) anyday. (shoot it's not hard to hit 95+ in a STOCK Z car)

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While its a sucky situation and doesn't sound legitimate, lets keep the law enforcement bashing to a minimum. They do a lot of things that'll never make the news to help keep you safe....






some do help. But there are some (hb cops anywho) that look at modified cars as something to come after for no good reason. Your young and you drive a red car is a good enough reason i guess. i think that the cop with PrOxLaMuS© just had nothing else to do. In his case it was kind of like "well you were'nt speeding but im going to pull you over anyway".


How do they judge how fast is to fast to the speed limit?? If the tires werent leaving marks whats the big deal?

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Welp that's the reason they call it "arrest me red"....people who like red are generally the type of personality that like attention...gotta take the good with the bad in that case.....red cars are cop bait, always have been always will be.


And on the "modified" thing...usually, unless you're a ricer.., you modify a car to make it FASTER.....if people didn't drive like THIS.....


which is what most people call "driving" in SoCal...and most other places too but it's the WORST there....

Maybe if people would actually take responsibility for thier actions (look at the comments, you can tell who's from cali just from the comments...."it was teh ROAD, it was under CONSTRUCTION, if you knew the situation you would think different" )

Maybe if people would actually drive a car instead of GUIDE a car, and pay attention to the road instead of a cell phone,

and the cops didn't have to respond to accidents like these that will be written down as "speed related" not "dumbass related" like it should be,

and thier training video will show that "speed" not "carelessness" caused this,

maybe cops wouldn't ahve such a prejudice against speed, and cars that look fast.

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some do help. But there are some (hb cops anywho) that look at modified cars as something to come after for no good reason. Your young and you drive a red car is a good enough reason i guess. i think that the cop with PrOxLaMuS© just had nothing else to do. In his case it was kind of like "well you were'nt speeding but im going to pull you over anyway".


How do they judge how fast is to fast to the speed limit?? If the tires werent leaving marks whats the big deal?



MAN Huntington Beach cops ruined my life!

I call them Terminators



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Ooh....another example of a finely trained california driver....yay!

I'm so glad I got away form there with my life......5 years of dodging these people turned my hair grey. Look at the road...completely dry, not even raining! Great skillz there friend.

At least here out east we have to have ICE or SNOW for stuff like that to happen...geez.

(and usually we don't crash we just get stuck.)

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