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Anybody have any _________ dreams they want to share?


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i keep having dreams every now and then where i am trying to punch someone (one time it was a punk who was trying to steal my car) but when i punch its like im trying to punch through water and i get really tired after like 2 weak hits...makes me want to work out more lol.


what is that whole "lucid dreaming" stuff? what kinda drugs do you gotta take for that? lol jk jk!

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That's funny that you say that because I've had a few dreams kinda like that. Usually I'm in a parking lot trying to fight this guy because he's trying to stab me or something like that. I KEEP hitting and hitting and it just doesn't phase him. It's like they hurt him but never enough to knock him down or stop him so I just keep hitting.

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I'm one of those "don't dream" kind of people. When I do it's either really confusing, strange, or completely subdued and nice.


When I was younger I had a nightmare where I kept running and running from a pack of wolves. The neighborhood was similar to the one I lived at the time except a lot more hilly (like San Francisco kind of hills), and it was flooding. I was jumping roof top to roof top (and the wolves were doing the same). Don't remember how that ended.


I've had a couple recently where I wake up (in the dream) and I'm either getting married, married, or have a gf, but I can never see her face, nor do I know who it is. It doesn't seem to bother me at all in the dream but when I wake up I can never "remember" the face. I think it means I'm lonely haha.


I'm wierd I get it...


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I had a dream with a loose tooth... i pulled it out and it looked like this






i made a replica of it ina 3d design class



heres one of the monsters from my dreams




i had the darndest time trying to kill those guys... i dont remember if i ever did.

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Haha, funny thread.


Yeah, I used to have weird dreams when I was kid, especially the ones where I'm at school and notice I have no pants or underwear on. I used to absolutely hate those dreams when I was young. Now that I'm older I wish I still had those dreams; it might be kinda fun now!!


I once dreamed that I fell down an elevator shaft from five floors up. I didn't wake up until after I hit the ground below which was loud as hell since I fell into a mass of rebar. It's BS when they say you'll die if you don't wake up before you hit...


I used to dream all the time when I was a kid and I knew I was inside a dream. Yes I took control. Yes I had to go to confession.



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That one obviously means you're rotten on the inside... j/k although you are obviously slightly twisted to make models of all of this stuff :-)

Some people think that dreaming about losing teeth means you're changing stuff in your life and growing up (kind of like an adolescent loses teeth). On the other hand I have also heard that it's because you're grinding your teeth in your sleep.

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Ah, I remeber now. I don't know how interesting this will be but it is pretty funny.

For some reason I'm walking in the middle of this ghost town. There isn't a person or car in sight. So while I'm walking in the middle of some houses I get this really bad urge to scratch my butt. Like when you're sweaty and you feel like you've got some tp stuck in the hairs. Yeah you know what I'm talking about. Anyway I dig right in and as soon as I do out of nowhere this lady pops out of her window and says, "if you'd take a bath more often you wouldn't have that problem." :P

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I had a dream that I knew I was dreaming. Then I started doing anything I wanted. Flying, changing into different things. It was cool when I woke up I knew exactly what had happend. I remembered that I knew I was just dreaming.
hey! i used to be able to do that but it was usualy after i put a little sugar cube on my tounge. ohh the 80's....
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I had a dream that I woke up and went to turn the light on. The light would not come on and that was because I was not awake. So then I continued to dream that I woke up and went to turn on the light. It still would not come on because I was still not awake. After about 5 iterations of this insanity, I started to doubt that I was awake and when the light did come on, my wife thought that I was totally insane. Which I am anyways.

This type of dream has happened to me two times in my life and I could to without another one.

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Guest Death69

i dont remember my dreams unfortunatley. right when i wake up they are literally forgot. makes me wonder if i do dream sometimes and that kinda freaks me out

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