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hello, seems Ive had a little mishap with my ipod today, a rather unusual one. I was giving my ipod a custom paint job, lol, btw my ipod is in two pieces due to my curiosity, front face plate and back half with all the components, i recently bought a new clear case to hold it together(i was tired of rubber bands) and i figured id give a cool paint job under the cover, AANYWAY, I was painting the front all fine and dandy, paint it on, bake it in the sun, then for some stupid reason i thought freezing the paint make have some effect on the texture of the paint, well I was right, the front turned out perfect, exactly what i wanted. Now came time to do the back, he comes the "stupid" part of that idea, i painted it, baked it and then went to freeze it and, half hour later when i went to pull it, i didn't think to warm it up gradually i jst pulled right out, and, well a TON of condensation formed, then things started shorting. The screen was acting all weird, everything was red. Like an idiot i started playing with all the buttons, the worst thing you can do, now Ive decided to just let it sit for a couple days. I jst wanted to know if anyone has had these unusual series of occurrences happen to them, and if ou guys had any suggestions as to what to do. Thank you for reading this long post, and sry if it didnt interest you at all in the end haha.


Thank You,


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OMG!!! it works it works, I just got done shooting it with compressed air for the past hour, OH man when i turned it on and everything was ok i almost passed out!! OH MAN I'M SO HAPPY, lol. Thank you guys for the help, man i didn't get much sleep last night knowing it didn't work. I'm sure thats unhealthy to love your ipod that much but idc haha. Thanks Again! :mparty:Btw, heres a few pics of the paint job....202713953_673741561_0.jpeg?limitsize=345,200202709071_673725487_0.jpeg?limitsize=345,200

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The pictures aren't showing up here, just an error message.


That being said, I'm interested to see just what you've done to the ipod.


Also, next time you might be causing condensation, you might unplug the battery pack prior to that step. Since you already have the case open, you can unplug the little pigtail easily and avoid the stress over seeing it do funny things to the display.

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