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Z32 sbc 350 swap pics and more to come!

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Ok here goes. So i bought a 1990 300zx twin turbo about 2 years ago... and got screwed! 2 weeks after i bought it the soft plugs went out of the back of the engine :icon55:. got that fixed, then 2 months later the worst happened, my gf was driving the car and the engine over heated and blew! needless to say i broke up with her, no joke. i was in a down time for awhile saved up some money and ordered a jspec vg30dett from japan with 30k on it. put the engine in myself and had my mechanic fix some of the conectors on the wireing and what not. i moved to kansas city for 6 months and for 2 months the car was a speed demon. i couldnt believe the engines power. recockulas. well after 2 months since is was a used engine, the f'in thing started blowing coolant lines like it was its job. turns out under that giant aluminum crossram intake is about 14 unecessary coolant lines, that most of them could have been steel lines from the factory! dumb! i replaced all of them, and put the frickin thing back on. now im not new to working on cars but damn, that intake sucks to take off and put back on, esp. when your engine is in the car. so after that all was well for about 3 months and then more coolant lines kept bursting this time down by the turbos and guess what you cant reach those without taking out the engine or having baby hands with a 20 year olds strength. so i moved back to nebraska. lame. i opened the hood and took a picture. i decided that day that was the last time i would see that vg lemon in my car. and replaced with what? ...a small block chevy 350. the v8 has great potential and they are a dime a dozen. i have spent 30 bucks on 350 thus far and have 3 4 bolt main blocks waiting to be built up. here was the challenge...

i wanted to do something no one had done b4. i want to us my stock automatic Z tranny and mate it to the v8. crazy right? well this is a difficult process, but will alot ot time and measurements and fabrication it can be done. i used to be on a pit crew for a buddy of mine that races stock car on a dirt track. the 350 was nothing new to me. so i got to work...

I'll upload my pics tomarrow.

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The f'ed vg30dett



The donor v8



Side by Side



Now since i am going to use the stock Z tranny you have to make an adapter plate to bolt the tranny to the v8. you also have to mate the flywheels together. i will need the sbc crank bolt holes to bolt to the v8 and the 300zx ring gear. And this is the worst part, they have to be perfectly centered on one another. but nothing a machine shop cant do. here are a few more pics...


beginning of the adapter plate



drilled and bolted to the v8



the chevy tranny pins, the holes in the plate here have to be EXACT! this is whats going to ensure there is no shift in the plate.



more progress and the chevy flywheel on it



The flywheels mated buddy of mine works at a machine shop and tig welded it to be sure they wouldn't break. it was also balanced.



Changing it all to serpantine



a spacer for the flywheel so it will line up perfectly with the starter



Adapters for the nissan censors



Adapter Plate complete



Bolt up test



More to come...

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schwiplarkin vbmenu_register("postmenu_803867", true); - I have 2 of them, i may part them out,l may build one up and buy another tt shell to put it in. I love the engine, but as old as they are getting anything rubber or plastic on them needs replaced. so i havent really decided yet.


80LT1 vbmenu_register("postmenu_803871", true); - I kept the tranny in an attemp to kinda hotwire the cpu and keep the hicas system, there are censors in the tranny that trigger the hicas system. atleast thats what i was told. lol. if it doesnt work oh well... may just have to replace it with a chevy one in the end we'll see its a learning experience.


Trevor vbmenu_register("postmenu_803895", true); - Correct Treveor. have to cut 3 inches off the driveshaft, however the speedo drive is a censor and since i kept my cpu and im hot wiring it to make it think its still running an engine thats no longer their im hoping it will work as normal but like i said to 80LT1 its a learning experience. the shifter linkage was shortened 3 inches as well, the coolant lines i lengthen and fed into the oil cool, the one used to cool the hot oil from those now non-exsistant turbos :(. it saved space end of story. oh the cross member... i put the v8 in about 3 weeks ago after having about a half inch shaved from it.. the v8 still sat too high :icon55:... i want to heater and the ac to be functional, after all im not building a drag car or track car, just a fun weekend car that no one else within 300 miles has. so i looked at the bare engine bay for awhile... then looked underneath... i made spacers which i forgot to take pics of... but they lowered the crossmember a inch and a quarter. now the engine is low enough.


Thanks for your questions.


well i need to post more pics, cuz tomarrow im actually road testing it. i have everything pretty much done except for exhaust. i'll let everyone know how it goes.

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Another shot of the tranny



lowering the engine in for mock up



mocked up... will the hood fit?



Engine out and puttin new crap on... and painted!



Engine in



Im using all the nissan accesories, cuz im better at fabrication and too lazy to rewire, or figure out how to hook up a chevy ac to the Z. also you need the nissan power steering for the nissan steering gear and the hicas.



A couple Pan shots








massaged the firewall back to fit the hei



More to come!!!

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Well it runs good, but i never actually got to take it out today. i was driving my 93 geo storm (LAME) daily driver, and the clutch went out on it. and i dont have a spare car so i got it towed to the shop too and tomarrow i will be tearing into that so i wont be stranded. OH! by the way i put the hood on the z today and if i get a little shorter air cleaner it will close!


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Nice project. I'm undergoing the same thing for my 240sx here in Omaha. I'm still a ways out from completion because I'm going to be modifying the chassis quite a bit and having the motor gone through by a machine shop. One question: I'm not as familiar with the chevys as I'd like to be, and I noticed that you have some intermediary gears that seem to take the place of your timing chain. Where can I source that setup?

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Oh, and the VG30DETT comment from the last guy: I don't care how great of a motor you think the VG is, swapping headgaskets on a VG can change your project outlook completely, lol. That motor is just a b***h to work on. That's what had me researching other avenues.

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  cobraz240z said:
Hey no offense but the vg30dett is a way better motor your going from fuel injection to carb, to top it off a motor that probally makes less power. You could probally aquire another vg for less than its going to cost you to put a 350... You might want to consider that.............



Sorry but please go back and read the very first post in this thread. Aside from your opinion on the VG30DETT, this gentleman is documenting his non standard SBC Z-32 V-8 conversion here on HybridZ for other reasons than power. As he stated, the SBC will be a much easier engine to work on and maintain, now, and as the engine ages, parts are EVERYWHERE for pretty cheap, etc. etc. etc.

Who is to say he is going to leave the engine in that configuration? He did stay he has been around some stock car racing, my bet is the engine will not remain stock. He may have plans to EFI, and turbo charge the V8 in the future, and the stock SBC compared to a stock VG30DETT, the SBC can EASILY produce 300 crankshaft HP with VERY little effort. 400 HP is also easy to achieve, VG30DETT just crank up the boost to get to the 400 HP level, but the SBC still isn’t using Turbos yet! Add Turbos to the SBC and …. .. well, you get the point.

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  Basic said:
One question: I'm not as familiar with the chevys as I'd like to be, and I noticed that you have some intermediary gears that seem to take the place of your timing chain. Where can I source that setup?

I have the same setup on my BBC Corvette, I got mine from Pete Jackson. I can't speak for Firion_13 though. This swap is pretty cool, more pics!!!!!

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cobraz240z- I hear ya dude and believe me i love the vg! I love the power and the turbos and the sounds it makes its every ounce of engine a man could want, but yes as many have said, it sucks to work on. and believe me i tried to stick with it and keep repairing it, but it just wasn't enough. and i got fed up with changing head gaskets and ripping that intake off to fix split coolant lines, all that junk. And i loved the Z too much to let it go, thats y i did the swap, i just want something easier to work on and something i can drive daily and not have to fix when i get back home.


Basic- That gear set i got off ebay from a company that sells stuff on there they came with a waranty so i couldn't complain, here is the kicker... you can get these kinda of timing gears they are called "direct drive timing gears" you can get them at any o'reallys, napa, or advance auto part stores, you they have to order them.. but you will also have to pay around 250 bucks for a set, so i turned to ebay and got a set on there for 70 bucks and that was with shipping! make sure to read up on the person who you buy them from and look for someone that sells them with a waranty.


Braap- You are correct, i have started to build anothing v8 for it. Im building a 355 ramjet engine, possibly turbo, i dont want too much power cuz again, this car is a summer daily driver, and gas sure isnt gettin any cheaper.


Drop_Team_Z- Here are your pics you wanted...


Piecing more stuff together and doing some wireing



New longer wires to get around my custom manifolds



After the car show this weekend. Runs and drive, but no exhaust yet.



Thats all i have for now, gonna start on the body this winter, oh by the way the hood closes!!! you look at the car and think import, you open the hood and think...how in the hell?

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  Pete84 said:
How has the stock electronics done with the swap? Functionality of electronic stuff would be pretty nice :P

Also, how is the spacing between the radiator and engine? Pics?

Well Pete its like this... my gauges, everything works but the tach... i havent hooked it up yet cuz i need to learn about how to adjust he trip pot on the back so it wont read fast, other than that pretty much everything works, everything thing that went to the tranny is hooked up, obviously the ignition packs to the engine are not hooked up. but my heat and fan censors, and my oil pressure censors all work. i havent had the car out on the road for a full like 60mph test run yet due to my lack of exhuast that will pry be gettin done in the next 2 weeks. so im not entirely sure if the whole hicas system will work..if not keep the tranny was useless other than being able to keep my speedo. but once i get exhaust and test in on the road i will post and let everyone know if the hicas is working or not.

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