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The blind are upset by toyota prius


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It's like they're saying the people driving them can't see either. Talk about egocentrism at it's worst. I wonder if they even have a concept of sight?! I mean, the people driving the cars can see the blind folks trying to cross the street...krikey.



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NFB President Marc Maurer said he received an e-mail from an environmentalist who suggested that the members of his group should be the first to drown when sea levels rise from global warming.

Drowning a few environmentalists might not be a bad idea, either.


...save the planet, and let's discard logic while we're at it!


What a maroon!



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"People were making comments like, 'When are they going to start the test?' And it would turn out that the vehicle had already done two or three laps around the parking lot," Stein said.


"Sounds" like the test subjects were blind and DEAF!!!

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Damn... Can't these people and others like them not bitch about every little thing... The nearly blind complaining about Mr Magoo, stuttering people and Porky Pig.... the list goes on forever...


Most of my complaints are about other people.. Just live life and shut the hell up. It seems the more people I meet, the dumber they get...


Just deal with it you bunch of pansies...


Sorry /rant off... for now... :D

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I must agree with the "Loud pipes save lives" concept. I used to get cut off in traffic at least once per day when I rode a sportbike. (Yamaha FZR1000) Since owning a Harley with aftermarket pipes, everyone sees you, drivers wince, and flocks of birds vacate trees as you ride by. Certainly someone must make a fart can for these cars by now... something with about a 6-inch diameter exhaust tip? Cool.

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